Conservative contortionism blames mass shootings on anything and everything but guns


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
Millions of guns and hundreds of dead American children.

Something is very wrong.

Conservative contortionism blames mass shootings on anything and everything but guns

Part of the deal that Republicans made to win elections, is to take money and support from anyone and everyone.

It should come as no surprise that one of the biggest pieces of the Republican propaganda/lobbying/fundraising machine is willfully ignoring the laws that govern its practices.

It abuses its tax-exempt status to funnel millions ($37 million in 2014) to political campaigns supporting Republican Congressmen, who in turn keep any laws from passing that might help alleviate America’s epidemic of gun violence, which kills more than 30 people a day. The NRA’s recent mega-convention in Tennessee (sixteen acres of guns!) featured every single major and minor Republican presidential candidate (except Rand Paul, who they don’t like), giving the same tired prattle of Second Amendment rights and jingoistic paranoia about the threat of “Muslim terrorists”.

Yahoo News recently published a report exposing illegal transfers of funds from the NRA’s nonprofit to their lobbying group, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA), and then to their PAC, the Political Victory Fund. The NRA has been soliciting donations from their members and then funneling the cash into the PAC, using funds which a member may have thought were for funding events but are now being put to use supporting a political candidate with whom he or she may not approve of, which is very illegal.

NRA can’t claim to be raising money for the corporation — to finance such things as its lobbying or research initiatives — and then deposit that money into the account of its PAC.

The NRA also appears to have violated a federal law that bars soliciting for a connected PAC from anyone other than the group’s employees or members — what the law calls its “restricted class.” And the NRA appears to have violated another provision that says Internet solicitations must be at websites that are accessible only to members (the restricted class), not the general public.

The most bizarre list of deflections, from Republicans, were heard after the massacre in South Carolina .

Seven things Republicans have blamed the Charleston massacre on apart from race
Well....when you start blaming illiteracy on keyboards and pencils you might have something, till then ya just a bunch of hypocrites filled with partisan douchery 6 ways from Sunday when it comes to gun control arguments.
Well....when you start blaming illiteracy on keyboards and pencils you might have something, till then ya just a bunch of hypocrites filled with partisan douchery 6 ways from Sunday when it comes to gun control arguments.

Kids, can you say "false equivalency"?

I knew you couldn't! :)

The most bizarre list of deflections, from Republicans, were heard after the massacre in South Carolina .

Seven things Republicans have blamed the Charleston massacre on apart from race
6. It was the devil

South Carolina Representative Mark Sanford appeared on CNN to say that the shooting was due to supernatural forces:

I don’t know what was going through the kid’s mind, but [it’s] certainly the act of a deranged human being, and this level of malice I think is unfathomable in this community, in this nation. It is… clearly the work of the devil.

7. People not understanding where salvation comes from

Rand Paul, who is also standing for the Republican nomination, said in a speech to evangelicals the day after the shooting:

There’s a sickness in our country, there’s something terribly wrong, but it isn’t going to be fixed by your government. It’s people straying away, it’s people not understanding where salvation comes from.
Another blatant failure of the Church and/or God to get the Word out. Am I right?
Poor access to guns didn't stop that Asian knife terrorist attack from killing, what, 130 people?

And in fact, I bet none of the victims had guns to defend themselves, or it is likely the terrorists would have been shot before the death toll was nearly that high.
Poor access to guns didn't stop that Asian knife terrorist attack from killing, what, 130 people?

And in fact, I bet none of the victims had guns to defend themselves, or it is likely the terrorists would have been shot before the death toll was nearly that high.
The death toll was 28. Start from there, then argue fewer or more with guns, swords or bat'leths.
Kids, can you say "false equivalency"?

I knew you couldn't! :)

Sorry should have said misspelled words??

Either way...

Explain then how just this one inanimate object is responsible for how people use it but no others are???:confused: Loony lib logic that's how ;)
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The death toll was 28. Start from there, then argue fewer or more with guns, swords or bat'leths.

Well the guy in NC only got 9 with a gun, CLEARLY knives are a bigger threat and need to be banned, they are DESIGNED to cut things GAWD!!!:rolleyes:
The death toll was 28. Start from there, then argue fewer or more with guns, swords or bat'leths.

Yikes, not sure where I read 29.

Fact remains, though.

Yes, they could have killed more people faster if they had guns...

Or maybe one of the hundreds of passers would have shot them after one or two killings... But the point is, there will be mass killings as long as there are monsters in the world.

It isn't something that gun legislation will fix at all, however it is something that the nation could push through as knee-jerk legislation.

Knee-jerk legislation like Dodd frank and the patriot act.
Sorry should have said misspelled words??

Either way...

