Copland (Closed)

After getting the info from the beat cops they got into the car. Things were looking a little more clear. But only a little. Davis said that she wanted food and the truth was he could eat too. He stopped at a pizza joint and went in, ordered a few pizza's and drinks then twenty minutes later they were on their way again. He was silent as she explained what had happened.

"An execution-style murder two years ago. You'd think I would remember that but it ain't ringing a bell." Doyle said as he sped down the freeway to the station. He wasn't surprised at the way she was dismissed though, up to the moment when he fully trusted Davis, given the same situation he would have dismissed her too. The stations though playing at equality were still just boys clubs and though Davis proved that women were every bit the detective men were they still dismissed the women for the most part. Rice was a little different he gaged you on your results, not your gender.

"Well, it's more to go on then what we got now. As for Becca, she was missing the same day that the killer took a photo of us at the market up the street from her condo. He must know I was close to her or assumed it at the least. Becca is a moron though. You can get her into a car just by flirting and offering to party! I warned her that day that things were getting dangerous but she obviously didn't listen!" Doyle said as he thought through why they were being targeted. He picked up his phone and made a call, keeping it on Bluetooth. A deep voice answered.

"Doyle you fag what you need now?"

"Leon! Hey man, you have any run in's with anybody asking about me or Davis?" He asked Kelly's big guard who worked the door.

"Now that you ask ya there was a guy seen snooping around the night you two were here. But took off before we got to him. Lucky for him, we would have beaten his sorry ass." Leon said filling the pair in on what he knew.

"What did he look like?"

"Fuck man, he was white and he was a male. May have had facial hair or it could have been shadows. I didn't think anything of it other then he was looking to get hurt sneaking around our place so late!"

"Thanks, Leon," Doyle said and hung up his phone. "Well if it is the same guy, he's willing to put his life on the line to get dirt on us. That hood isn't safe for the people who live there. If I wasn't protecting Kelly we wouldn't have made it to far either." Doyle said as they pulled up to the station and went into the underground parking. They walked up to the elevator and went to their floor it was getting late and none or their co-workers were there still, only Officer White was there, waiting diligently in the hall leading to our area. "Looks like you have a little lap dog, Davis," Doyle said walking past the cop and opening the door to their area.

She sat in the car content to let Doyle pick what food they ate. She really didn't care. What she longed to do was have a rousing fucking by him. But they couldn't. There were murders to solve first. And especially since their every move was being closely watched by the murderer.

Still, he listened to her talk. Him not having heard of the execution-style murders did not surprise her. There was a lot of information that she probably had that the powers that be had not deemed important enough to make note of it. She suspected that tomorrow when she called, the lead in that crime would probably not know what she was talking about.

"There is still a chance that Becca has nothing to do with this. If she likes to party, maybe she is partying somewhere."

He made a call and she heard him talking to a Leon who confirmed that someone was looking for them. His description was really nebulous. She didn't feel that they could now get any sort of description that they could trust as truthful, from Mr. Pierce. She wanted to get a description from this woman across the street - Mrs. Pereski.

Once back at the station, while Doyle grabbed the pizzas and the drinks carrier, she opened the trunk and unlocked the lock box where she had stored the evidence that she had collected. Stepping off the floor, Officer White jumped up, the printout of his notes in his hand.

Looks like you have a little lap dog, Davis

She shot him a wry look as he walked past her. She told White, "I've got to turn this evidence in first so you go with Doyle. He's got pizza and coke so get you something to eat and drink and I'll be there in a minute to read your report."

"Yes ma'am." The kid took off after Doyle as she headed for the labs. Dr. Ellen Casswell was there with her team, evidence filling the rooms.

"Shit, Davis! You afraid that we didn't have enough work?" Ellen rolled her eyes at Davis as she held up the bags of evidence.

"Job security, Ellen." Kirsten smiled grimly at the scientist. She spent about 10 minutes explaining what she had from the two scenes before Ellen explained what they had so far.

"Tox on victim number one, believed to be Missy Parker, shows heavy overdose of barbiturates - Meperidine. And high levels of alcohol. She would not have been aware of anything and certainly would not have put up any fight even if she was the last one shot. We also found places where it looks like some of her hair was pulled out by it roots. Not enough to to stop up that toilet, but it could be part of it."

"Any chance of getting DNA off of the hair in the toilet?"

"Probably not. Too much contamination. I make no guarantees. Her throat lining looks raw. She could have been a contributor to the vomit. I'll know more in the morning."

"Thanks Ellen. I appreciate it."

Davis headed back downstairs to where Doyle and White were eating pizza in a conference room. White and Doyle appeared to be talking sports, or something. She really was not paying attention until she had eaten a piece of pizza. Sitting back for a minute, her mind was a jumble.

"Okay, White. Let me read your report."

Conversation ceased while she read what the officer had written, periodically asking questions.

"You say that this woman is old. How old is old?"

"65? 70?"

"If you don't know, don't guess. Find out. Was she wearing glasses?"

He thought a moment. "Yes ma'am."

"Okay, after you get your fill of pizza, I want you to go home and get some sleep. In the morning, take a police sketch artist back with you to Mrs. Pereski and see if you can get a sketch of the tenant. See if she will give you descriptions of any of the people that she saw going in that house. Find out if she needs glasses for far vision. Listen, you are going to be my link to this woman. Be her friend. Help her with any problems that she has. Help keep an eye on her. She could be in danger. I'm trusting you White."

"Yes ma'am!"

The officer ate one more slice before he left. Once it was just her and Doyle, she gave him the scoop on what Ellen had told her while eating pizza.

"We don't dare go over to this Mrs. Pereski. If we are being watched..."
Doyle found officer White to be a rather engaging young cop, he knew his sports and he seemed to actually care about doing his job well.

Davis gave him a few pointers and then after a little longer sent him on his way. We needed information from the elderly woman and Davis pointed out that us going and seeing her would put a possible target on her head. I agreed of course but all this would matter not when Rice came in the next morning. He knew Doyle had an awful temper and would act out of anger with his sister in law being a victim. Only Davis knew to what extent the relationship, or just how far off the rails Doyle may go but she too seemed to know that the Captain would pull her partner.

Their floor was now a ghost town, White had left and now it was just the two of them. Doyle had a rollercoaster of a day and wanted nothing more than to go to his favorite bar tie way too many on and stumble home to a warm bed. He also wanted that bed to contain Davis but he didn't think she would be down for a good fuck right then. The stink of their little dust-up would probably still be on her mind. He loved angry makeup sex, he wasn't sure if she was the same.

"I'll drop you at home," Doyle said putting the last piece of pep in his mouth and pulling on his coat. He would have warned her to be careful with this killer on the loose, but he also would pity anyone breaking into her place with the shot she was. They would be dead before they got their second foot in the door.

As they drove they didn't say anything. Both knew the score, they were playing catch up and come the morning she would either have a new partner or she would be going it alone. He would be sent on assignment far from this one, of that he was sure.

