Conservative contortionism blames mass shootings on anything and everything but guns

Go suck a shotgun dirtbag, you're polluting the gene pool..

oh meow ... so sorry little person that you are one of the mentally retarded. remember, you being a retard is a person choice that you made.

get help, a job, and get your ass off welfare.
oh meow ... so sorry little person that you are one of the mentally retarded. remember, you being a retard is a person choice that you made.

get help, a job, and get your ass off welfare.

Ahhh....getting my welfare check soon.

Living the good life!! :D
Lets ask this question do you blame the Gun or the Dentist for shooting the lion?
As a heart attack, not even wound at all, I'm a roller not a bowler and good because I'm EXTRA fuckin' serious.

They got medications for that pending heart attack plus some psychotropic drugs for that other condition you are harboring..

Don't forget survive the ATF interviews and checks.

Survived? You mean I didn't get my Hollywood style interrogation with the guy in the dark suit, back-lit so that I can't see his face. With the chair and the bright light in the darkened room while the thick necked guy stands behind me with a lead pipe ready to beat my brains out if I don't give the correct answers to the silly questions from the G-man when I got my FFL?

Shit! I got ripped off!

Seriously though, for private ownership/transfer of Title II guns, it's not that big of a deal.

There is a reason we had a big problem back in the day with machine guns and today we don't.....

Yeah it was called prohibition era Chicago and New York. Plus the attempted assassination of FDR in Feb. of '33 didn't help.

The National Firearms Act of 1934 was the result.

they are a huge pain in the fuckin' ass to get a hold of and if you get caught with one without the right paperwork you're in ultra mega deep doodie.

Not really.. There are pages and pages of Title II items for sale. All of it legal, all readily available. The paperwork to do the transfer is available as PDF forms right on the BATF website.

Penalties are up to 10 years and/or $10,000 for violations of the NFA. 5 years and/or $100,000 for violations of the tax part of the Act. (corp and trust can get fined up to $500,000)

Why does the RW insist this wouldn't work for pistols?

It's not just a RW issue. They (Congress) had the opportunity when they wrote the NFA back in '34 to do just that. In fact in the original draft they had a provision to classify ALL handguns under Title II. Obviously it didn't make it into the final legislation that passed in 1934. There have been several other instances where that handgun ban/regulation could have been written in and wasn't.

Here's the complete list of federal laws:

  • National Firearms Act (NFA) (1934) - Taxes the manufacture and transfer of, and mandates the registration of Title II weapons such as machine guns, short-barreled rifles and shotguns, heavy weapons, explosive ordnance, silencers, and disguised or improvised firearms.
  • Federal Firearms Act (FFA) (1938) - Set up the original provisions for requiring dealers to have a license. (Partially repealed under the GCA of 1968)
  • Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (1968) - Prohibited interstate trade in handguns, increased the minimum age to 21 for buying handguns.
  • Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA) (1968) - Focuses primarily on regulating interstate commerce in firearms by generally prohibiting interstate firearms transfers except among licensed manufacturers, dealers and importers.
  • Firearm Owners Protection Act (FOPA) (1986) - Revised and partially repealed the Gun Control Act of 1968. Prohibited the sale to civilians of automatic firearms manufactured after the date of the law's passage. Required ATF approval of transfers of automatic firearms.
  • Undetectable Firearms Act (1988) - Effectively criminalizes, with a few exceptions, the manufacture, importation, sale, shipment, delivery, possession, transfer, or receipt of firearms with less than 3.7 oz of metal content.
  • Gun-Free School Zones Act (1990) - Prohibits unauthorized individuals from knowingly possessing a firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone.
  • Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act (1993) - Requires background checks on most firearm purchasers, depending on seller and venue.
  • Federal Assault Weapons Ban (1994–2004) - Banned semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices. The law expired in 2004.
  • Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (2005) - Prevent firearms manufacturers and licensed dealers from being held liable for negligence when crimes have been committed with their products.

It's a pretty good bet that in each of those instances those evil RW's were not in control of Congress at the time. You can quibble and rant all you want about it and blame the boogie man du-jour. In the end the undeniable truth is that neither party has the political balls to actually do it. Oh they may pay lip service to it when the occasion will get some headlines but even the party platform, both D and R, don't reflect this desire. It's essentially political suicide.

No....just being real about it. The US gov can ban guns outright, search and confiscate every fucking firearm in America 100% legal and not at all in violation of 2A. IF the can sell everyone on where they think "is" is.

