Contest Winners!!!!!!

Don't count on winning by the voting system here..

A new story of mine just went up, it has two votes, and both are 1's as that is the average. So no matter what anybody else honestly votes for the story, it will never make it to the top ten in the voting catagory. Now normally I would have waited until morning to see if any of my stories had been published here, but this time I was online anyway at 3am in the morning so I checked. And what do ya know Bed-n-Brunch Ho was posted, and it had 1 view, and 2 votes, averaging 1.00 for the vote count, how nice. Now I could do the same thing to every new story published here too, but I won't. You see, even with these childish attacks, my stories always average out above 4.30 by those who really read them. So I'm terribly sorry if I'm not a part of the clique in here, but I'll let my stories talk for me about how well I can write.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
I've figured out how they do it...

By 3:45am Bed-n-Brunch Ho had 8 votes, and an average of 3.00 so that I had a base to work from, and now I know how they do it. And I also had this feedback to go with those 8 votes:

This message contains feedback for: Dirt Man
About the submission: Bed-n-Brunch Ho
This feedback was sent by: Deleted by request

I read your comments on my thread and went and read your story. I thought it was damned good and voted accordingly. I only wish it had been longer.

Dirt Man I'm not part of the clique at the Authors hangout either. I can't say why my story is getting voted on and yours isn't. I think your story is damned good and I've read a couple more. I like what I see, and I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.


(This is typical of the feedback that I get on every story I post here)

Heres how they do it...

You just need 6 people to vote accordingly on every new story but your own. 2 people vote1, 2 people vote 2, and 2 people vote 3. By morning no matter what anybody votes honestly after them, the Story is trashed. And if somebody contacts Laurel, and whines to her she'll see the 1's and get rid of them, and maybe the 2's, but that's all. The story has to ride with those two 3's, and the vote is trashed as far as the story goes for any contests here. Later on the person adds their own vote, probably another 3, and that puts them in the lead no matter what the real vote would have been. The trick is to do the six votes when the stories are new.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
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by 4:45 I had an average of 3.36

Using my base calculations for the team of six spiteful votes of two 1's, two 2's, and two 3's that meant I had the honest vote count of one 4 vote, and the rest all 5's. Which means my real average would be: 4.80. I can live with that, and I can live with the fudged 4.30 average I get as well, now that I know how to factor that in.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man.
Dirt Man,

You honestly think that their is THAT kind of conspiracy at Literotica? That some one has organized 6 people to vote in the manner you mentioned as soon as your story gets posted?? Paleeasse.

Are you saying that anything below a 4 is not a true evaluation of your story? Maybe someone who votes a 2 or 3 puts alot of stock in credibility/realism in a story?

Here is a quote from your story:
I froze again as I spotted Jill on all fours naked under a hulking, sweaty black giant whose hard throbbing massive foot long, beer can thick cock ravaged what I considered the tightest white ass on the planet earth in long measured strokes.

The plot of the story is unrealistic. The above quote itself is ludicrous. A foot long cock, thick as a beer can, in a tight ass????? Give me a break!!! You lost me RIGHT there! It's not realistic at all! This is a "stroke story". No, I have not voted on this story and won't. But the highest score I would give it is a 3 because the plot lost me before I made it even halfway through the story. Typically I would hit the back button, but I forced myself to read the rest because of your posts.

You can believe what you want about your own writing. I didn't pay that close attention to the grammer, but nothing major jumped out at me. But I felt insulted as a reader with the constant portrayal of this "huge black cock" and "superior black - inferior white" situation. You demean black men with this type of story ... hell you demean men in general. The story is not a "1", but you will get your fair share of 2's and 3's from readers looking for interacial stories with even a touch of realism about them. Those that like "stroke stories" will probably give you their fair share of 4's and 5's.

Also, I might be wrong but I don't think Laurel approves of people posting other's email addresses on the forum. You might want to edit the post and remove the email address.

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Dirt Man,
You honestly think that their is THAT kind of conspiracy at Literotica? That some one has organized 6 people to vote in the manner you mentioned as soon as your story gets posted?? Paleeasse.

Yes, I do believe that there is THAT kind of conspiracy here. And I said every new story, not just mine. I've watched it happen time, and time again. But to be fair, I said that a writer only needed to have six friends, not that the six friends had to be members of Literotica. LOL

You can believe what you want about your own writing. I didn't pay that close attention to the grammer, but nothing major jumped out at me. But I felt insulted as a reader with the constant portrayal of this "huge black cock" and "superior black - inferior white" situation. You demean black men with this type of story ... hell you demean men in general. The story is not a "1", but you will get your fair share of 2's and 3's from readers looking for interacial stories with even a touch of realism about them. Those that like "stroke stories" will probably give you their fair share of 4's and 5's.