As he dropped her off he told her he would be back in the morning and for her to be careful. Then it was off to the bar. Doyle called Link up and as he thought they had already started screwing. He knew by the tone of his voice, there was a fair bit of guilt on it. "All good there?" Doyle asked, nursing his scotch and water.

"Uh... Ya man sure all is great... You know Rae is Rae and well... She's uh safe and all, so no worries there!" He started to mumble.

"Relax man I don't care if you are fucking her! I just need a fucking report!" Doyle said rolling his eyes.

"Ya about that. Look."

"I said don't worry now what's the status up there? Were you followed?" Doyle said getting a little pissed with his longtime friend.

"Nope, all clear, I've done a few sweeps of the area, lots of wildlife, no people!" Link said and then Doyle said he would call in a day and hung up.

In the morning after he jerked off in the shower three times, Doyle stopped to get coffee and was at Davis's condo. They drove and he filled her in on Rae and Link when they got to the office just as both knew Rice pulled Doyle off. He called them into his office.

"Doyle no need to tell you as I am sure you already know. With Becca being a family member of yours you are off the case. Davis, you will work with Vick on this, Doyle you and Kurt will be teaming up. There is a major pusher in Lexington that will require your full attention. Davis seeing you were senior, to begin with, you will remain it with Vick also. Anything to add?" Rice asked them. Doyle just swore at the captain who pretended he never heard it. Doyle stormed out and called to Kurt.

"Fucko lets move." He was super pissed off and needed to distance himself from the Captain.

Doyle was like her - not too surprised that Missy Parker had been drugged. Once that they got confirmation as to who the three bodies were, she would have to contact the local PD in Louisville to contact the girl's family. If her fingerprints did not come up on record, they may need a friend or family member to come ID the body. That would be a crappy job to have to put a loved one through.

The area was silent save for the occasional clicking of the teletype and though a large portion of the night crew were out handling other crimes, she knew that this was a big case and could make or break her as far as the department was concerned. She was tired and really could only spare a couple of hours of sleep before they returned in - she glanced at her watch - 4 hours. Almost not worth heading home. Nevertheless, Doyle drove her home. Her bed would be cold tonight and all she could think at the moment was that she wished she was sharing her bed with him. He might not want to after having been chewed out by her. Some men considered it a slam against their masculinity. Perhaps he now consider her bossy and all mouth. So? Was that a bad thing?

Their talk was quick and to the point at her apartment and then he was gone. She let herself in and did a quick run through of the apartment. Everything was copacetic. Setting the clock, she crashed into bed. It felt as if she had just gone to sleep when she awoke to the alarm clock. A quick shower and dress and she was out the door and down to where Doyle was just starting to get out of the car to come get her.

They were quiet on the way in. It was too early to be up and hitting the ground this early. He did mention the scoop about Rae, that she was okay. And when Rice came in, he called them both in to give the news that they were dreading. For this case, she now worked with Vick, even though Becca's body had not been found.

They both left the captain's office unhappy and Vick came over to her, obviously already informed as to the new lineup.

"Sorry Vick, but you are going to have to hit the ground running. According to Doyle, Vice is your background. Does Carla Beeson or Andy Wingham sound familiar?"

"Beeson? Beeson?" Vick was thinking hard. "Yeah, she had several aliases as I recall. Easy to get along with. Really up for a fuck with..." Vick suddenly was aware that he was talking to a woman and momentarily colored as he stopped talking.

She shook her head. She didn't have time for niceties. "She was an easy fuck? You ever have her?" It was just the two of them at they moment and Vick nodded.

"Let's go. We need to stop in forensics before we head out to the site. I've got officers that have spent all night out there and I need to get them food and send them home." She walked and expected Vick to keep up with her. He wasn't as sharp witted as Doyle, but he was nicer to subordinates.

They walked into the morgue and Ellen looked up at her, tired. Noting Vick instead of Doyle by her side, the doctor raised an eyebrow. "Where's Doyle? Did you kill him?" A slight smile graced her lips but she kept quiet. Vick had taken care of her problem and right now, he was her partner. But she sure missed Doyle.

Ellen moved ahead with a shrug. She was tired. "Been waiting for you. Soon as I give you what we have so far, I'm going home to crash for a couple of hours. First off, all three were pumped full of Meperidine. Dangerous levels. All three were full of alcohol - cheap whiskey and cheap wine. All three had raw esophageal airways. All three appear to have probably contributed to the massive amount of vomit throughout the house."

Ellen took a breath before stopping at body one. "Okay. Body #1. Believed to be Missy Parker. No fingerprints on file for Missy. See if her family can bring us something with her DNA - hairbrush, toothbrush, something. Even with fingerprints would help. Evidence of vaginal and anal rape, and possible oral rape. You can see the irritation around the corners of her mouth. Semen found in her stomach along with the alcohol and drug mixture had been degraded so no DNA. No semen in the anal and vaginal areas so, condoms were used. Death was instantaneous due to .45 bullet. She was shot about here." Ellen pointed to the left side of the base of Missy's head. "Shot from behind. Curious thing, all three were missing tufts of hair, pulled out before death. Look to have probably been added to that massive hair block we got from the toilet."

She handed a file of what she had just told Davis. "This is what I just told you. The other two victims are being worked on by Richard. He is second Doctor here and can answer any questions. I have got to get some sleep."

She thanked Ellen and turned to Vick. "Come on, Vick. We need to stop at McDonalds and pick up coffee and breakfast to take out to those guys at that house. And, by the way, just in case Doyle didn't tell you, you do all the driving."

She so missed Doyle!
Doyle regretted not saying anything before leaving. He had let his temper get the better of him again and the last few hours he could have had with Davis were marred with petty anger and childishness on his part.

He and Kurt drove the two hours out of Louisville to a small community called Beech Hollow. It was a poor area of mostly white people, they didn't trust cops. They were supposed to stay at a local hotel but Doyle outright refused. "I'll fucking drive each way." He had told Rice on the phone.

"Ok we are looking for a Mr. Gant. What an odd name. Sounds like a Bond villain." Kurt said with a laugh. "So what did you do to piss off Davis? She didn't say a word to you walking out of the office. Granted you didn't look like you were in the mood to talk. Fuck man you've been moody lately now that I come to think about it!" Kurt said knowing Doyle's mind was elsewhere.

"Do me and you a favor and shut the fuck up for the first two days at least!" Doyle said not smiling. Kurt had known Doyle for ten years and was almost as close to him as Vick was. He knew when it came to them he was all bark, no bite. Though if he were pushed, his bite was far worse then any man Kurt knew.

"Mr Gant? I'm Detective Ashton, this is Detective Doyle."

"I know who the fuck you are I called you guys. Look normally I wouldn't include you, this area is practically self-sustained that includes matters of justice even with a sheriff. But this new increase in drugs and the sheer potency of them is harming the youth around here, and we are in need of help!" Mr. Gant said to the pair. He was a strong man. Doyle figured he was a lumberjack or at the very least he worked the land in his youth. He was graying but gracefully and had an untrusting look about him.

"You knew we..." Kurt motioned to Doyle and himself. "Were coming to see you?"

