Confessions: What Are Yours?

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sounds brilliant to me...

I confess that, the other day, I had what I consider to be a 'genius' idea about this year's christmas tree (Which we've not gotten yet) but, when I explained it to my wife, she looked at me like I was a lunatic. My idea: Cut off all the branches on one side of the tree so that it can sit flush against the wall. We always stick it in a corner, or against a wall anyway, and we don't really see the 'backside'. By cutting away half of the branches, we'll get more space in our modest living room, and about equal enjoyment from the tree. Also, we can use the trimmed branches as decorations throughout the house.


Is this madness, or genius? I need to know!

Seems like genius to me:D
Of course you'll need to fasten it to the wall to keep it upright (I know several people that do anyway, so this might not be an issue:rolleyes:) Be sure to use a small spacer block to overcome the sap issues mentioned earlier, by likes2watchU.
Oh, also consider that half a tree leaves half the space for gifts below, which is good for making the gifts look bigger, but not so good for the recipients:eek:

I confess I'm better off just lurking:(

When I read this I immediately thought of Jeremiah 10:1-5
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ICT I am playing hookie from school even tho our district is not closed. I LOVE snow days.
ICT i love the sense of peace that I feel today... growing older and becoming more confident in one's sexuality is a wonderful thing.
You never PM "ME" any weird fuckin pms. What am I? Chopped liver? I'm not jokin you don't! :cattail:

You know, I'm not sure I've ever even seen chopped liver. Really. When's the last time you saw a Chopped Liver Lunchable, or heard a radio ad for the new McDonald's Chipotle BBQ Chopped Liver Snack Wrap? Hmmm...

And is this really the sort of inane gibberish you want pushing your PM percentage up around 97%?
You know, I'm not sure I've ever even seen chopped liver. Really. When's the last time you saw a Chopped Liver Lunchable, or heard a radio ad for the new McDonald's Chipotle BBQ Chopped Liver Snack Wrap? Hmmm...

LOL.'s official. I'm staying in NYC for 4 more years, bitches! Look out, Big Apple!
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I confess that I have grown so desperate and depressed that I have stooped to all time lows in morality.
I confess that I have grown so desperate and depressed that I have stooped to all time lows in morality.

Its allright man....everyone has low points I was that way for 2 friggin years! You know what? nothing a weekend in vegas with an 8 ball and a couple hookers wont fix mmmkay?
ICT i love the sense of peace that I feel today... growing older and becoming more confident in one's sexuality is a wonderful thing.

Is it your birthday? Hey girl you aren't even near my age yet (I don't think) and it only gets better! ;)
You know, I'm not sure I've ever even seen chopped liver. Really. When's the last time you saw a Chopped Liver Lunchable, or heard a radio ad for the new McDonald's Chipotle BBQ Chopped Liver Snack Wrap? Hmmm...

And is this really the sort of inane gibberish you want pushing your PM percentage up around 97%?

Chopped liver cat food. ;) I nearly spit my cereal thanks! Hell, yes!
Thank you.

This is maybe one of the hardest couple of months that I've ever had to endure. Something has got to give and soon.

Hey you look damn sexy in those jeans. That's gotta be worth something. ;)

Sorry to hear you are having hard times....:rose:
i confess i have woke up wanting to fuck a coworker pretty bad the last couple days
I confess that music is an integral part of who I am, and I'm most happy when I'm creating and/or performing. That's why I'm so excited right now, because I'm doing one, and will soon be doing the other.
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