Well Pookie_grrl, far be it for me to break your bubble about the world, and this place most of all, but people read erotica for the specific reason of getting off with their own mutual fantasies, and that IS why they come here. It is also the charge of the writer to invoke emotions from those who read his material, even if that emotion is insulting. But to be fair, I did go to the site you posted for your stories, and read what I could before nearly falling asleep. Your stories, or the ones that you posted there read like a DEAR DIARY, and I kept wondering when you were going to get to the point. I've seen your kind of writer many times on the internet, you love to hear your own voice. (LOL) Oh, and by the way, at 8am of the same morning the story you just trashed was averaged out with 36 votes thus far to over 4.00 and rising with 621 views. However after responding to you in kind this way, I expect it to plumet drastically. Know your audiance dear.

Also, I might be wrong but I don't think Laurel approves of people posting other's email addresses on the forum. You might want to edit the post and remove the email address.

I posted the whole e-mail not wanting to be told that I'd made it up. I only get anonymous e-mail when I'm being trashed, and to be fair, I didn't know about the restriction.

Your Paleeeeze approach to this conspiracy theory of mine Pookie was expected. Though to tell the truth I had no idea which member would make light of it. Thank you for being so obvious. Oh, and by the way, I have posted other stories here, and will continue to post unless I get thrown out. I may even post one or two with a little artistic realism, but I'll never expect a true voting summery from here ever again. (LOL) And I'm not the only member here who thinks this way.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

PS: I did take your suggestion to delete the e-mail address seriously, and have done so.
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Dirt Man said:
Well Pookie_grrl, far be it for me to break your bubble about the world, and this place most of all, but people read erotica for the specific reason of getting off with their own mutual fantasies, and that IS why they come here. But to be fair, I did go to the site you posted for your stories, and read what I could before nearly falling asleep. Your stories, or the ones that you posted there read like a DEAR DIARY, and I kept wondering when you were going to get to the point. I've seen your kind of writer many times on the internet, you love to hear your own voice. (LOL) Oh, and by the way, at 8am of the same morning the story you just trashed was averaged out over 4.00 and rising. Know your audiance dear.

Well "dear", I do know my audience. I write for people who enjoy a realistic plot along with their hot sex. I don't write "stroke stories". There is no challenge or gratification in that for me.

To be honest, I don't care what you think about my stories, considering you think your stories are so great. Yes, I have glanced at a few of your other stories. "Stroke stories" so far is all I have seen. Those are a dime a dozen, hon.

Also, not everyone is here to read "stroke stories". You will find that out in time if you can't take the message from those giving you 2's and 3's. Like I said in my last post, you will get your fair share or 4's and 5's. Your score will probably end up just where you expect it to. If you enjoy writing stroke stories and score well with that audience, more power to ya. Sorry to bust your bubble as well, but there are plenty of poorly written "stroke stories" rated much higher than yours right here at Literotica.

I choose to attempt to define my characters and develop a plot. I don't claim to be the best writer. I never will be. I'm still very new as an author. I didn't ask you for a review of my stories, but so be it. I have had plenty of excellent authors here and outside of Literotica critique my work for me privately. Your critique of my style is duely noted accordingly.

Dirt Man said:
Your Paleeeeze approach to this conspiracy theory of mine Pookie was expected. Though to tell the truth I had no idea which member would make light of it. Thank you for being so obvious. Oh, and by the way, I have posted other stories here, and will continue to post unless I get thrown out. I may even post one or two with a little artistic realism, but I'll never expect a true voting summery from here ever again. (LOL) And I'm not the only member here who thinks this way.

Fortunately, Laurel is able to identify fraudualant voting trends. If there is a conspiracy, you will see your scores adjusted accordingly with time. I also note a hint in the above statement that I don't like ... that I might somehow have been involved in the "six friend" paranoia you have. Hon, get a grip. I decided to post my response after you posted the same "whine" to about a dozen other threads. That shows a lack of respect for those that began the other threads ... again, childlike.

As for my making light of your conspiracy theroy, well it just sounds to me like a child not having his way is all. Your multiple posts of the same thing on so many threads is like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Again, I will take your critique of my writing style with that in mind as well, bless your heart.
As for my making light of your conspiracy theroy, well it just sounds to me like a child not having his way is all. Your multiple posts of the same thing on so many threads is like a child throwing a temper tantrum. Again, I will take your critique of my writing style with that in mind as well, bless your heart.

You may take my critique and do with it as you will, that is your perogative as the author of them, as it is mine with those I write. But as you seem to be somewhat deaf when you read, let me say this once more a little louder. I SAID THEY DO IT TO ALL OF THE NEW STORIES, NOT JUST MINE! Did you get it that time, dear? Oh, and bless your heart, too.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
It happens.

Now, I am a novice writer and not part of any click, but I had a story up that was doing very well. It was ranked in the top three in the category.

Whether or not there is a connection, I managed to piss off someone on the forums (not here), and that story went from a 4.8 to a 4.5 with one vote. So, my guess is the vote had to a be a one.

It is tough making up the lost ground and after that I decided that the ratings and feedback only serve to tell me how I am developing as a writer. The contests aren't something I will fret over.
Dirt Man said:
You may take my critique and do with it as you will, that is your perogative as the author of them, as it is mine with those I write. But as you seem to be somewhat deaf when you read, let me say this once more a little louder. I SAID THEY DO IT TO ALL OF THE NEW STORIES, NOT JUST MINE! Did you get it that time, dear? Oh, and bless your heart, too.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

Oh I got it, hon. And I hear just fine. I use my eyes when reading though and they are just fine as well.