"Not your two specifically but two detectives. Come I'll show you your rooms."

"No need, we are driving in and out each day," Doyle said talking to the man. "Just answer our questions and show us where we can set up an office."

"Of course. Right, this way. Look I got permission from the senior members of the community to call you in, but they won't be friendly or co-operative with you two." Gant said and lead them to a small box mall and lead them into the sheriff's office. "Sheriff Owens will be in around noon. He's a good man with a bad temper so take that as you will." Gant said and pointed to a couple of unused desks.

"Sounds like you Doyle," Kurt said.

"No deputies here?" Doyle asked. God did he now miss Davis. She would be perfect here. Kurt's temper was as bad as his. This was a bad mix, a temperamental person needed a counterbalance. Vick was Kurts Davis was his. That and Kurt was always hitting him with the wisecracks. In small doses it was fine but weeks, maybe months of this. He would kill him. He also wanted to be working the other case. It had all the earmarks of a case of legend. This drug case would be important but would never get the attention the other will for years to come.

They asked all the pertinent questions and Gant answered them to the best of his knowledge, Then they were shown to the homes of the three dead teens who all OD'd on the drugs. They were quick and sympathetic with the loved ones, they searched the rooms and found little. All three, two male and one female were known troublemakers and had run-ins with Owens many times. They were also known users for many years. In fact most of the youth used in this county. It was isolated and there wasn't much for the young people to do, some went to school after high school some got jobs but most were a strain on the family and the system.

They got back to their office at one and were greeted by a man straight out of a biker novel, he had the usual sheriffs garb on he looked like he weighed close to three hundred pounds and had a thick handlebar mustache. His teeth a steady yellow and a cheek full of tobacco. Doyle sized him up. Gant was right about him that was for sure. Now would he play nice with them or would Doyle have to teach this man a lesson in manners? "You two must be the city boys! Names Hank Owens. Sheriff, Bartender at the Sawmill, Bouncer too, also the local trapper and hunting guide." He stood up and shook their hands. Looks like he will play nice or he's just sizing them up. Doyle thought.

"Pleased to meet you. You always come in at noon?" Doyle asked.

"Yup so get used to it. Most people don't even call me when there's an issue, we all how do you say. Take care of business on our own out here. Hell doesn't even need any deputies." Owens said and sat back down. "In fact, other than dealing with the youth I never get called, Period."

"Well during our investigation into the drug problem we will need you at the very least available at a moment's notice," Kurt added. Owens nodded and spit a large stream of stinky, brown liquid into a cup.

Doyle sat and texted Davis. "How's it going? Wish we talked before I stormed out. Sorry for that! Please keep me in the loop with the case, I promise not to interfere with it I just want to be in the loop. Thanks talk to you later, maybe a late night drink or... Something else." he hit send and regretted it. It read like a horny teens diary. What the fuck was wrong with him he thought. Not able to take it back he put his phone away. He looked at the fat man who was looking at a Hustler magazine. Kurt and Doyle looked at each other. This wasn't going to be easy.

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She and Vick arrived with a full bag of fresh made ham and egg biscuits, piping hot. Vick told her that he knew of a place that made better breakfast sandwiches, and he was right. The biscuits were huge and fluffy, with a pat of butter before loaded up with thick slabs of peppered ham and a fried egg. She had bought a dozen, and had a couple of thermos filled with hot coffee.

The officers were glad to see her arrive with the food and coffee, and while they ate, they gave her the lowdown on what had occurred overnight around the house. Pierce had shown up this morning, surprised that he couldn't get inside the house. She'd need to talk to him.

"Several cars slowed down - rubber neckers, gawkers. Whatever you want to call them. People just curious. And in the middle of the watch, there was a man walking his dog. He went around the barricaded sidewalk and traveled on. Lives around the corner. Owns a Jack Russell. Dog barks a blue streak. I talked to the man. Joe Bean. Dogs name is Joey."

She looked at the officer. He was smiling. "I ought to know. He told that dog to shut up enough times."

She and Vick took notes and once she got the name of all the officers, she sent them home to get some sleep. She and Vick made sure that all the seals were up on the house before they headed over to Pierce's house.

"Pierce is supercilious." Vick raised an eye in question. "Snooty. He is gonna try to press your buttons, make you mad. Just go along with it. Butter him up and make him feel superior. As long as I keep him talking, he will give away info thinking that he's talking above our heads."

Vick grinned. "I bet that went over well with Doyle. Like a cactus patch in a nudist colony."

"Yeah. I hope that Doyle and Kurt don't kill each other."

Vick gave a whistle as he pulled up outside the Pierce home. "Nicer than what he's renting."

"Of course."

Once again, Pierce himself answered her ring. "Detective. We meet again. And just where is your well mannered partner?"

"Oh, he was needed to solve another crime. This is Detective Vick."

The two shook hands and she made her way in. "Mr. Pierce, I understand that you arrived at the crime scene this morning."

"Once again, so predictable. You really must work on that."

"So sorry to disappoint you. But that house is a crime scene and will be unavailable for quite some time. Please stay away from it. We will let you know when you can get back in. Has your daughter returned yet?"

He looked surprised. "You are still looking for her?"

"You haven't heard from her, have you?"

"What? No. No, I haven't."

"You still want her back, correct?"

"Are you trying to be funny? She's my daughter!"

"Well, then, we are still looking for her."

"The local constabulary never ceases to amaze me. How you ever solve anything is a puzzlement."

"So glad to be able to provide something for you. In the meantime, Mr. Browning didn't leave a forwarding address, did he?"

"No." Mr. Pierce looked down his pompous nose at her. About that time, her phone rang and she saw it was Dr. Casswell. "Please excuse me Mr. Pierce, I need to take this."

As she stepped away, Vick stepped in asking innocuous questions.

"Just how many homes do you rent out?"


"Oh, I wasn't being nosy. I just wondered." Vick grinned and soon Mr. Pierce was explaining just what being a landlord entailed. After several minutes, Davis stepped back into the room.

"Mr. Pierce, I have some news for you. We have found your daughter for you. I am sorry to inform you that your daughter is dead. She has been identified as one of the bodies found in your rental house."

"And it took you this long to identify her?"

"We had to use fingerprints. Half of her head was missing so that made things a bit difficult."

By the time that she and Vick left, Mr. Pierce had finally managed to dredge up a facsimile of a tear. They got in the car to head back to the precinct and as they headed out, her phone buzzed. It was from Doyle.

How's it going? Wish we talked before I stormed out. Sorry for that! Please keep me in the loop with the case, I promise not to interfere with it I just want to be in the loop. Thanks talk to you later, maybe a late night drink or... Something else.

She texted back.

Big happenings. Drop by my place later. Check on time.
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Doyle and Kurt feeling the sheriff would be about as helpful as a limp dick in a whore house. ventured out to the where they were told the youth of the area hung out. When they got to what Doyle could only describe as a nightclub for younger people. It had about twenty kids from mid-teens to twenty possibly twenty-one. They all looked stoned and barely noticed the two men. "I've seen this before. Pimps do this to their whores. Vick and I broke up a few rings like that. But here? There's no advantage if you want them to comply sure but comply with what. These kids are useless in this state. This is clearly not a whore house, and these are not whores." Kurt said walking up to a young man and looking into his face.