A little too much Alex Jones?

Suspend Habeas Corpus
Suspend Posse Comitatus
Declare Martial Law
Violate the 1A, 2A, 4A, 5A, 6A and probably the 8A, 9A and 10A.
Or maybe, as Sean Renaud believes, the constitution is a worthless piece of paper and just doesn't matter anymore.

Then ship all those "dissidents" off to FEMA "re-education" camps.
Those that don't toe the line get sent to a Monsanto processing plant and turned into Soylent Green.

Who would do such a thing right?

The Illuminati?
The U.N?
The Shadow Government?
The New World Order?
Dick Cheney?
The fucking Freemasons?
Maybe Obama will declare himself Benevolent Dictator and fuck all you white folks.
Maybe Mexico will decide they want Texas, N.M. and Arizona back.
Maybe the Chinese or N Korea will invade Santa Monica.
Maybe the British will invade Boston and take back the Colonies.
Maybe the French will figure out that they really got fucked by the Louisiana Purchase and want their land back.
Maybe Canada will decide they are tired of our shit and come down to kick some 'Merican ass, eh?
Or, just maybe, Putin decides he really can win a nuclear war, presses the button and POOF! A blinding flash and we all turn into crispy critters..

You just never know about these things, right?

And the longer the RW/pro gun rights groups keep sticking their head inthe sand about it pretending there is no problem and nothing can be done to stop the non problem because laws just don't matter when it comes to guns!!

The bigger they will lose in the long run because it will get so out of hand a democrat will get up there, say the right things and everything not muzzle loaded will go the way of the tommy gun.

Keep looking for your boogie-man. Someday you might actually find one.
They got medications for that pending heart attack plus some psychotropic drugs for that other condition you are harboring..

On them...what other condition?:confused: I don't need psychotropic my own.

Seriously though, for private ownership/transfer of Title II guns, it's not that big of a deal.

That's not what the RW/NRA/GOP say.......

Every single time I've herd really anyone from the right on the subject they consider it pure tyrannical communist oppression.

The National Firearms Act of 1934 was the result.

Not really.. There are pages and pages of Title II items for sale. All of it legal, all readily available. The paperwork to do the transfer is available as PDF forms right on the BATF website.

Penalties are up to 10 years and/or $10,000 for violations of the NFA. 5 years and/or $100,000 for violations of the tax part of the Act. (corp and trust can get fined up to $500,000)

And did that not quell the violence seen with fully automatic weapons??

Practically over night....


It's not just a RW issue.

Guns? No absolutely not.....being in total denial of a problem and stonewall the discussion with "SHALL NAWT BEE INFRINGED!! THE FRAMERS HERPADERP FOUNDING DIP SHITS N' DOWNT TREAD AWN MEEHHH!" shutdown of communication followed by hysterical accusations of Marxism and radical Islam any time someone even dares to mention maybe we should do something about the gun violence in this country? Absolutely a RW issue....

Keep looking for your boogie-man. Someday you might actually find one.

I never was looking for a bogie man, that's just you making shit up.

The problem is real simple...330 million assholes are simply not trustworthy enough to be allowed to run around with free reign to carry guns. The vast majority of which can barely operate the fucking things worth a shit and have asshole level muzzle awareness. We need to do a better job of regulating which assholes get to carry and which don't while at the same time giving LEO's tools to enforce said laws and the gun violence levels in the US will drop.


So the shootings will continue until morale improves.

P.S. - All that toothless bullshit laws you posted are meaningless and so off the mark they can't even really be considered gun control, just hysterical LW stupidity on the books.
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While in truth this is almost entirely a "right wing" problem part of the issue is America doesn't in any real sense of the word have a "left wing" it's got a far right wing and a regular right wing and that's even if you don't grade on a curve that judges us by international standards (which in such a case is really the only logical judgement. To do otherwise would be like claiming you're not short. . .or tall. . .you're average for your family) but nearly everybody agrees that our politicians are bought and paid for. The differences there lying in three places. First the matter of degrees. Second, how much they are willing to pretend they give a shit about the little guy. Third, if they believe that the best way to get fat cats is to have fat mice or if they think fat cats are better with mice to weak to run. As Obama and Clinton both prove when it comes to war the difference between Left and Right is the left believes you should shoot first and ask questions later. The Right believes you should shoot first, then death check and since you're gonna write the history books the truth is whatever you say it is.

