computer problem and question


Apr 18, 2001
ok here's a strange one

my computer went nuts today ... the screen was corrupting and locking for 2 seconds and the monitor would reset itself over and over and sometimes this would fix the screen corruption or sometimes i would have to hard reboot

when i rebooted windows would start and sometimes the mouse wouldn't work but keyboard would but the login screen was stuck all i could do was ctrl-alt-del and shut down

sometimes it would work for about 20mins and then screen corruption would start again or the whole computer would reset and reboot

then it got real bad as it reset itself and every time it got to the boot screen it would reset i couldn't even get to a point where i could select boot in safe mode

i checked all the connections in the computer and sometimes my sound card gets loose so i took out my sound card and everything seems ok now ... i did get one crash though but that might just be a fluke

i guess it could be a broke sound card although it seems to play sound thru it ok but just causing all these weird faults could it really be causing all this ?

i cant be bothered with it tonight but i'll try and fix it tomorrow its working alright at the moment without soundcard i have sound blaster live by way if that helps
Hmmmm...possibly a bad keyboard? or a mouse that needs cleaning? It sounds crazy, but one or the other can cause all kinds of odd things to happen on your PC.

A stuck key on the keyboard is usually a good place to start looking. Try unplugging the keyboard, turn on the PC and see what happens.
sexy-girl said:
i guess it could be a broke sound card although it seems to play sound thru it ok but just causing all these weird faults could it really be causing all this ?

Do virus scan, and a thorough check with scandisk -- surface scan of system and data areas.

Errors reading from the hard disk can cause this kind of problem as well -- it may be tht your sund card driver is in a location tht the disk is having trouble reading correctly and causing it to be corrupted when it loads into memory.

If the sound card is working, then it is morelikelyto be a problem with the driver or interrupt conflicts betweenthe video oand sound card IRQs.

You might also look at the cooling fan(s) in your computer -- overheating can cause some strange effects that are hard to pin down. Dust build up on and around the cooling fans is a common problem in older computers.
thanks guys

i dont think its keyboard or mouse as it seems to be working ok now without sound card

i either thought it was corrupt driver problems or disk corruption or like you said harold heat trouble ... i had a good idea it might be heat trouble to cause all these strange errors but i checked cpu temp in bios and it seemed ok

i've done virus scans

i guess i'll try and sort it out tomorrow my sister is very knowledgeable as she's worked with computers for over 5 years so she might be able to help

im upgrading my computer soon anyway but not soon enough :)
put sound card back in now but in a different PCI slot will see what happens working alright at moment :)
sexy-girl said:

i guess i'll try and sort it out tomorrow my sister is very knowledgeable as she's worked with computers for over 5 years so she might be able to help
did you say sister? wow...

does she look half as good as you?

is she, umm, guy friendly?


p.s. good luck with the 'puter!
What kind of PC do you have anyways?

This does sound like a driver issue, but if you have an older computer, it could be an IRQ conflict as well. Usually switching PCI slots would solve that problem. But not always.

I only suggested the mouse/keyboard idea because it's always easier to start on the exterior of the computer first. :)
sexy-girl said:
i had a good idea it might be heat trouble to cause all these strange errors but i checked cpu temp in bios and it seemed ok

The CPU isn't the only thing that gets hot, and it has it's own cooling fan (or should have) -- a restricted air flow through the case can cause other components to overheat, even if the CPU is staying cool (by shedding heat into the air cooling the rest of the components.)
yeah i know harold im running my computer with the case off at moment i know that doesn't help air flow but i dont have great air flow with my computer anyway wires aren't to neat :(

it seems ok now in other PCI slot maybe my motherboard is on way out i guess we're see

thanks for your help though your advice has helped but i guess this is one of those problems thats going to be hard to find the exact cause especially because it seems to be intermittent (which makes me think over heating again)

lol jersey boy sorry i dont talk about my sisters sex appeal (to creepy) but she is straight

thanks bob also any advice is most welcome my PC is a 1.2ghz athlon ... maybe going to upgrade to a fast P4 soon ... still getting graphics card next week though as im going to sell my geforce 3 for about £100 :)

sexy-girl is a computer geek :p