"I don't know man, whatever it is it's potent. When they walked out the pair were set upon by two angry males. The men were clean-shaven and wearing clean untattered clothes.

"That's them. Alright, you two, you're out of here. Fuck off you aren't welcome here." Thr larger man said.

"Back up, we were called here on official police business," Kurt said. Doyle knew there was going to be a fight. And he was just pissed off to let it happen.

"Not anymore, get!" The man said as if shooing them away.

"Get? I'm not a fucking dog asshole! Now, why don't you two fuck off before I bust you for obstruction of just kick your fucking ass's across the park." Kurt said. This was where they needed those calmer heads to prevail.

The first punch flew and before anyone knew it Doyle and Kurt were standing over two unconscious men. There was a lot of yelling at the sheriff's station and to Doyle's surprise Owens defended them but didn't arrest the two men. As he put it, this was like an olive branch to the men of power there. The rest of the day was a wash and soon they were out of there Doyle drove fast and dropped off Kurt at his place. "Same time tomorrow." And with that he was off, he texted Davis letting her know he was free now. "Home now, let me know when I can come over and what I can bring? D." And he hit send. He called Link and after hearing that everything at the cabin was fine he went and showered and changed. Unless Davis and Vick were going to work late, which was a very real possibility with that case she would be getting home in about an hour seeing the pair had left Beech Hollow pretty early. He was already in a sour mood, the last two days had been pure shit and it wasn't looking like it was going to improve anytime soon. Doyle deciding that he was going to make the most of the situation sat and took notes on all that was happening at Beech Hollow. It didn't look like more than a really bad batch of drugs and a bunch of kids with nothing better to do. Doyle had seen it all before in his years working narcotics. But what he found odd was the fact that the county seemed fine with it. It took three deaths for the small community to act. He finished his notes and then set his sights on the case that really mattered to him. Though he hated kids dying the fact that the case Davis was now working with Vick was the one that mattered most to him.

Doyle then thought of Davis. And more so how he left things with her. He cursed his name for allowing his temper to affect him like that. She had been perfect for him. Smart, sexy and grounded. Everything he wasn't! he gave his head a shake. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself asshole!" He said out loud. "You've been in combat and you've been shot at, in love and killed more people than you'll ever admit. This shit storm will pass." He talked and paced. Then he called up Becca's boyfriend Danny. Danny was all in all a good enough guy, a tough guy from a rough hood, he had a job at the same bar Becca worked at, he sold coke on the side but little more than that. Three arrests but nothing stuck so he served no time.

"What!" Was all Doyle heard when he answered?

"Danny, Jake here. Look we need to meet I have questions about Becca."

"Becca's not here. Rae called a day or two ago, she didn't show up for work either!"

"I know that ass. I still want to talk to you." Doyle snapped. Danny was a tough guy but Doyle was a professionally trained killer and Danny knew this.

"Fine, my shift starts in three hours meet me at the bar in two hours." and then he hung up.

Doyle texted Davis. "Meet me at the Diamond Mine, 65 Hillcrow. Two hours. If possible thanks. D"

On the drive back to the precinct, she called Officer White. He was getting ready to head over to Mrs. Pereski with an ID kit. She asked him not to go there in a black and white.

"If you can, can you go under cover? Sit if you can where you can see the house. Make note of anyone you are going in or out of the crime scene. Don't stop them. Photograph them if you can." White told her he would and she hung up and turned to her temporary partner.

Kirsten brought Vick up to speed as to the disappearance of Becca and the note from who they thought of as the Killer. She told him almost everything, though she made no mention of the affair between her and Doyle. It would not surprise her if he already knew about it.

Gradually, their conversation returned back to Pierce. As Vick drove, he asked, "do you think that Pierce is the killer?"

"No, personally, I don't. I think that he knows who the killer is. I think that he used that knowledge to his advantage to rid him of his daughter. Not sure why. What would you do if you discovered that you were renting to a killer?"

"You mean me personally?"

"You see anyone else in this car?" She ask sarcastically.

"Well, the average person would call the police, I'd hope. I would arrest him. So what kind of person welcomes a murderer? Pierce was, what was it you called him, snooty. But he didn't seem..."

"As if he had a mental condition, like Antisocial Personality Disorder?" She murmured and sat there thinking.

"Huh? The way you jump around, does it drive Doyle crazy?"

"He never has complained."

Once back in the precinct, she found the autopsy reports on her desk. All three were drugged. Apparently, all three had been raped. They all had stomachs full of alcohol and systems pumped full of Meperidine. More than likely, none of them were aware of what was happening to them.

The reports were not pretty and as she sat reading them, her phone buzzed. A quick glance told her it was a message from Doyle. She pulled it up and read, Meet me at the Diamond Mine, 65 Hillcrow. Two hours. If possible thanks. D

"Well, Vick, looks like we gotta date. Doyle may have some info that we need."

We'll be there. Her finger touched the screen and sent the message to him.

That let him know that they would both be coming. And she was hoping that Doyle would give her a ride home.
"Huh? The way you jump around, does it drive Doyle crazy?"

"He never has complained."

"Well I know it drove him nuts when Phil wouldn't stay on track, then again old Jake was a different man back then, a lot more temperamental. Guess we have you to thank for the new and improved Jake, haha. Though now that he's with Kurt it's only a matter of time before a beat down happens, they are good friends but Kurt gets under his skin, always making comments about everything and everyone. Jake will snap you'll see. Ok Diamond mine ahead to the left. What a shit hole." Vick said as they made their way to the bar arriving a little early. Doyle's grey car was parked alongside two others and three big Harley's

Doyle had ditched Kurt and was hoping not to see Vick, that was all dashed when he saw the last text, he understood of course and knew he would be the one leaving with Davis anyway.

He walked into the dingy bar. Doyle had only been there twice both times to pick up Becca for a late night fuck. He flashed his id to the coked out girl working the front, it was very early and there were maybe four people in there that early. He took a seat and saw Danny walk in. He was tall and very imposing, ruggedly handsome one might say the bartender came up and asked what he wanted, there were so few customers the waitresses hadn't even hit the floor yet. Hell, the music wasn't even on. "Scotch on the rocks. And it better not be bottom shelf shit I know you sling to most people." Doyle warned. Danny came up to him and had a seat across from him. It was no secret that these men didn't like each other, there was really nothing more Doyle would rather do than punch him but that was not why he was there and as far as he knew Danny had done nothing wrong with this case.

"You called me here early so what is it?" Doyle had to laugh at this one, he knew Danny came early to sell to the workers before their shift also in the hopes of getting any if he could wrangle that too, and from what he had heard Danny had no trouble in that area.

"Well sorry about that but we will wait for two more people, I'm not officially on the case the two that are will be here any second," Doyle said and sipped at his scotch, he grumbled under his breath about the cheap swill they served.

