Commitment Issues

No you were not wrong.

I would be horrified to think that I was somehow different from other women just because I have children.
lovetoread said:
No you were not wrong.

I would be horrified to think that I was somehow different from other women just because I have children.

Thanks LTR.
Whew, good thing the fact that this "mom" is also someone's daughter didn't come up.

It sounds like this guy has something in his past that is creating relationship "blocks." True, I don't know this guy.
It's the idea that a parent is supposed to be a role model for their children that gets under his skin. And of course the obvious repulsive notion that your own mother ever gave a blowjob.
Eumenides said:

I keep telling him that. I guess I should quit trying to solve his problems, but I get tired of "alas, I cannot find anyone who is good enough" when he broke up with someone because her shifty eyes bothered him. *sigh*

Wow, *shifty* eyes? What next? "She sneezed more than twice in an hour."????

After a point, you have to resign the fact that some people will never be happy. Of course, he's your friend, and because you can't just brush him off, you will be hearing this for a long time I'm afraid.
Bob_Bytchin said:

Wow, *shifty* eyes? What next? "She sneezed more than twice in an hour."????

After a point, you have to resign the fact that some people will never be happy. Of course, he's your friend, and because you can't just brush him off, you will be hearing this for a long time I'm afraid.

You do horoscopes too? WOW!

This guy sounds very young, or too immature to really want a commitment. Sorry, that's my opinion. How old is he?
Bob_Bytchin said:

Please tell her what you are thinking. She could use everyone's input. :)

I'll give it my best try then. ii

For a guy that is almost 40, it would seem that he would reflect back on his life and see where it is and why he's still alone.

It would too almost seem like he doesn't want to find someone either. Too immature? too picky? His standards are too high? I don't know... for someone who kicks a girl to the curb for "shifty eyes", it just smells foul to me.

I am first a woman, then a mother. I don't know... I just don't get it. It really does sound like something funky happened in his past or he already has issues with his own mother. ???

Eumenides said:

Almost 40....i agree.
More evidence for my theory.....

Any never-been-married guy over the age of 35 has some seriously dysfunctional reasons why he's single.

I'm surprised it is him sending the women away. How does he get past their radar screen that usually eliminates such guys early on in the get acquainted process??
Of my circle of friends in High School (8 of us), only 2 have never been married. Hell, those same 2 have never been seen with a woman. I'm very sure they aren't homosexual either, which wouldn't be a problem. I have tried numerous times to help one of them out, but he too is very picky...even though he shouldn't be.

I guess that some people are happy without sexual relationships.
the things people hate most in other people are the things they hate most about themselves.

taking that with a grain of salt, he's not happy enough with himself, to see beyond the faults of others. He's projecting his insecurities and blaming someone else for their "problems" instead of looking at himself.

Not "picky or commitment phobic" "insecure with himself".

my two cents.
That's very true, ruffles.

This is why I heart you.

That and the caramel hiding place.
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Eumenides said:

That's very true, ruffles.

This is why I heart you.

That and the caramel hiding place.

let's just go with the baked goods in my panties, sugah. I'm done with caramel. ;)
perky_baby said:

let's just go with the baked goods in my panties, sugah. I'm done with caramel. ;)

I like anything without coconut.

Just in case you care. ;)
perky_baby said:

let's just go with the baked goods in my panties, sugah. I'm done with caramel. ;)

So your panties are like KFC chicken? Crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside? ;)
Bob_Bytchin said:

So your panties are like KFC chicken? Crispy on the outside, tender and juicy on the inside? ;)

*laughing* at least, finger lickin good, sugah.