Confessions: What Are Yours?

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ICT that I'm outgoing, but when it comes to making that call....he has to be first.
IFCT I've never gone this long without it...and I'm going a little crazy.
IACT I don't think I'd be very hesitant at this point.
And ICT I think you should go for it!

ICT He called me first, and in person we are so flirty.

ICT His biting, and sucking lips kiss is soooo good :devil: I know TMI :D

ICT Him being good friends with my family is important to me.

IFCT I might just go for it. :eek:
ICT I am not sure if I was sorry for these ladies for the right reasons at first. Reading more of their comments I suppose I should be saying happy hunting for the right guy.

ICT I'm contemplating asking a girl out despite the fact that she's probably 10 years younger than me and probably won't click... because, fuck it, why not? You fail, fail, fail, until you win, but you only need to win once.
ICT the ladies above have my admiration for sticking to their guns even through lonely times,
And ICT that asking someone out is always a crapshoot, but aren't you worth it?

Go for it :)
There is always that yes...
Ict I have a hard time liking my body at the moment.

It sabotages my sex life with its fear of sex..even though my partner is so loving and kind (and sexy). And it's brokenness could be preventing me from quicker treatment for potential illness.

Don't even get me started on how it decides to present itself.

Ict that I don't give a crap about "body confidence" today. Ill pretend I like it tomorrow but today..this evening it sucks and I really don't understand how my partner even manages to have sex with me.
Ict I have a hard time liking my body at the moment.

It sabotages my sex life with its fear of sex..even though my partner is so loving and kind (and sexy). And it's brokenness could be preventing me from quicker treatment for potential illness.

Don't even get me started on how it decides to present itself.

Ict that I don't give a crap about "body confidence" today. Ill pretend I like it tomorrow but today..this evening it sucks and I really don't understand how my partner even manages to have sex with me.

ICT he loves you for more than your body.

ICT a body is only part of the magic called woman.

ICT I'm tired, but not sleepy.
IFCT all this talk about all the ladies in this thread not getting any makes me ... something emotionally, but I don't know what.
IACT it makes me a bit horny for them, but I'm not going to say thiat.
OK, I'll bite.

ICT even though my husband probably wouldn't mind, I haven't told him about my new found Lit obsession. There, I said it. :p
OK, I'll bite.

ICT even though my husband probably wouldn't mind, I haven't told him about my new found Lit obsession. There, I said it. :p

ICT it took me a few years before I told on myself.
IFCT she's now a Litster.
IACT not quite as active as I am.
ICT I think BBB is sexy as fuck.

ICT He has a nice mustache.

IFCT I would like to see it again.
ICT after my recent breakup all I want is to meet a girl and just have all types of crazy sex.
IFCT I'm too shy to really ever find a girl like that.
ICT I haven't had sex in almost two years
I confess to this very thing.

I've been holding out on the sex part for those reasons, I'm not a wham-bam-thank you ma'am type... I haven't had a single offer (from anyone irl, online doesn't count)
I confess to the same.

...almost 10 yrs without oral.
Yep. My confession, too—approximated.

ICT I need to fuck.
IFC to this fucker, too!
I have a problem saying no. And also a problem of letting go.
Both of these together spell disaster.. -and too often that's where I end up.
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