When he saw Davis his mind almost exploded with thoughts of her naked in his arms. It had been one day yet it had been a lifetime, he looked her over and felt calmer and more a peace. Vick followed her in and gave Doyle a nod. Vick had been there many times to bust the waitresses who were operating an illegal brothel out of the place, backseat betties was what he had coined the girls as they fucked the men in the back seat of an old car out back.

"Hey man!" Vick said and had a seat. Doyle said hi and then looked at Davis he just wanted to walk out of there with her and make love to her all night long. But he just smiled and said hi.

The barman came up and Vick waved him off. "Not a chance Gary, the shit here will give you HIV a kid you not." Vick said and then looked at Doyle, "Man I thought you knew not to drink the swill here. I thought you had class?" Vick laughed, Gary the barman snorted and walked off.

"Can you three jerk each other off later and ask your fucking questions already," Danny said to them, then like so many of the people they ran into he looked Davis over and gave her the same smile all the men who thought they had a chance did. "Fuck, never been busted by anyone with such a fine bust!" Danny said thinking he was being cleaver. Doyle just shook his head knowing Davis would set him right, after she got what she needed from him.

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They entered the bar. It was your standard sleazy haunt, the smell of stale beer and cheap cigarettes filled the air and accented the plethora of lit beer signs and the drugged girl that met them at the door. It told her that this was just one more cheap bar set aside for women to pick up a quick fuck for the night, someone to make a quick buy or sell of drugs, or some drunk full of alcohol and machismo to get in a fight. Entrance was easy once they flashed their badges to her. The doped-up girl waived them through, mumbling something about a cop conference. Doyle must already be here.

She glanced through the darkened interior and saw him sitting at a table with a ruggedly attractive man, tough looking with cornrows in his hair. Weaving through the empty tables to across the room, Vick followed close behind her. Her temporary partner seemed at ease and she figured that in this instance, she was the odd man out. Noting that Kirk was not there, she nodded at Doyle before taking a seat. She didn't drink. It was important that she keep her wits about her, though at this moment, she longed to jump Doyle and ride his cock until he came in her.

Taking a deep breath, she cleared those thoughts from her mind. Turning to the thuggish looking man across the table from her, he spoke up looking around the table.

Can you three jerk each other off later and ask your fucking questions already,

He seemed irritated and damn if she hadn't been exactly sure who had called the meeting - this man with info, or Doyle with questions. But the stranger's words told her that this was basically Doyle dance at the moment, and it all must have to do with Becca, hence the reason that they were there.

And then the idiot made his first mistake. His eyes openly ogled her.

Fuck, never been busted by anyone with such a fine bust!

She raised an eyebrow but kept silent for the moment. She would make him regret it before they left. Turning to Doyle, she smiled.

"We're here. Whatcha got?"
"We're here what'cha got?"

Davis's words were like angels singing, especially after listing to Kurt all day, like nails on a chalkboard. He smiled and started.

"Ok well, this stack of muscle and tattoos is Becca's on again, off again boyfriend. I'm hoping he'll have knowledge that might help you two out. Though it's a long shot, I thought it was worth a go!" Doyle said. Danny was still looking Davis over and didn't seem to be listening. "Fuck stick. Pay a-fucking-tension!" Doyle snapped. Danny looked from Davis to Doyle and back again.

"I am paying attention pig! Now ask or I walk out and you three can go fuck each other!" Danny said challenging Doyle. Doyle, in turn, stood up as did Danny. Case or no case Doyle wanted nothing more than to kick the shit out of this guy.

"You two no fucking fighting in here!" Gary the barman screamed from across the room. The men sat back down. Doyle knew a fight would put himself and Davis in a shitty spot with the captain and he didn't want that at all.

"Ok so please tell Detective Davis her partner all that happened the last time you saw Becca, where you were, who you saw and don't leave out any details," Doyle said to the big man.

"Ok, it was like four days ago I guess. We had been partying pretty hard and having a great time. Well, anyway she needed to get air as she put it. She went out and didn't return. I passed out and when I woke most of the party-goers were gone so I packed it in and went home. I called her and there was no answer, I thought she hooked up with another guy and would call me later, then she didn't come to work for a couple days and I knew something was wrong. Then you called me and now we are here!" Danny said. Doyle knew it was a day after he saw her and Rae.

"She often duck out on you?" Vick asked as he took notes.

"Hey man we aren't married she's free to do as she pleases. But don't get me wrong she always comes back to my dick!" Danny said the last part looking right at Davis.

"Stay on point here," Vick said and snapped his fingers in Danny's face. "Where were you when this all happened!"

"Some shit hole in the projects." He gave the same address as the triple homicide. Doyle looked at the other two when he said it.

"Who was there?" Vick asked keeping calm though he was new to the case he knew the significance of what Danny was saying.

"Me, Becca, some college bitch, cute and pretty fun though she wouldn't fuck me guess she was gay. A couple of the B-side boys and maybe a half dozen others I don't know man, all I do know is they wanted, blow and weed I had both I invited Becca to come and party, it's a good way to get high and still get paid. haha. Anyway, that's all I fucking know. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna bounce." And with that Danny got up and left.

Doyle said nothing letting the other two talk, he wasn't going to interfere, when they were done Vick who seemed to know what was what, left and then it was just Doyle and Davis.

"Shall we!" Doyle said motioning the door. He knew Danny would be no further help and without even knowing he was already a big help, Doyle knew Vick and Davis would drag him in and interrogate him proper later, but now he wanted his time with her alone to start. His cock was aching to be touched by her soft hands. God he wanted her.

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Davis began to wonder if she was gonna have to shoot this Danny to get him to stop giving her the eye. And start giving them information. But she had learned over the years that while most men were busy imagining what it would be like to fuck you, their brains didn't multitask well and the usually said things that they would later regret. Most women didn't think with their pussy whereas a large number of men thought with their dick. She used that to her advantage.

She needn't have worried as Doyle was acting as her guard dog. It seemed that he was starting to understand just how she worked, for he quickly to put Danny in his place yet did not go too far. Of course, first, Danny had to do his bit of macho strutting before deciding to play along and give his information.

"Ok, it was like four days ago I guess. We had been partying pretty hard and having a great time. Well, any way she needed to get air as she put it. She went out and didn't return. I passed out and when I woke most of the party-goers were gone so I packed it in and went home. I called her and there was no answer, I thought she hooked up with another guy and would call me later, then she didn't come to work for a couple days and I knew something was wrong. Then you called me and now we are here!"

"She often duck out on you?"

"Hey man we aren't married she's free to do as she pleases. But don't get me wrong she always comes back to my dick!"

"Stay on point here. Where were you when this all happened!"

"Some shit hole in the projects."

No one said anything, though Kirsten just raised an eyebrow at the revelation of just where the biker had partied. She would enjoy watching the man sweat tomorrow when she revealed just how close the biker came to being a statistic. Doyle knew her already well enough to know that she was starting to see the pattern. Danny continued, answering Vick's question about who was at this party.

