Contraception is Next

So Virginians still have access to contraception. Got it. Thanks for sharing.

He also banned the poorly-thought-out-so-called "Assault Weapons Ban."

Maybe he actually reads what's in the bills and vetoes the bullshit instead of signing Mickey Mouse into law.

You know, to avoid Unintended Consequences.
So Virginians still have access to contraception. Got it. Thanks for sharing.

He also banned the poorly-thought-out-so-called "Assault Weapons Ban."

Maybe he actually reads what's in the bills and vetoes the bullshit instead of signing Mickey Mouse into law.

You know, to avoid Unintended Consequences.
I went and looked at the text of the Contraception bill, it's an ambulance chaser's dream come true.
Wow, the call back to 1798 is so funny.

I really am not sure what the play is here… let’s just go for male castration- that will solve the pregnancy issues-right?

Let’s see how many votes we get now. That should be added as an amendment to anything that moves on this issue. Since many don’t read the full legislation, whoops!
I went and looked at the text of the Contraception bill, it's an ambulance chaser's dream come true.
What about the bill is "an ambulance chaser's dream"? Here's a link to the text of the bill. To me it seems pretty damned straight forward in that the right to contraception shall not be infringed by ANYONE in the state of Virginia. I don't see any "gotchas" or hidden traps. If you do point 'em out.

The goal of Republicans is to go back in time to about 1356. Things were great back then! Women knew their place. Nobody believed in science. The mystery to me is why so many brain dead Americans vote for these cretins. Of course we have a representative sample here!
So Virginians still have access to contraception. Got it. Thanks for sharing.

He also banned the poorly-thought-out-so-called "Assault Weapons Ban."

Maybe he actually reads what's in the bills and vetoes the bullshit instead of signing Mickey Mouse into law.

You know, to avoid Unintended Consequences.
At least you don't need to worry about that, the hookers you buy are probably on the pill. You and your fellow incels are safe.
What about the bill is "an ambulance chaser's dream"? Here's a link to the text of the bill. To me it seems pretty damned straight forward in that the right to contraception shall not be infringed by ANYONE in the state of Virginia. I don't see any "gotchas" or hidden traps. If you do point 'em out.

Really? Where's the exception for matters of Faith? Oh, that's right, the bill was written and passed by Communist Atheists, aka democrats, who would shit can the 1st amendment right along with the 2nd.

Sometimes what ISN'T in the legislation is just as important as what is.
Really? Where's the exception for matters of Faith? Oh, that's right, the bill was written and passed by Communist Atheists, aka democrats, who would shit can the 1st amendment right along with the 2nd.

Sometimes what ISN'T in the legislation is just as important as what is.
Not communists, and not willing to admit they're atheists.
Really? Where's the exception for matters of Faith? Oh, that's right, the bill was written and passed by Communist Atheists, aka democrats, who would shit can the 1st amendment right along with the 2nd.

Sometimes what ISN'T in the legislation is just as important as what is.
You're an idiot.
Really? Where's the exception for matters of Faith? Oh, that's right, the bill was written and passed by Communist Atheists, aka democrats, who would shit can the 1st amendment right along with the 2nd.

Sometimes what ISN'T in the legislation is just as important as what is.
What "exceptions for matters of faith" would you consider pertinent or appropriate? The only thing the bill does is guarantee a right to contraception. What would you like to see in it? As far as your dumb ass rant about "Communist Atheists, aka democrats" I'll ignore it for what it is, an uncalled-for, childish, schoolyard insult.

What "exceptions for matters of faith" would you consider pertinent or appropriate? The only thing the bill does is guarantee a right to contraception. What would you like to see in it? As far as your dumb ass rant about "Communist Atheists, aka democrats" I'll ignore it for what it is, an uncalled-for, childish, schoolyard insult.

Can't read legal I see.
Really? Where's the exception for matters of Faith? Oh, that's right, the bill was written and passed by Communist Atheists, aka democrats, who would shit can the 1st amendment right along with the 2nd.

Sometimes what ISN'T in the legislation is just as important as what is.

The same people who complain nobody in Congress actually reads the bills before they pass them want the authors to make sure that every bill is 1000 pages long because it needs to directly cite everything that has happened in court or law since 1776!

I don't know anybody in a rush to shit can the first amendment. The second we shitcanned the exact second we started putting sanctions on other countries wanting nukes. After that its just wiggling around stupid crap.
How hard would it have been to write a religious exemption into the bill? And EXACTLY what would be the objection to doing so?

The bill was nothing more than cheap election year grandstanding on the democrats part so that ignorant pieces of shit like the thread starter can write the headlines they do.

Disgusting human garbage, the lot of you.
Really? Where's the exception for matters of Faith? Oh, that's right, the bill was written and passed by Communist Atheists, aka democrats, who would shit can the 1st amendment right along with the 2nd.

Sometimes what ISN'T in the legislation is just as important as what is.
What should be in there? What does faith have to do with the right to acquire contraception? BTW I am an atheist.
There should be no religious exemptions for service industries. If you are employed to provide a service, then you provide that service.