Cmon Show Your Faces...Or are you Chicken? Part 2

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I'm not usually a facial hair lover, except for the sexy five o'clock shadow, but you look good with facial hair. The goatee is nice and manicured. My favorite look is when you go full monty. I promise I only look at the hairy parts:D

Very pretty picture Ruby!
For a short time...

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Ok I haven't posted a face pic of me all year. So hear is one from last summer. I was having a good time at the park.


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Nice!!! That's about how I would see you because I'm so short :D

I'm actually sitting in my kayak on the conveyor belt going from the lower pond back to the upper pond. If you look closely, my tongue is hanging out. Here is the un edited pic.


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Tried getting better pics of the new color.
With my glasses and without. 01.06.16
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