"Me, Becca, some college bitch, cute and pretty fun though she would fuck me guess she was gay. A couple of the B-side boys and maybe a half dozen others I don't know the man they wanted, blow and weed I had both I invited Becca to come and party, it's a good way to get high and still get paid. haha. Anyway, that's all I fucking know. Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna bounce."

Danny left and Vick watched him walk away.

"I wonder if he knows just how close he came to being dead?" Vick watched the biker cross the bar.

"I wonder if he even misses Becca or realizes that the woman's not coming back. Or I guess I should say 'probably not coming back.'" She mused as Vick finished writing up his notes, shaking his head.

"Anything before I head home, boss?" Vick grinned at her.

"Would you call Officer White and see if anyone broke into our crime scene? I'd appreciate it. Thanks. See you in the morning."

Nothing more was said about who would take her home, or just how she was getting home. She looked around but it was still early and the bar was relatively empty save for the bartender, Danny, and the drugged up girl at the door. Even from clear across the bar it was easy to see that the guy was putting the moves on the girl.

"Does he even miss Becca? Will he even mourn for her?"

She shook her head and needed to leave. She was glad it was with Doyle.

"I need to get out if here." Before she could stand, her phone vibrated and she took a call. She spoke softly - Doyle couldn't hear her words. It was over quick - short and sweet.

She could feel Danny's eyes on her as they left the bar. At least, she assumed that was who was watching. Maybe she was just paranoid. Scanning the parking lot, there were a few cars and she used her phone to snap a few quick photos before they left. She was needing Doyle desperately. Needing a hard fuck from him. And then she would bring him up to speed on just what she knew so far. But first, maybe a hard fuck as he pushed her against the wall. Her legs wrapped around him as they kissed. Or maybe bending her over the back of her overstuffed chair or over the dining room table. Then climb into bed for some pillow talk about business before a leisurely fuck amongst the sheets.

She was starting to squirm in the car seat just thinking about the possibilities as Doyle pointed the car towards her apartment.
"Sorry about that Davis. I thought he could be of use to you two. I see I was wrong. He is kidding himself if he thinks he won't be locked up for 5-10 if Becca isn't alive. She is the only reason I haven't busted him. Weak reason I know..." Doyle said to her as he sped along the road. It had provided him with a chance to be with her and he wasn't going to blow it with shop talk that was for sure.

He put his hand on her thigh, he could feel the heat, his mind was now full of thoughts of her, naked and all his. His cock was hard and fighting to be free, to be in her hand, mouth, pussy or ass. He was now almost driving dangerously as he raced to her place. He mind didn't leave her and he didn't want it to any longer that night.

"I figure we could order in? I don't feel like going anywhere tonight." He said and moved his hand closer to her pussy. God, he needed this and he hoped that she did too. Of course, all she need do is push his hand away and he would know that she wasn't interested.

"What are you talking about, Doyle? Of course he was of use. Depending upon how out of it he may have been, her saw the man. Maybe he can give us a description." She looked over at him. "You must have had a shit day. I have to say that Vick and I halfway expected you to kill Kirk."

His hand rested on her thigh. God, how she needed him to fuck her so hard. She could feel her sex already oozing her need, soaking her panties. The way he was driving, she was afraid that he would have a wreck. But she too felt the need, and a glance over at his crotch showed a definite bulge that was growing by the minute and told her volumes.

I figure we could order in? I don't feel like going anywhere tonight.

"I hadn't even thought of food." She spoke under her breath, just so he would know. His hand was moving closer to his target as they turned the corner and her home came into view.

He parked outside her apartment complex and she smiled as she noticed that he held his jacket in front of him, to hide his rampant cock threatening to burst through his pants. She walked ahead of him as they walked up the stairs. She could feel his eyes glued to her ass as she led the way. Her hand almost shook as she put the key in the lock and opened the door.
Doyle gave a laugh and the comment about him killing Kurt. "Not yet but I know we'll come to blows sooner than later. I still don't know why Rice put us together. I guess he's still mad at me.

Doyle was happy that she thought Danny would be or was of use, but that was all, he didn't want to discuss that loser anymore that night. She had seen his hard-on, he felt her wetness now was no time for shop talk.

All he could think of was getting naked and fucking all night long. Oh, what he wanted to do to that body. He put all other thoughts out of his head and just thought of her and the pleasure they were about to start bringing to one another.

Doyle followed her inside and when the door shut behind him he wrapped his hands around her and cupped her firm breasts and pushed his hard-on into her ass. Leaning down he kissed the nape of her neck. Saying no words he spent the next ten minutes massaging her tits and tweaking her nipples and kissing her neck. Slowly he worked his mouth up Davis's neck to her jawline, cheek and then as her head turned he kissed her, Davis was all he wanted in this world. Doyle kissed her hard on the mouth, squeezing her breasts harder and pushing on her backside even harder.

"Let's have a shower, I need the stink of this day off me and I want to clean you from head to toe and have the same done to me," Doyle said talking for the first time since they walked into the apartment.

The door no sooner closed behind them than his arm sensuously wrapped around her, pulling her body back against him. Despite the clothes that they wore, she could feel every inch of his skin, his hands cupping her breast, his growing cock finding the crack of her ass and pressing into it.

She almost felt breathless as his lips kissed her neck. A lover's kiss. Just what she needed after the day that she had had. Mouth, lips and tongue made a trail from the base of her nape to veer along her jaw with a destination in mind. Hands and fingers continued their kneading motions until finally she turned her head and his lips covered hers, kissing deeply. It was the kiss of a man thirsty for what she had as she was crushed tight to him. His need for her evident in every part of his body, and she felt her body answer his call. When at last he spoke, he sounded tired yet still in need of what the night had to offer.

Let's have a shower, I need the stink of this day off me and I want to clean you from head to toe and have the same done to me

She just nodded her agreement and they headed for the bathroom. It did not take long before they stood in the shower, hot water beating down on them. With a wash cloth. She generously soaped it and began with his shoulders scrubbing the skin and kneading the muscles underneath. Down she washed his back, finding the occasional scar before she continued down.

When she reached his ass, she draped the cloth over the faucet and soaped her hands. Sensually, her fingers slid down into that crevasse separating the two buttocks, her fingers slipping and sliding in the dark until she felt his puckered opening. She massaged it with soapy fingers until pressing lightly, she heard his light gasp as just the tip of her finger entered. For the first time since entering the apartment, she spoke.

"Oh, you naughty man!" She fairly cooed softly as her finger lightly pressed against his anus. For some minutes she massaged and cleaned before picking the cloth back up and kneeling down behind him to wash his legs. Then standing, she quickly turned him around and began to wash his front side.

She could not resist stealing a kiss before she began soaping his chest. As she scrubbed him, working her way down and noticed that as she cleaned down, his member seemed to increase in size and rigidity and she gave him a wink and a smile.

Lathering up her hands, she took hold of the thing pointed at her, stroking it to pull back the foreskin. With sure fingers, she cleaned all the nooks and crannies of his cock with a firm but careful hand. Even its underside received diligent attention. Once she had it clean, she slipped her fingers back to his sac, feeling its heaviness from need of release. She looked forward to the fucking that awaited her once they were clean.

