Conservative Hate is Tearing America Apart


Feb 27, 2017
Wars on women, wars on "wokeness" (not like they can define it - I asked), propaganda, hysterical responses, hatred for their fellow citizens.

To conservatives, if you're not conservative then all you are worth is their contempt.
Wars on women, wars on "wokeness" (not like they can define it - I asked), propaganda, hysterical responses, hatred for their fellow citizens.

To conservatives, if you're not conservative then all you are worth is their contempt.
angry and unhinged hysterical fool

what war on women? what do they want to do that they cant?

the war on women is YOUR ELK allowing MEN to usurp women in various efforts
they are the dumbest law & order criminals. let them talk interrupted for long enough and they expose themselves.

They would love to see everyone who disagrees with them gone. Some of them by less than reputable means. See those 2nd amendment solutions.

I am very serious when I say their hate is tearing the country apart. They feed into the propaganda that tells them they must hate anyone who disagrees with them.
No links? Pure hysterical hypocrisy.
I believe the loons suffer from advanced stages of "HISTRIONICS".

WAR ON WOMEN! irony? critters that can't define what a women is!

Critters that believe you can be all you can be whatever you want to be: women one day, man the next, combination of both the next. Get wrapped around the axle for improper use of pronouns, whatever that is? Yeah conservatives are the problem. LMFAO
Conservative _______________ (fill in the blank) is tearing America apart. *Yawn*
Irony. From the one that has been banned so many times because he can't control his own malevolence wants to try to minimize his hatred and the hatred of those like him for the rest of America that doesn't share their perspective.


You can try to make it about personal attacks, but the reality is that this forum is a great representation of my original post. Just about every single post a conservative makes on the political forum is aimed at owning the libs.
I agree with a lot of what conservatives say. The PROBLEM is they are too stupid to see that people like trump are just using them for their own benefit.
I agree with a lot of what conservatives say. The PROBLEM is they are too stupid to see that people like trump are just using them for their own benefit.
Or, was Trump actually a shot across the bow aimed at the Republicans who were shitting on their base in order to curry favor with Left-Wing media, a move that always fails [see John McCain]?
Conservative _______________ (fill in the blank) is tearing America apart. *Yawn*
Zero concrete facts to confirm her bias. I've always posited that the Left's polity is that of pure emotion.

Sweet emotion
Sweet emotion

You talk about things that nobody cares
Wearing out things that nobody wears
You're calling my name but I gotta make clear
I can't say, baby, where I'll be in a year
Or, was Trump actually a shot across the bow aimed at the Republicans who were shitting on their base in order to curry favor with Left-Wing media, a move that always fails [see John McCain]?
Trump was/is only for trump. Amazing how the obvious can be overlooked.
That may be true, but that in no way addresses the motive of those who voted for him.
I have to wonder how Democrat angst and anger is drawing us closer together under the leadership of the self-proclaimed uniter of a President. And how does Adrina expect Republicans/Conservatives not to hate her when she talks about them like she does?

Maybe she just wants them to hate her so she can carry a faux chip on her shoulder.
They would love to see everyone who disagrees with them gone. Some of them by less than reputable means. See those 2nd amendment solutions.

I am very serious when I say their hate is tearing the country apart. They feed into the propaganda that tells them they must hate anyone who disagrees with them.
it's not just the hate -- it's also the ignorance that leads to their hate. they are an unreasonable lot who get confused by the simplest things. like women's healthcare and don't give crazy people access to guns.
I have to wonder how Democrat angst and anger is drawing us closer together under the leadership of the self-proclaimed uniter of a President. And how does Adrina expect Republicans/Conservatives not to hate her when she talks about them like she does?

Maybe she just wants them to hate her so she can carry a faux chip on her shoulder.
"Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that is happening for our country. This is a great day for him. It's a great day for everybody." Trump added. "This is a great, great day in terms of equality."

Trump Tells Congresswomen to ‘Go Back’ to the Countries They Came From

I have to wonder how Democrat angst and anger is drawing us closer together under the leadership of the self-proclaimed uniter of a President. And how does Adrina expect Republicans/Conservatives not to hate her when she talks about them like she does?

Maybe she just wants them to hate her so she can carry a faux chip on her shoulder.
Toxic femininity. *nods*
Wars on women, wars on "wokeness" (not like they can define it - I asked), propaganda, hysterical responses, hatred for their fellow citizens.

To conservatives, if you're not conservative then all you are worth is their contempt.
There is hate on both ends of the political spectrum. Fuzzy1975 and ll74 have made it clear that they are not interested in debating with me about racial matters. They know that the facts I post are true, but they hate the facts, so they hate me for drawing attention to them.

Those who are responsible for advertisements featuring stupid white men and prosperous black men with beautiful white women are acting out their hatred for white male blue collar workers. They know the advertisement irritate white male blue collar workers. That is why they are doing it. The advertisements also irritate black women.