"They" need to be stopped. However, your conspiracy theory just doesn't float. I know there are people that will "1" new stories just for the hell of it. Laurel can spot and delete that type of scoring using the ip address. I just don't see a conspiracy like you do. To think that there is an organized group dragging down the scores of all new stories is ... well is just being paranoid. Laurel would have spotted that long ago if it were happening as you claim, using the ip addresses of those scoring the malicious votes. A long string of 1's and 2's will get caught by her and the scores for that ip will get deleted.
Dear Mistaken: I read your posted story:The Neighborly Thing to Do

I rarely say this these days, but you have a natural story telling ability, or at least it shines out in this story. However, telling a story in the omniesent form is extremely hard to get right, let alone do well. The real trick to it is to make it seem as if you are in the minds of the players, and speaking as well as thinking for them in this form. Diane Carey does this in her books better than most, even the big guys, and she does it with a style, and grace well worth copy cating in her fiction, and Sci-fi novels. Good luck with your writing in the future.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
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Actually, Laurel doesn't approve of quotes from emails or PMs to be posted on the board, either.

4. You may not post personal information of other members or, for that matter, anyone else. We do not allow phone numbers, email addresses, private messages or quotes from private emails to be posted on the forum. This rule also covers real names, employment info, and any other personal information that we deem inappropriate.

You can find the link to the forum guidelines at the bottom of any forum page you happen to be on.


Authors do it all the time, though.
I don't think the 1 trolls have much to do with the boards. I watched as every story in the top 20 of the celebrities sections got voted 1s, destroying all of their rankings. AFAIK this happens quite often from evil people who just trash your story cause it's in the top lists.

The Earl
TheEarl said:
I don't think the 1 trolls have much to do with the boards. I watched as every story in the top 20 of the celebrities sections got voted 1s, destroying all of their rankings.

There are at least two different groups of "1 Trolls" -- those you describe, and those who attack any author who shows they care about the story scores; especially if they complian about the one votes.

I've seen both groups at work and there may be other "groups" of trolls as well.

I use "groups" with trepidation, because I do NOT want to give the impression that they are organized -- they are NOT organized for the most part.

Dirt Man's problem with his latest scores does seem like a coordinated attack on his story, or he got caught in a semi-organized attack on one category.
By the way Pookie...

Sorry to bust your bubble as well, but there are plenty of poorly written "stroke stories" rated much higher than yours right here at Literotica.

This only confirms what I was saying in the first place, and in the second place, I only posted my conspiracy theory as a warning to those who put so much stock in the voting system here. Why anyone would take offense at a public service announcement is beyond me. (LOL) Oh, and I await your reply seeing as how you are a last word freak.

As Always
I Am the
(Ever Lovable Black Writer Known As The)
Dirt Man
Dirt Man

I fail to understand, after reading your 20 posts, why whatever it iS bothers you so much.

Conspiracy theories are always so boring...easy to concoct in your own mind, but the premise depends on there being a whole lot of people caring about how high the score of your latest tale is!!! I doubt anyone but you cares.

As for there being a clique, maybe there is, maybe there is not. I only know that i posted a thread about a idea that i had, and no one here knew me from Adam.

I found nothing but encouragment and a lot of good idea's. Maybe one day i will even have the courage to post it....if i do, i am sure there will be no conspiracy against me, and hopefully some good feedback about how i could improve it.

Ms. M
Personally, I think we should all be glad that thousands of people read the stuff we put up here. Even a bad story--one of mine for example--has 20,000 views. If you want people to kiss your ass about what you write, show it to your friends, lovers, and family.

Surely they will find it hard to tell you how bad a writer you are.

That's what I do.
Still waiting Killer, Still waiting!!!!

Thank you all for the lively discussion on the conspiracy theories etc! However, I'm still wondering how a prize winner gets otified that they've won!

Thanks and keep up the good work.
Pookie_grrl said:
"Stroke stories" so far is all I have seen. Those are a dime a dozen, hon.

Also, not everyone is here to read "stroke stories". You will find that out in time if you can't take the message from those giving you 2's and 3's.

Gotta take exception to that Pookie. 'Stroke stories' apart from being valid literature IMHO are not ALL 'a dime a dozen'
Some authors (myself included) take a lot of time and sweat writing 'stroke'

Also, if people are actually reading 'stroke' and expecting literature why do they feel the need to vote them down? Vindictiveness or Conspiracy?

I'm not supporting any theories here but there's really no need to tar everyone with the same brush.

But then perhaps I'm just being,

Re: HELLO!!!!!!!!!!

macdanife2000 said:
Could we all pull our heads out of our collective bottoms?

Answer the damn question!

I think the problem is that no one who's reading this seems to know--I sure don't. Why don't you take KM's advice and PM Laurel and ask her about it? Then maybe you could let the rest of us in on what you find out.