Her final bit was the front of his legs before she stood back up and smiled at him.

"All clean?" She reached over and poured a dollop of shampoo onto his palm and the same into hers. After they had both cleaned their own hair, she grabbed her wash cloth and handed it to him.
As they let the steamy water cascade over their tired bodies Doyle zoned out a little as Davis washed him from chin to toe.

She playfully brushed over his asshole and knew instantly that this was something he was very into, that he was a man with many kinks. She toyed and played all the while soaping him up, his cock was now an iron rod.

"Oh, you naughty man!" She was going to find out just how naughty he thought as she played. She moved on cleaning the rest of him front and back, spending a good amount of time on his cock.

"All clean?" She said with a smile. And he did feel very clean and refreshed. She handed the cloth to him and Doyle now took his time on her toned body. Making it as soapy as possible he began at her jawline, gently he moved to her shoulders and collarbone, he made her lift her arms high so he could wash her armpits and down her ribcage. She was standing with her back to him. Before soaping up her back he would kiss her, letting the tip of his tongue tease her naked skin. Then he would run the cloth over the area. He took his time knowing that soon he would have her in her bed and he would be making her dirty all over again.

He washed her ass cheeks and then moved it between her legs gently and carefully cleaning her sex and her ass, he slipped a finger up inside her and slowly moved it in and out. "Fuck baby you are so wet," Doyle whispered to her as his fingers worked. He needed to move on from the shower but wasn't going to deny her all the care she had shown him so he moved on and cleaned her firm thighs and then calves, then her feet. "Well let's get to work on those lovely tits of yours shall we." When she turned he just dropped the cloth and took them into his hands and pushing them so the nipples were pressed close together he licked and sucked each one flicking his tongue quickly over each one. Doyle moved up and kissed Davis hard on the mouth, letting the water wash over their bodies. "There that's better don't you think?" Doyle said between kisses.

She thoroughly enjoyed putting her body in Doyle's hands as he began to wash her. It was almost hypnotic with the scrubbing and rubbing and kissing. Very sensual. She was tired and yet somehow, the water and the scrubbing and the kissing seemed to awaken her body. She could feel between her legs aching for him, even needing him.

His hands reached her ass, taking handfuls of the plumpish skin back there before reaching between those cheeks to clean her anus and then her slit. Somewhere along the way he lost the cloth and it was a meaty finger that explored deeper, giving her a preliminary fuck. His voice was raspy in her ear.

Fuck baby you are so wet

All she could do was moan in agreement. He finally stopped, leaving them both wanting more but he was focused on cleaning the rest of her body. Thighs and calves and feet were washed before he said, Well let's get to work on those lovely tits of yours shall we.

She turned to comply and, as if worshipping them, he dropped the cloth and cupped them in his hands to bring them close to each other. Nipples were eagerly licked and sucked and kissed and she ran her fingers through his hair as the water beat down on the pair of lovers. Rae may have his name, but in all actuality he belonged to her, and she to him. They understood each other.

And then he had her back pressed against the shower tile as he kissed her, hard and needing. They needed each other. The shower water had lost some of its heat and if she didn't turn off the water soon, it would be cold.

Each kiss that he gave her was punctuated with a word.

There that's better don't you think?

"Much better," she agreed. She turned off the water and they took turns drying each other off, peppering the act with numerous kisses. Finally she could wait no longer and dropped the towel on the floor to take his hand and lead him to the bedroom. Stopping by the bed, she turned and with her back to the bed, kissed him hard.

"I hope that you have stamina."

She kissed him hard again, plunging her tongue into his mouth as she pressed her body against his.
"I hope that you have stamina."

Doyle smiled a wicked smile. He hadn't touched himself since the last time they were together. He had the stamina and a pent-up desire for her. After they kissed he pushed her back and let her fall onto her bed. He looked at her nakedness, taking it all in. He slowly stroked his hard cock as he looked down at her. Davis was so beautiful and sexy, confident and with no trace of arrogance. There really wasn't much he didn't like about her.

"Spread your legs, let me see you." He said quietly. Doyle wanted to play a little now. He loved watching women touch themselves while he stroked his cock. It was so intimate to him. So revealing and in many ways it showed a deep trust for your lover, to be exposed like that.

Doyle watched on waiting for her to respond. Should she refuse he would not prolong it and fuck her. Though he hoped he would get a little show. In fact, her touching his ass like she had, seemed to wake a kinky monster within him. Whether she meant to or not. "Do you own any toys?" He asked hoping for a yes. He thought most young women did but that was based on the women he used to hang out with, a damn sight lower caliber of a woman then Davis was. Still, it wasn't that unheard of for women, single women to have a collection of sexual aides. Even if that answer was no, he was sure she had other items that could be brought into bed with them.

He gave her a gentle push and she fell back upon the bed as he grinned down at her, his hand making love to his cock. She wanted that cock, wanted him spreading her legs and pounding her body into the bed.

Spread your legs, let me see you.

She complied, already her slit wet again. As if he couldn't tell, she slipped a finger down between her leg to find her little pot of honey. It made a squelching noise as she dipped it in and pulled it out, holding it up to show him the glistening digit.

"Already hot for you."

Do you own any toys?

She grinned and motioned to the bedside table. "Bottom drawer." It held the usual assortment of toys found in any single girl's (and a few married one's) bedroom. A vibrating anal butt plug, finger vibrators, several sizes of realistic looking dildos as well as a rabbit vibrator, and a variety of lubricants. Not a full drawer of toys, but enough to while away lonely hours between the real thing. A woman has needs after all.

She couldn't help but watch his hand as it stroked his cock. One of her favorite toys was the vibrating butt plug. If it was buzzing away as she was fucked, they would both get enjoyment and she would have the feeling of double penetration, and he would get the buzz.

Rolling over, she reached down and opened the drawer to grab the plug and its remote control plus a tube of lube. Her bottom still facing him, she looked over her shoulder at him and told him. "It has fresh batteries in it. I'll even let you have the controls if you want."
If it was possible to get harder Davis had just made him. When he looked and saw a glimpse of the treasures in the drawer he saw that she was not a woman to shy away from buying a variety of items. She pulled out the butt plug first, she was such a naughty woman.

"It has fresh batteries in it. I'll even let you have the controls if you want."
She said looking over her shoulder, both it seemed to emphisize that her ass was to be played with and penetrated and that she knew he would want to most definitely use that particular toy. He smiled and crawled onto the bed behind her, nodding like some horny mute.

He gave one of her ass cheeks a firm smack. Then leaned in and kissed one cheek then the second, he repeated this moving closer to her puckered center. His strong hands keeping her ass cheeks spread, while he enjoyed the accent to the middle.

Doyle slowly circled her asshole with the tip of his tongue, feeling ever minute crease, bump, or tiny hair. How he loved to rim her. This journey had been short yet it was like they were living dog years. A mere couple of weeks had been like two or three years. They had seen so much, done so much and they had barely taken a step together in the grand picture. This was a source of joy for him. There was so much more they would do together.