The same ultimately goes for guns. You've got some left wing whackos who want to ban guns but they are fairly few and far between. Even when they get uppity it's mostly out of a combination of frustration and ignorance that they go after shit that really in the grand scheme of things doesn't matter. Meaningful gun control would go after handguns primarily but those are viewed different (really by everybody) than are rifles in particular assault rifles. (We really should eliminate the term semi-automatic from the lexicon.)

As Bot points out it's generally the Right who will refuse to have a conversation about it at all and equally will not say the numbers drying are acceptable loses and we should just carry on and ignore them. They also treat the Constitution as a religion, and I mean that in the most American way. It's religion and must be followed when convienent but the moment it's not they forget it exists. At least I'm honest. I don't really give a shit what they wrote two plus centuries ago and if youre entire argument hinges on "the Constiution" and not common sense you don't have an argument. You have a religion and the sincere hope that I respect your right to your own beliefs.
And did that not quell the violence seen with fully automatic weapons??

Practically over night....

Actually there was a lot more to it than that.

Prohibition was repealed in 1933.
Luciano had established "The Commission" by 1934. Effectively controlling the Mob and ending the turf wars.
Most of the depression era criminals (Dillinger, Bonny & Clyde, Pretty Boy Floyd, Etc.) were dead or in prison by 1935.
The FBI under Hoover finally got it's shit together as a national police force.

Besides, according to you, the 1934 NFA is just another toothless bullshit law.

Guns? No absolutely not.....being in total denial of a problem and stonewall the discussion with "SHALL NAWT BEE INFRINGED!! THE FRAMERS HERPADERP FOUNDING DIP SHITS N' DOWNT TREAD AWN MEEHHH!" shutdown of communication followed by hysterical accusations of Marxism and radical Islam any time someone even dares to mention maybe we should do something about the gun violence in this country? Absolutely a RW issue....

I never was looking for a bogie man, that's just you making shit up.

Blame, blame, blame.. No one is denying that the problem doesn't exist. It's the approach to the solution that differs.

The problem is real simple...330 million assholes are simply not trustworthy enough to be allowed to run around with free reign to carry guns. The vast majority of which can barely operate the fucking things worth a shit and have asshole level muzzle awareness

Then you better take those same 330 million off the roads as well since most of them can't safely drive either.

We need to do a better job of regulating which assholes get to carry and which don't while at the same time giving LEO's tools to enforce said laws and the gun violence levels in the US will drop.

Giving LEO's tools to enforce something is worthless if the prosecutor won't follow up.


So the shootings will continue until morale improves.

SCOTUS has already ruled on this if you'd care to actually read it.

P.S. - All that toothless bullshit laws you posted are meaningless and so off the mark they can't even really be considered gun control, just hysterical LW stupidity on the books.

Have you actually read any of those beyond a cursory glance?
*tip of the hat, to the thread on the GB that pointed out this insanity

A 27 year old man, and a seventeen year old boy drive from Iowa to Boston
They are registered to take part in the Pokemon competition.

They brought these rifles with them

12-gauge Remington shotgun
DPM5 model AR-15 rifle

Potential Mass Shooting Averted As Police Stop Heavily Armed Men Entering Pokemon Championships

Two Iowa men were in possession of hundreds of rounds of ammo when they tried to enter the event at Hynes Convention Center, police said.

Boston police, acting on a tip about violent threats, arrested two Iowa men armed with firearms and hundreds of rounds of ammunition shortly after they tried to enter the Pokémon World Championships in the city’s Hynes Convention Center.

Authorities began investigating the threats and stopped two male suspects from entering the event on Thursday, police said. Detectives were told the suspects had driven to the event from Iowa and had several firearms in their vehicle.

The Pokémon Trading Card Game World Championships is an invitation-only event, with players from more than 30 countries competing.

NRA sticker on the car they drove to Boston.

"On a public Facebook page called “Mayhem Pokemon Crew,” the 25 year old man posted a photo of a white sedan, with two military-style weapons crossed over the trunk."

The seventeen year old and 25 year old man are each being charged with unlawful possession of a firearm, unlawful possession of ammunition, and other firearm charges. They are scheduled to be arraigned in Boston Municipal Court on Monday.

Mostly children!

Pokemon World Championship, a three day event at Hynes Comment invention Center

700 trading card enthusiasts and video gamers from almost 40 different countries. Ages range from six to adult at the invitation-only event. It’s the largest turn-out in the championships’ 12-year history with as many as 5,000 people expected over the weekend. At stake is $2 million in prizes including $500,000 in scholarships.
Actually there was a lot more to it than that.

