Come out to my children

Just a little Eff Why Eye:

The vast majority of the Internet's International Daily Quota of the words "Vast", "Majority", and "Sexist" was used up in the post a few up from here.


The vast majority concur with stickygirl...chill out y'all.
I think we need to pass round the bottle of 'chill the fuck down' Jeez guys, stop being so personal when you've not even been referred in the discussion. If Lwulf and Dys want to continue to slug it out then just form a circle, not join in with the kicking. Can't we get back to talking about children and their welfare and not sound like every other angry divorcing parent? No wonder kids get so screwed up

Yeah, you're right. Mudslinging's not going to get us anywhere, least of all here. As you can see from my post count, I'm not a very active forum user, so I think I just got my feathers ruffled. I'm done arguing about stuff that doesn't even have anything to do with the topic of this thread. Or at least, I'll give it my best shot.
As far as I can tell, most of the arguments in this thread are confusion over whether the precautions suggested and advice given relate to the coming out or the introducing a new SO or both.

And unless I'm being stupid and pointing out something which everyone else has already established, it might be worth summarising...

1) coming out and/or being lesbian should not change anything or dealt with differently at all
2) introducing a new SO needs to be dealt with carefully
These will occur together, therefore introducing her children to the fact that she is lesbian will of course be done carefully. But it won't need to be done carefully BECAUSE she is lesbian.

Am I making anything coherent here? The conversation might get further if we make such assumptions about the advice given.
