Computer Question

Nov 22, 2002
I know its Friday night and you would rather talk about more interesting things, but I have a computer related question.

I just downloaded Winamp 3.0 Currently I have Real Audio as my default player.

How do I make Winamp my default player?

Thank you in advance for your anticipated responses.

ok, open winamp and right click on the top bar. My layout might be a little different from yours, cuz I'm using WinAmp lite...some other version, who knows which.

Anyway, choose options
then preferences
then setup
and filetypes

select the ones you want associated with WinAmp
Rubyfruit said:
I want Nora to give my hard drive a tune up.

Baby, I'm gonna have to reformat you. *leers*

Try it the easy way I outlined first, Killswitch. If that doesn't work there's more complicated methods. I'm running '98, too, and have no problem just using the in-program settings.
How can I reformat the colors on Nora's ass? I run win 2000 and settings/bigassflags/eyesburn does not seem to work.
Thanks Nora.....And thanks for trying to stay on topic......

Let the tune ups and reformatting begin ladies!

P.S. I rubbed Noras ass on the screen earlier today, and then won 20 dollars on a lottery scratch off ticket? Coincidence?


StPetey? First start by taking off those rose colored glasses...

No prob, Killswitch. Did it work? *grin*

And I assume I do get a cut of the winnings for being your personal Buddha tummy?
Nora's Lucky Ass

Wow, Killswitch, just think what it would have done for you in person.
Re: Nora's Lucky Ass

Rubyfruit said:
Wow, Killswitch, just think what it would have done for you in person.

Darling, if he'd rubbed my ass in person he never would have gotten to the store to buy the lottery ticket. Of course, some things are priceless... :D
Ok, it was a little different but I got there and selected MP3, and MPEGS.....and also to play cd's......I will see if it actually is the default player here in a few.....Thanks a ton Nora.:rose:
You're very welcome, hon. =)

Of course, now you owe me...
Ummmmmm Both of you girls owe me at least a bottle of Windex. From all the touching of my screen and your AV's I have fingerprints and smudges up the ying yang......I will take the cost of the glass cleaner out of Nora's share of the proceeds of my little winnings!
I used to hang out with some people that knew Nina you know of or remember her?
I met her at a dozen parties, and one time she wore a lil cute sign on her ass that said "Rub for good luck"
So I figured rubbin Noras couldn't hurt and whaaaa laaaa!
Like the perverbial Genie in spandex.....
Killswitch said:
Ummmmmm Both of you girls owe me at least a bottle of Windex. From all the touching of my screen and your AV's I have fingerprints and smudges up the ying yang......I will take the cost of the glass cleaner out of Nora's share of the proceeds of my little winnings!

Try licking their avs instead. keeps the monitor much cleaner. that's what i do :p :p :p
Heh....Wont I get shocked or anything? Oh yeah, I forgot....since I have joined the Lit boards NOTHING shocks me anymore.:eek:
I dunno no steenkin' Nina Hartley. Ok, who is she?

And you shouldn't use windex on your monitor. If you have to clean it, dampen a paper towel, then squeeze out ALL of the water leaving it *barely* damp, then wipe it down. Chemical cleaners can fuck up your monitor and you don't want *anything* dripping into the casing itself.

hmm..."genie in spandex" eh? I might have to change my title...
Nina is, or was a very bigtime Porn Star. She lives in Chicago, but used to come to these swing parties at my friends club. It was the best swing club in, well the midwest some said. It was great.
Nina, was and is married but has a live in girlfriend she has had for 15 years. Best of both worlds.......

I spray a light amount of windex on a paper towel and clean it that way, but I will try your sugestion too.
You are such a lesbian, Nora. Maybe I should go back to girls too.

We could set up house together. You like kids, right? If you wanted to have one too, we could find a donor that looks like a cross between us.....

If you cook, I'll clean.

You pay bills and I'll do your laundry.

I'm sadly lacking in knowledge of porn stars.

I am filled with useless information about Chicago, though. When I hit the lottery (which I'll win after rubbing your ass, I'm sure) that's where I wanna live. In the summer, at least.

Ruby, no laundry? Jezus woman, I'm in! I think your 3 will suffice to quench my maternal instinct, but if you really want a 4th...well, we'll discuss it.

Of course, making love to you is going to consist of a bit more than a little hair pulling, if it's all the same to you. I mean, don't get me wrong, there will be that too... ;)
Whats cool about these festivities is that we are well hidden here in a thread about computers:D
That's cuz you're a closet geek, Rox. *grins*

Now I must ponder ways for Killswitch to pay me back for both the lottery win and the tech help... :p