He moved beside her so he could fondle her wet pussy freely with one hand and he took the toy with the other, no words only actions. He would get her good and ready with his tongue before putting the toy inside her. He needed to be patient though, he wanted to savor this time. He wanted to make sure that he didn't rush anything. Her pleasure was to be prolonged as long as humanly possible and he wasn't going to deny her a second of it no matter how much he wanted to just fuck her.

Doyle was very capable of marathon fuck sessions and he wanted tonight to be one of those. It was not even seven at night and if could manage it they would still be in the throws of passion after midnight.

He began to push the tip of his tongue into her ass with more force, while he pushed two fingers into her pussy. Slowly he fingered her letting his tongue rub her clit in small firm circles. He put the toy beside himself and then cupped her naked breast in his hand and pinched the nipples. He hoped that pleasuring three zones at the same time it would help get her off before he even entered her.

She noted the devilish gleam in Doyle's eyes when she pulled out the vibrating butt plug, and when his eyes flickered over to her ass, then he was hooked. She loved playing with the thing, fingerfucking herself as the thing happily buzzed away. And the fact that he wanted to play with it made it all the more special.

The bed dipped as he crawled on the bed, smiling and nodding as he did. With open hand, he spanked her once before kissing where he had spanked and then doing the same to the other cheek. She soon saw the pattern and reveled in the tease. Yet at the same time, she wanted him there. Soon enough, he was. His strong hands had her butt cheeks pried apart and she felt his breath on her anus before she felt his tongue slowly rimming her.

As his tongue began to press into her asshole, he slipped a couple of finger up inside her wet sex and she began to moan. Suddenly, his other hand was on her breast, cupping and massaging them, squeezing the nipples and occasionally rolling their hard nubs between his fingers. God, that felt great. The man really knew how to play her.

She reached a hand back and out, searching for something specific. Fingers found the side of his upper thigh and she took her bearings from that. Around the curve of his leg until she found what she was looking for. His member, hot and hard, brushed up against her hand. With sure fingers, she wrapped them around his throbbing piece

Her sex clutched at his fingers as his tongue fucked her ass. Her senses were stretched out and he was playing her body with sureness and expertise. She wanted to keep this man. He was someone who understood her and her needs. Someone who had her back. And her front. Hell, he could have her whole body as long as he kept this up!

He started her towards her first of many climaxes she would have tonight. Moaning she gripped his cock, trying to stoke it as he overwhelmed her senses.
Doyle could feel her sex contracting around his working fingers. He began to push them in faster and harder, his tongue working Davis's ass harder also. He started to move his hips so his cock slid in and out of her hand.

They were building up to a magical night of sex that was for sure.
He pulled up and really started to thrust his cock in her hand. "Mmmm that's it baby ya, cum for me!" He said as he pushed on her g-spot with his invading fingers. Never taking his eyes off her wet, desirable ass. If he were to be anywhere right then there is no one and nowhere he could say different then this.

He leaned down and kissed the back of her neck, his hand moved and took the butt plug and lube it took some doing but he managed to get it lubed up with out making to much of a mess, he then teased her anus with the very tip of the plug, he had it on it's the lowest setting and just tickled the opening, then he added presure and more lube, working the tip into her, watching her ass stretch to acomodate it, more lube and deeper it went, always moving slowly and working it in as to never force it or hurt her. Then it reached the apex, it's the widest part and he slowly pushed it past, and saw her accept it and close back around it as it went thinner.

He moved from her ass and pulled his fingers from her sex. He moved till he was in front of her. Sitting he moved till she was kneeling between his legs. His hard cock staring at her, a wicked grin on his face, the butt plugs remote in his hand. He kept it on low but kept his thumb threateningly on the button controlling it. "Suck my cock." He said wanting to watch it happen. God, she was the sexiest woman alive.

She really could not believe what a great fit they were. When she had first met him, she had thought him an opinionated prick. But once they had each set the ground rules, it was easy to see that they were actually well matched. Though she noted that he brought out a bit of the wild side of her, she seemed to help make him a bit calmer. Except in times like now, where they appeared to have matching kinks.

Playing her like the maestro that he was, between his hands and his mouth, he was leading her to one very large climax. He reached up inside her, his fingers finding that special spot that started her shivering.

Mmmm that's it baby ya, cum for me!

And she obliged him, twitching as she came all over his fingers, her voice growling into the pillow. He gave her a kiss on the back of her neck, like a prize for doing as he asked.

As she slowly came down, she felt the plug lightly teasing her anus. He was gentle and there was a thrill deep inside her as he steadily pressed forward, her ass accepting more and more of the vibrating thing. Moaning, it finally hit its widest point and she relaxed as he seated it in her anus, already buzzing on low.

There was a devilish grin on his face as he got comfortable sitting in front of her. He was hard and horny, his cock standing at attention and she noted that he made sure that she noticed his thumb on the remote control. Suck my cock.

Licking her lips, she sat on her knees while her butt buzzed softly. There was a sly smile on her face as she bent over to breathe hot air on its tip. She made an "O" to start, kissing the tip, it's slit leaking his desire onto her tongue. Slowly she slid him into her mouth, her tongue swirling around and around his cock.

She glanced up and caught him intently studying her and what she was doing. Her fingers cradled his sac, feeling it's heaviness. Just a little moan escaped her throat as she pulled her head back a bit. Once just the cockhead was in her mouth, she used the other hand to push back the tight skin around his cock and used the power of suction to pull his member back into her mouth, again with her tongue massaging his strong muscle.

It slipped from her mouth, all wet and slippery. "Something like that, partner?" She gave him a cheeky grin. One hand stroked his cock while the other one manipulated his heavy balls. Lifting up his cock to run her tongue down its underside until she reached his balls, her tongue licked and gently sucked them, the musky smell of him filling her nostrils.
Doyle was loving the treatment Davis was giving his balls. She seemed to read his mind. Playing to ego and his need to watch a beautiful woman perform oral on him. She playfully asked him if that was what he was looking for, he nodded and moaned as she sucked one of his balls into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it.

"Perfect." Was all he could muster right then.

After a bit more attention to his cock and balls, he needed to be inside her. He amped up the vibrations of the butt plug and reached over giving the exposed base a few gentle slaps. "I think it's time You get the fucking you so deserve partner!" He said and moved back behind her he leaned down and licked up her slit a few times tasting her excitement, and flicking his tongue on her clit. "Mmmm tastes like desire should," Doyle said and then pointed his cock head at the freshly licked pussy and pushed it in till he was all the way into her. He gave her perfect ass a playful yet firm slap. Doyle grabbed Davis's hips and began to fuck her with a lot of force. His balls slapping her clit. He looked down as the buttplug still firm in her ass's grip it was an amazing sight, he couldn't help but wonder what sensations were flowing through her body as her ass and pussy were treated to powerful onslaughts from him and the toy. He moved the dial up one more now the audible hum was heard throughout the room, drowned out only by their own sounds of lust.
