Consentual Rape


Sep 13, 2002
how would you feel meeting a stranger and signing a contract to let him rape you
then both go your own ways and he stalks you then rapes you?

write how you would feel it would be in detail

I know i would love to find a woman like that mmmmmm
what a fantasy
no holes bared mmmmm

I think I would feel fucked up the ass for being such a fucking wise guy.

btw, illegal contracts are not enforceable.
Today I am realizing why exactly I adore so many of you people.

I want to know what would happen if he didnt rape you.

Could you sue him? ;)
just asking

just want to know if anyone has the same fantasies
or has actualy done it

angel you are welcome
Excuse me? I'm too fucking old to be doing someone else's homework! Let alone my own fucking homework!

"Write how you would feel"? This ain't high school, bub.
So let me get this right

You fantasize about raping or being raped.. and you want us to tell you our fantasies about it (if we have them on this subject)

why not just go to the stories section? There is lots of non consent stories for your enjoyment.
Damn people sure polite today i thought your ass would be roasted by now rimher.

Where is KM anyway?:D
fgarvb1 said:
Damn people sure polite today i thought your ass would be roasted by now rimher.

Where is KM anyway?:D
she's probably writing a story for him, just to get out of doing her own writing.
Re: just asking

rimher said:
just want to know if anyone has the same fantasies
or has actualy done it

angel you are welcome

Well I kind of meant Perky, not you. Sorry.
Conceptual rape

A bit of an oxymoron, isn't it? I mean rimher.

The phrase 'concentual rape' is much like 'rimher thinks' or 'rimher unfaithful to his hand'.

Ok, gotta fly. Thanks!
I don't know if "consensual rape" is all that much of an oxymoron, to those with eyes to see. Technical definitionwise, of course, but I can imagine someone who really really didn't want to be raped managing to get themselves into a rape-type situation. Not only can I imagine it, I've seen it happen.
Rape is always and forever...

...nonconcentual. There are no blurring of the lines.

It's very binary. There's either concent or not - no matter where a person is, what they're doing, what situation they are in... old they are, what they are wearing, what they are drinking, or what the color of their skin is...
The professor patiently explained to me that he doesn't feel that Lit surfing should be a part of the curriculum no matter how wonderful it is for open communication, stress relief, and questions about how software works.

Imogene sauntered out of the 7-11, that silly "rape contract" that she'd signed with some guy off the 'Net a few weeks ago completely out of her mind. He'd never shown up any way. She pushed the button to unlock the door when a hand clamped over her mouth and a knife pressed into her side.

"Don't make a sound or you're dead." The voice was gruff and hard. "Open the door and get in."

She did and found herself shoved onto the passenger floorboard. Next time she was getting bucket seats instead of the cheaper bench seat.

He yanked the keys out of her hand and peeled out of the parking lot. She crouched in the floorboards, staring at him owlishly while he drove her truck through a long, bouncing ride. It was hard to tell through the leg of the panty hose that he wore over his head, but she thought he looked like the guy she'd signed that silly "rape contract" with a few weeks ago. The other leg of Legg's control top whacked him in the face when he went over a bump.

Cursing, he threw it out of his way, then screeched and cranked the wheel. The truck fishtailed and the rear wheels screamed. He had managed to find the only mudhole in the middle of drought. He slammed it into reverse and the truck rocked, transmission squealing.

"Stop it! You'll bust the linkage and we'll get stuck out here you stupid fuck!" She shoved herself into the seat and recognized the terrain. Out by the river. "Let me drive moron. Don't you know what a four wheel drive is for?"

He cursed, but moved over so she could climb across and into the driver's seat. He waved the knife under her nose and growled menacingly. "No funny stuff."

She gave him the look that deserved considering that the foot of the control tops were tickling his nose, and eased the gear shift into four high. A moment later she slid it back into two wheel drive and moved along the trail.

"Here, stop here." He ordered.

She parked the truck and waited.

"Get out." He took her keys from the ignition, then slid out of the passenger door. She climbed out as well.

"Get in front of the truck. On your knees."

She shook her head. He jumped around the front and landed in front of her, the knife at her throat. "Now!" Luckily, the pantyhose was thick enough to catch his spittle.


For a moment she thought he was going to have a stroke. Instead he backed a couple of steps and pulled out a small semi-automatic pistol. A .22. "On your knees, bitch."

Imogene groaned. What a moron. In a move that took even him by surprise, if his startled sqwawk was anything to go by, she whipped out the Mossberg 590, flicked off the safety, and pumped a round into the chamber. He shrieked and pulled the trigger.


He did it again.


She came around with a hard swing, shoving the butt of the shotgun into his jaw and rocking him back. She twisted it and brought the butt down onto his wrist. The sound of fine bones crunching preceded the pistol landing in the sand.

"Take the safety off first, you moron." She pointed the shotgun at him again. "Don't shit on my shotgun when I shove it up your ass and pull the trigger or I'll hunt your momma down and make her clean it."

He fainted dead away. She bent down, nosing the gun against his jaw. He didn't move. Didn't breathe. Keeping one finger comfortably on the trigger, she wedged the shotgun under an armpit and touched the side of his throat.


She waited for a few minutes, fingers on his jugular.

Still nothing.

"Well shit. The bastard died before I could kill him. Son of a fucking bitch. Where's the fun in that?"
I'm mortally offended, Scylis. The .22 was a cheap Smith and Wesson knock-off obviously so the gun was metal, not plastic so it couldn't have been pink. Mossberg does not make pink 590s. Do pay attention in the Weapons Identification lecture.
:D 'nother story, 'nother orgasm, 'nother satisfied customer.

You are welcome.
Re: Conceptual rape

hogjack said:
A bit of an oxymoron, isn't it? I mean rimher.

The phrase 'concentual rape' is much like 'rimher thinks' or 'rimher unfaithful to his hand'.

Ok, gotta fly. Thanks!


The precise word I was thinking when I read the title to this thread.

Bizarre concept for a thread. But then again, it fits the mold here, right?