Confessions: What Are Yours?

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I confess that I just found out last Sunday that my husband (of nearly ten years), is a lying, cheating whore who has been fucking a 22 year-old gold-digger with 2 kids by 2 men since last August ALL OVER their workplace. Without condoms. And that nasty whore has been making snide comments on Twitter. And my kids turn TWO this week.
He outranks her NCO ass and swears I can't get them in trouble.
Don't fuck with a girl who solves puzzles. I can show up any day of the week with proof, but am choosing amicable divorce. Because I don't need to fuck a whore to feel better about myself.
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Damn, that's rough. I still vote for getting some leverage, take his ass down a notch.

ICT I really need to stop letting my job control my life so much.
Damn, that's rough. I still vote for getting some leverage, take his ass down a notch.

ICT I really need to stop letting my job control my life so much.

Don't fuck anyone at work and it might work out ;)

And he'll dig his own grave. Not my fucking problem anymore. Wait till she gets a load of his shitty habits. D'oh!
In the interest of moderation shouldn't that be some or most things in moderation?
I mean "all things" is rather absolute.

That would leave you free to obsess in one or more areas.

ICT you have made a point.

ICT I should retract my "all things in moderation" statement.

IFCT I shouldacouldawoulda but that would leave me free to obsess over something.

IACT I might not have control over what I obsess over...
ICT today while picking up my dry cleaning a car pulled up next to mine, the hair that I could see was long and red, I knew the driver was a redhead driving that Escalade. She stepped out and looked so amazing. Our eyes met and we exchanged hellos and smiles.

IACT I wanted to follow her share a cup of coffee and talk with her
I confess that I just found out last Sunday that my husband (of nearly ten years), is a lying, cheating whore who has been fucking a 22 year-old gold-digger with 2 kids by 2 men since last August ALL OVER their workplace. Without condoms. And that nasty whore has been making snide comments on Twitter. And my kids turn TWO this week.
He outranks her NCO ass and swears I can't get them in trouble.
Don't fuck with a girl who solves puzzles. I can show up any day of the week with proof, but am choosing amicable divorce. Because I don't need to fuck a whore to feel better about myself.

Holy shit. I am so sorry this happened to you, Sweet.

ICT your soon to be ex-husband sounds like a Class-1, Grade-A Douchebag Asshole.
ICT I don't know if I can trust myself to maintain that whole "self-control" thing.
Holy shit. I am so sorry this happened to you, Sweet.

ICT your soon to be ex-husband sounds like a Class-1, Grade-A Douchebag Asshole.

Thank you :(
Sadly, I didn't find out until recently.

Luckily, I am good at bouncing back and know I still have lots to look forward to :)
But holy hell I don't miss dating! Haven't done in in over ten years!!! Hahahaha!
Thank you :(
Sadly, I didn't find out until recently.

Luckily, I am good at bouncing back and know I still have lots to look forward to :)
But holy hell I don't miss dating! Haven't done in in over ten years!!! Hahahaha!

ICT I hold sweettalk in very high regard for keeping such a strong & positive attitude, and I hope she stays confident and strong.:rose::rose::rose:
Thank you :(
Sadly, I didn't find out until recently.

Luckily, I am good at bouncing back and know I still have lots to look forward to :)
But holy hell I don't miss dating! Haven't done in in over ten years!!! Hahahaha!

I doubt you'll have much trouble, really. :D

I confess that seeing such lovely comments has lifted my spirits. I will take kindness where I find it and treasure it, because the hard part is just beginning.

You rawk!!!
I confess that seeing such lovely comments has lifted my spirits. I will take kindness where I find it and treasure it, because the hard part is just beginning.

You rawk!!!

ICT I am glad that you're spirits have been lifted.
IACT I don't understand my gender sometimes.
I confess that I just found out last Sunday that my husband (of nearly ten years), is a lying, cheating whore who has been fucking a 22 year-old gold-digger with 2 kids by 2 men since last August ALL OVER their workplace. Without condoms. And that nasty whore has been making snide comments on Twitter. And my kids turn TWO this week.
He outranks her NCO ass and swears I can't get them in trouble.
Don't fuck with a girl who solves puzzles. I can show up any day of the week with proof, but am choosing amicable divorce. Because I don't need to fuck a whore to feel better about myself.

That's a rough one, Sweetness. He probably deserves what he's getting there.

And THAT is a real confession, which, I wanted to comment, are becoming fewer and far between on this thread. I've noticed a lot simple comments, some lovvy-dovey dialogue and such. I suggest we reserve this space for confessions.

For example, ICT my original reaction was to offer up some rebound sex for Sweetalk, even while the sting of her discovery was still warm. Now that's a confession.
That's a rough one, Sweetness. He probably deserves what he's getting there.

And THAT is a real confession, which, I wanted to comment, are becoming fewer and far between on this thread. I've noticed a lot simple comments, some lovvy-dovey dialogue and such. I suggest we reserve this space for confessions.

For example, ICT my original reaction was to offer up some rebound sex for Sweetalk, even while the sting of her discovery was still warm. Now that's a confession.
I agree. Makes me sad that this thread isn't what it used to be :(

As for sweettalk, I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how you're feeling. But continue to stay strong. I hope you find someone that truly deserves you.
ICT none of my confessions are raunchy enough, heartfelt enough, or interesting enough for this thread.

IACT there are a handful of Litsters that really hit my trigger points, and I want nothing more than to unleash Hell itself upon them, physically beating them into the ground until I am a crying, sweaty, blood-covered mess and all my frustrations and anger are gone.

IFCT I realize that these are just my own demons with which I am struggling. I know in my heart violence does not solve anything and that my desire is more for a mental and physical exhaustion to calm the raging storm within myself.

IACT I hate myself sometimes for knowing that I am capable of those feelings.

ICT I wanted to punch someone in the face today.
IFCT if we were talking face to face I probably would have.
IACT I miss PerkyT's picture. :(

One More Thing I have to confess....I am really happy that my You're Beautiful thread struck a chord.
I had my wisdom teeth out this week. It hasn't been much fun.

Apart from that... Meh.

Hugs! :rose::kiss:
I'm sorry to hear that. :kiss:es to make it better. I hope you get some sunshine to brighten your days. You're too good a person not to have it.

ICT I wanted to punch someone in the face today.
IFCT if we were talking face to face I probably would have.
IACT I miss PerkyT's picture. :(

One More Thing I have to confess....I am really happy that my You're Beautiful thread struck a chord.
*Picks BBB up and swing hugs him* :D

ICT I wanted to punch someone in the face today.
IFCT if we were talking face to face I probably would have.
IACT I miss PerkyT's picture. :(

One More Thing I have to confess....I am really happy that my You're Beautiful thread struck a chord.
Thank you for that thread. Here is my contribution (confession)
I think that video is really interesting. I have no idea how I would describe myself. However, because of society and my experiences, I have never felt beautiful. Even now that I have a man that truly loves me, I hide this fact from him. It's really hard to learn to love yourself but I'm the closest I've ever been. Thank you for sharing that video.
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