Confessions: What Are Yours?

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I confess i came back to this drama plagued place to catch a glimpse of you; to visit hollow shadows and let the waft of scented breeze, from a mirage, tease my senses.
ICT its been torture not being able to see my bf this week and the sexting is no substitute!
I confess that my ex has been texting me asking me to meet him to give him a blow job.
I also confess that I wish I'd pointed out that if he hadn't cheated on me he could've had blow jobs every day!!
I confess that my ex has been texting me asking me to meet him to give him a blow job.
I also confess that I wish I'd pointed out that if he hadn't cheated on me he could've had blow jobs every day!!

You wanna have that cock in your mouth, badly eh :devil:
ICT .... I have indecent thoughts about a certain someone .... and that, sometimes, I wish they would become reality. :eek:
ICT I feel like she'd been ignoring me today, and when I told her she didn't seem to care. IFCT I've been so over tired lately I could just be looking too much into this.
ICT I'm really laughing my ass off right now! LOL!!! So ridiculous. LOL!!!!
ICT I came back to see certain people and I'm enjoying it but I could deal without some of the people that were here back then.
ICT I wish you'd make some sort of move.
IACT I wish you could talk on my hours instead of yours.
IFCT it's raining out and I really don't feel like wearing this skirt 'cause I know I'm gonna freeze my ass off.... but it just might be worth it anyway.:D
ICT i'm so lonely right now

IACT i'm fighting doing something stupid that i know i'd regret
ICT i'm so lonely right now

IACT i'm fighting doing something stupid that i know i'd regret

ICT you should go to the store and buy me cherry ripes.
IACT if you don't you're not getting graham crackers.
IFCT those graham crackers are gonna taste really good when they get there.
ICT you should go to the store and buy me cherry ripes.
IACT if you don't you're not getting graham crackers.
IFCT those graham crackers are gonna taste really good when they get there.

ICT that i'm less worried about NOT getting Graham crackers then i am the Blue Symphony or Almond Roca.

IACT that neither of those will help my waistline lol
ICT that i'm less worried about NOT getting Graham crackers then i am the Blue Symphony or Almond Roca.

IACT that neither of those will help my waistline lol

ICT I just checked the mail and NO cherry ripes.:(
ICT today has been so shitty I wish I had any chocolate.. even if it wasn't imported.
IACT I'm totally confused.
IFCT I am truly grateful to have you in my life, Tits.:rose:
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