Explain then how just this one inanimate object is responsible for how people use it but no others are???:confused: Loony lib logic that's how ;)

It's very simple: Having a pencil does not make you illiterate, nor literate either; that is a matter of education. Having a gun might lead to your committing a violent act you would not have committed without a gun -- that is, you might have had the impulse, but you would have simply been left seething, because, you don't have a gun. You could perhaps get a knife or a club and act on it, but wounds made with such weapons are much less of a problem statistically, and you know it. Put another way, gun-related crimes and injuries and deaths are much less prevalent in countries like the UK and Japan where guns are harder to get than in the U.S. Therefore, the inanimate object is at least part of the problem. And you know it.
It's very simple: Having a pencil does not make you illiterate, nor literate either; that is a matter of education.

You can go that route....and having a gun doesn't make you a criminal/mass murdering spree killer. That's a matter of being a fuckin' psycho or not.

Point is if guns cause crime/violence then pencils misspell words and forks make people fat.

No matter how badly you want it to be there is more to this equation than just "gunz are bad mmkay?" and the hyper bat shit lefty idea of banning them in the US (are you guys TRYING to destroy the country? Seriously?) is not any more of a sane idea than the GOP's idea of hand cannons for all military aged males!! level of stupid.

Having a gun might lead to

A bunch of lefty speculatin' n' buu shittin' :rolleyes:

And owning a car can lead to a DUI!!

And your odds of drowning in your back yard increase by 800% when you put a pool or pond back there...HURRRRRR

your committing a violent act you would not have committed without a gun -- that is, you might have had the impulse, but you would have simply been left seething, because, you don't have a gun. You could perhaps get a knife or a club and act on it, but wounds made with such weapons are much less of a problem statistically, and you know it. Put another way, gun-related crimes and injuries and deaths are much less prevalent in countries like the UK and Japan where guns are harder to get than in the U.S. Therefore, the inanimate object is at least part of the problem. And you know it.

Part of the problem....but you can't totally eliminate the inanimate object, you would start a civil war before you even came close. So we NEED to look to other methods of further reducing gun violence beyond the LvR kneejerk idiot reactions.

Or the beatings will continue until morale improves....
You can go that route....and having a gun doesn't make you a criminal/mass murdering spree killer.

But not having one can make you a harmless would-be spree killer, which is much to be preferred.

Part of the problem....but you can't totally eliminate the inanimate object, you would start a civil war before you even came close. So we NEED to look to other methods of further reducing gun violence beyond the LvR kneejerk idiot reactions.

None of that is any reason not to keep pushing the Overton Window on this topic over to the gun-control side where it belongs.
Yikes, not sure where I read 29.

Fact remains, though.

Yes, they could have killed more people faster if they had guns...

Or maybe one of the hundreds of passers would have shot them after one or two killings... But the point is, there will be mass killings as long as there are monsters in the world.

It isn't something that gun legislation will fix at all, however it is something that the nation could push through as knee-jerk legislation.

Knee-jerk legislation like Dodd frank and the patriot act.
The Kunming attack had eight assailants, so that's only 3.625 killed by each.

And no passersby with a gun is going to take down eight knife-wielding thugs. That's fantasyland.
But not having one can make you a harmless would-be spree killer, which is much to be preferred.

That's a lie.....not having a gun doesn't make a psycho bent on a body count harmless. You're just chugging partisan Kool-Aid.

None of that is any reason not to keep pushing the Overton Window on this topic over to the gun-control side where it belongs.

Yes it is....the gun-control side of things is full of ignorance and emotionally charged stupidity and their long term history of largely failed policy in this country is evidence of this. Along with vast, vast, vast quantities of dumb shit like "unloaded guns kill lots of people" .

So the idea that the OW belongs on it is fucking're literally pushing willful ignorance because that's what fits your political narrative, fuck facts!! fuck REALITY!! push that partisan bullshit to ensure you sound SO fucking ridiculous you do your cause a vast disservice.

I mean really...what the fuck are you going to do? Ban bayonet mounts and pistol grips on rifles for a few more years to solve a pistol problem? :confused: LMFAO....fear and stupidity the LW just turns it up to 11 when the word gun is mentioned. Can you guys NOT think of anything the fuck else we might do to deal with this pistol problem other than fuck with AR/AK owners who aren't even on the fuckin' problem radar? Do you or any of your elected officials even know the fucking difference???:confused:
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I mean really...what the fuck are you going to do? Ban bayonet mounts and pistol grips on rifles for a few more years to solve a pistol problem? :confused: LMFAO....fear and stupidity the LW just turns it up to 11 when the word gun is mentioned. Can you guys NOT think of anything the fuck else we might do to deal with this pistol problem other than fuck with AR/AK owners who aren't even on the fuckin' problem radar? Do you or any of your elected officials even know the fucking difference???:confused:



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Yes it is....the gun-control side of things is full of ignorance and emotionally charged stupidity and their long term history of largely failed policy in this country is evidence of this.

Maybe. Doesn't matter. They're still right and the gun nuts are still wrong. Are you going to renounce your libertarianism just because so many "libertarians" are willfully ignorant idiots?

Pretty much.

