Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT I do not know what BTDT is!
IACT I am new to the some of the terms that are on here
At some point, consent has to be discussed.

ICT it wasn't really all that great. Sort of a BTDT thing to me...

ICT One time I was hanging with my ex fiancé and his step brother, and we were drinking, etc.
At one point it just came up, and right when we were about to start, his sister knocks. :rolleyes:
ICT this song makes me giggle way more than it should considering it's about cheating, but hell I love the song anyway!!

Scotty Doesn't Know - Lustra
ICT on the second night of a five day convention, a few of us secretaries met for dinner and drinks. It was during the third round we decided to move it to one of the suites. The topic of "Naughtiest thing you did in college" came up....
ICT I'm making an alt and doing nothing but writing Lit stories using this thread - and another - as inspiration :devil:
ICT one day, maybe... just maybe, I'll be able to judge for myself how well to over- or under-rate a small, intimate gathering among "friends"...:D
ICT on the second night of a five day convention, a few of us secretaries met for dinner and drinks. It was during the third round we decided to move it to one of the suites. The topic of "Naughtiest thing you did in college" came up....
ICT I would REALLY REALLY like to hear the rest of this story...:D
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