

Dec 10, 2002
How do you copywright your work? (Among the other posts, this has got to be the most dull. Sorry.) Do most of you self copywright your work or what? I know the whole copywright process is time consuming and expensive.

I'm new to the whole submitting stories thing, but I want my submitted material to be protected with a copywright.

I'm new to the whole submitting stories thing, but I want my submitted material to be protected with a copywright.

Don't get caught up in the whole "copyright" idea for submitting your stories here - you're making more a deal over it then you need. Once you write the story - it is YOURS - and for the most part is copyright.

If you wish to get truly fanatical about this - and don't want the major expense - print out your story, seal it in an envelope and mail it to yourself - DO NOT OPEN IT EVER. Inside will be your story with the mail date stamped on the outside of the envelope.

Actually, copyrighting stories is quite easy and an automatic process. As of 1976, as soon as something is fixed in a tangible medium of expression, copyright ensues. You don't have to apply for it, or pay for it, or even post notice of copyright. It just happens automatically. Once it's written, it's yours and yours alone.

But I agree that copyright infringement is not that big of a worry with stories posted here. The purpose of these postings isn't generally for monetary gain. The only thing that copyright really prevents is other people using your work and passing it off as their own. Which, unless they are receiving money for the work, is not that big of a deal.

My two cents, courtesy three years of law school. I knew I had to have learned something. :)