Not really.....Full auto crimes largely quit happening because they became difficult to get a hold of.

It works in every other 1st world nation, it works in ours, why won't the GOP/Republicans even entertain the discussion that we might be able to do something about the gun violence in this country?? :confused:

Besides, according to you, the 1934 NFA is just another toothless bullshit law.

No it's not.

Blame, blame, blame.. No one is denying that the problem doesn't exist. It's the approach to the solution that differs.

Yes and the approach is (D)- We should do something about this. (R) - No problem here/laws don't matter (but only for guns!) because criminals don't follow them so sell moar guns to ANYONE!!!

Then you better take those same 330 million off the roads as well since most of them can't safely drive either.

Giving LEO's tools to enforce something is worthless if the prosecutor won't follow up.

Different subject and we can't get to the prosecutor if we don't help the LEO's first.

SCOTUS has already ruled on this if you'd care to actually read it.

Have you actually read any of those beyond a cursory glance?

SCOTUS ruled on the fact that RW won't even have a conversation about guns?

Yep, the vast majority are toothless feel good bullshit. Like banning bayonet lugs.
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WHen are we going to talk about banning crazy ass holes who use guns to, Freedom for the White Race, Kill faggots, or just because his badge means you have to do what he says, even when he is wrong? :eek:

Guns can not even... anything with out the hand of man/ woman. They are inanimate!

Crazy Bastards are the fucking PROBLEM!

When are our Congress critters going to address the Mental Health problems of America?

We've got people who refuse to do their jobs, because their views are 'different' and they should be in charge, even though they are lowly clerks not the USSC.

We have people who believe that everybody else has to believe as they do..., even when that is stupid!

I tell you Crazy Bastards are the problem and there are 17 or so who are pandering to be President!

(Rant Ends):)
WHen are we going to talk about banning crazy ass holes who use guns to, Freedom for the White Race, Kill faggots, or just because his badge means you have to do what he says, even when he is wrong? :eek::)

As soon as we can have a discussion that also includes urban gun crime committed with small caliber hand guns which account for the VAST majority of gun crimes instead of ONLY crazy white boy with an AR15 shooting crowds up and ONLY white cops with attitudes who shot a black person.....

God forbid we EVER show a black cop who pops one off , the mexican thugs shooting up LA or the AZN crazy taking a pair of 9mm to campus for a party! NOPE!! White on black gun crime is the ONLY shit you will see in the news. All else will be denied and ignored if it ever even makes it off the local obits.

Unless FOX news...then white hero with trusty Colt .45 saves universe again.

M'uricuh is fucked ;)
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As soon as we can have a discussion that also includes urban gun crime committed with small caliber hand guns which account for the VAST majority of gun crimes instead of ONLY crazy white boy with an AR15 shooting crowds up and ONLY white cops with attitudes who shot a black person.....

God forbid we EVER show a black cop who pops one off , the mexican thugs shooting up LA or the AZN crazy taking a pair of 9mm to campus for a party! NOPE!! White on black gun crime is the ONLY shit you will see in the news. All else will be denied and ignored if it ever even makes it off the local obits.

Unless FOX news...then white hero with trusty Colt .45 saves universe again.

M'uricuh is fucked ;)

Yeah there are Crazy Bastards everywhere! Urban, suburban and fucking Boon Dockers too.
I didn't have time to list them all, sorry :eek:

But if you read my Helpful Police thread you'll see that it's not just W on B, but Asshole on asshole idiotic clusterfuckery. 'Course Texas is a special case of assholery. :)
Yeah there are Crazy Bastards everywhere! Urban, suburban and fucking Boon Dockers too.
I didn't have time to list them all, sorry :eek:

Saul good I do it too....part of the media programming. Don't talk about real problems, talk about hype. Black guy pops other black guy with 9mm at 2am, 711 downtown every night in cities across America just doesn't get the media frenzy going like 17 y/o white boy on a rampage with AR15 every couple months.

So what do we all remember first? Hype...the whipped cream....not the meat and potatoes.

But if you read my Helpful Police thread you'll see that it's not just W on B, but Asshole on asshole idiotic clusterfuckery. 'Course Texas is a special case of assholery. :)

Oh for sure, esp with cops and yea Texas is a special kind of shit hole.....Austin is fun but unless you're 20-30 I wouldn't suggest living there if you can avoid it.