Maybe. Doesn't matter.

Certainly and it does matter because...

They're still right and the gun nuts are still wrong.

Just because you say so does not make it true....

The reality is you're both wrong as hell. Pro guns don't think there is a problem and the anti gun nuts simply cannot help but turning the stupid up to 11 and blowing their own legal dicks off with stupid emotionally driven derp legislation that only serves to support the opposition.

In sentiment, the observation that there is room for improvement would be the only ONLY up you might be able to argue and you know it. Look I'm trying to help you out....this is a legal Mt.Everest for you guys and if you don't get your shit together and start attacking with rational propositions to work within our society to make progress up the north face 1 step at a time it's going to just keep crushing you. That means stop with the "ban ban BAN oh ASSAULT REVOLVERS ARE SO SCARY!!" stupid fucking shit, you're just embarrassing yourselves and the beatings will continue until morale improves. Eliminate the terms ban/regulate from your vocabulary as much as you can for starters. Flip it on them and sell it...

Quit trying to ban accessories because you're so ignorant of the situation you don't realize they aren't even the fucking problem. Start making legit well thought out proposals to address the problem without using the word BAN and you will see progress in this area and little to no hope of anything otherwise.

Put the vinegar down....pick up some win proposals are going to GO much further than "FUCK YOU!!" proposals yea?? Spread the word.

Are you going to renounce your libertarianism just because so many "libertarians" are willfully ignorant idiots?

I'm pretty sure having an understanding of social/environmental responsibility of any kind expressly forsakes my carrying of that label. But I do adhere to a number of their ideologies surrounding freedom and commerce. And no I wouldn't renounce those beliefs, but I certainly wouldn't go about supporting their ignorant idiocy because group derp either.

I'm telling you....educate yourselves and start making rational arguments and it won't be very hard to sell. Throw them a bone, make it win win win, quit with the hateful fuck you approach and sell it...should NOT be that hard, the solutions, the path to improvement, it is right in front of us...but we shall not pass until we get serious about it.
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Yeah a bunch of lefty bullshit.

It is's wild speculations that someone will abuse something just because a micro minority do, or that the inanimate object causes the abuse somehow corrupting the owner. You're fucking laughable in your hysteria....

You can try to play the partisan card but it doesn't hold up. Sorry botany, you tried and failed.

Those back up everything I've said....look we can reduce car deaths and we didn't have to ban any cars, rims, stereos, speakers, fashion statments or cell phones to do it.

Some of those countries LOVE guns, they just have smart regulations in place and they give cops the tools they need to enforce them and wouldn't you know there is a DRASTIC reduction in crazy getting their hands on anything. Unlike the fucking retarded hysteria driven stupid the American left feeds on, heels dug in refusing reality for all they are fucking worth.....but ONLY when it comes to this issue. I mean 87-93% of gun crimes have been done with small caliber hand guns for like 30 fucking years running. "Assault Rifles" hardly even register most years as a percentage but what is the lefty knee jerk reaction? Ban bayonet lugs and adjustable stocks on semi automatic rifles, LMFAO!! Then they call it sensible and wonder why they just get laughed out of everywhere but a hand full of ultra deep blue areas with their stupid bullshit.

You're just mad the facts surrounding the argument don't support your hyper partisan loony bin lefty agenda. And I stand by my earlier statement, until you lot quit with that stupid fucking shit and get god damn real about gun control in America the beatings will continue until morale improves.
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you're just mad the facts surrounding the argument don't support your hyper partisan loony bin lefty agenda.

My agenda may be left or partisan but that doesn't make me wrong. That's your first mistake. Your second mistake, as always, was your lack of research. Other countries have gone much further to control guns and it's worked. You're just maybe because I ruined your asshole, again.

Every country is unique, but Australia is more similar to the US than is, say, Japan or England. We have a frontier history and a strong gun culture. Each state and territory has its own gun laws, and in 1996 these varied widely between the jurisdictions. At that time Australia's firearm mortality rate per population was 2.6/100,000 – about one-quarter the US rate (pdf), according to data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the US Center for Disease Control. Today the rate is under 1/100,000 – less than one-tenth the US rate (pdf). Those figures refer to all gun deaths – homicide, suicide and unintentional. If we focus on gun homicide rates, the US outstrips Australia 30-fold.

cuse me, but what kills more people in this country, guns or abortion?

That's even less relevant than botany's car example. A car is a method of transport not a thing designed to kill other people. In fact, there's more regulation on getting a driver's license than getting a gun.

See botany has a right wing agenda and won't admit that the facts have a bias towards left on this issue. And by that I mean he's wrong, as usual.

More stuff for him to read here, here, and here. He won't because he's a little bitch.
People with Orthosox political leanings seem to want to blame the shootingon anything except racism, which is what we should actually be talking about.

Also of note: Pointing out that gun related deaths increases with more guns is meaningless - you have to point out that more deaths occur of any sort.