coat hangers and cothspins


Literotica Guru
Dec 30, 1999
They work well........I am palnning on play down in the den tonight and I have many things that go up and down depending on where we are playing.

last night getting things ready for tonight I tried it out hang those things that tangel up with a clothspin on the bottom bar of a coat hanger

Like we have a few sets of vibrating nipple clamps ...they always get messed up.

Flogger, and vibrating eggs ...stuff like that they all hang straight down.
seems to work pretty well.

I cliped my ropes to a few other one too as diffrent lenghts go on diffrent hangers so they can be found quickly.

Hey just wanted to pass it along.
Did skitten have to watch you doing this?

I love watching as the toys are laid out.

It makes me blush, but get just a little bit tingly all over!


Have fun, Wiz!

On the subject of nipple clamps, clothespins, and coat hangers.

You can do amazing and imaginative things things with pant-hangers. I think you will find some photos on the Darkerpleasures Yahoo Group site, and there are definately a lot more photos with stories if you visit the pay site.

jon:devil: :devil: :devil:
MissTaken said:
Did skitten have to watch you doing this?

I love watching as the toys are laid out.

It makes me blush, but get just a little bit tingly all over!


Have fun, Wiz!


I like to have her lay things out <big evil grin>
Good plan, hadn't thought of that, and the "storage rack" items themselves are just about as usefull as anything can get in just about any situation. I've been a big fan of both for years, but it never occored to me in that configuration. Thanks for the tip.
I worked well , Down in our "den" I have cloths line strug to act as a back drop holder and just thru up another so everything was with in read and no time untanging thing. no matter how neat I lay thing out they alwasy seem to get messed up.

I set up this time and next time I will have skitten to do so. I have in the past. I enjoy her setting my play toys up, and thinking of what is to come.

Our play area is spread out over the whole room and walking back to the other side to get something is a real drag so I hung these thing in the middle.
I have an area with I have her stang and attach her hand to a "I" beam and play away then I have my spanking bench area where I may spank or strap her tight and use her as my sex toy, and I keep a nice wooden chair there if there is a need to have her sit and an table if I wish to tie her to the top and last but not least I have an area of the floor with blankets down and pullys above to run my rope if I wish to put her in a rope harness and use the pullys for play.

So my problem was things get messed up alot and now I still need something like a garden caddy to carry vibs. and plugs aswell as other tools.

I am intrested in hearing how other have there area set up and what they do so any commets are welcome.:)