C'mon kids, sign up for health insurance.


Literotica Guru
Sep 15, 2012
The Koch brothers are spending about 40 million dollars to convince you to pay the fine and turn down affordable health care. They're buying the beer and setting up tailgate parties at football games. So, drink their free beer and don't fall for their bullshit.
Yeah need more welfare....

How sad for you! A mentally defective not getting the help you so clearly need
Yeah need more welfare....

How sad for you! A mentally defective not getting the help you so clearly need

Car insurance is welfare?

Home insurance is welfare?

Social Security is welfare?

Mortgage insurance is welfare?

Flood insurance is welfare?

Car insurance is welfare?

Home insurance is welfare?

Flood insurance is welfare?

Social Security is welfare?

Mortgage insurance is welfare?

Your stupidity and ignorance lives on...keep that hand out as im sure strangers will offer u some change

Good thing you are naked...as that will help your begging campaign for hand outs
Car insurance is welfare?

Home insurance is welfare?

Social Security is welfare?

Mortgage insurance is welfare?

Flood insurance is welfare?


no one FORCES you to buy any of it

and you don't get FINED for not buying it
The Koch brothers are spending about 40 million dollars to convince you to pay the fine and turn down affordable health care. They're buying the beer and setting up tailgate parties at football games. So, drink their free beer and don't fall for their bullshit.

It’s Come To This: Colorado Using Scantily-Clad Models To Hawk Obamacare…

Yes, really.

Via Denver Post:

Affordable Care Act reforms in Colorado hit a speed bump just hours after launch Tuesday, with a primary website telling consumers they couldn’t create accounts because of overwhelming volume.

Connect for Health Colorado officials said the glitch was fixed within hours and added they had anticipated worse computer problems than those that surfaced. [...]

“We would prefer that not happen,” said coalition director Dede de Percin. “But having said that, a lot of people are shopping at this point, and you can certainly go in and look around. The high volume is great. It’s a problem, but it’s a good problem to have.”

Promoters and health insurers fanned out with multimedia ads to encourage sign-ups. Colorado HealthOP, a consumer-run cooperative selling insurance plans on the exchange, sent models in skimpy clothing — and sporting signs with information — to greet Denver’s 16th Street Mall lunch crowds.
no one FORCES you to buy any of it

and you don't get FINED for not buying it

Really? You can't drive a care without CAR INSURANCE.

If you want a mortgage you need home and mortgage and in some places flood insurance or you don't get your house.

Social security comes out of your paycheck.
So sad sugar that you willingly become a street begger!

Keep that hand high, you head low and those nips hard and im sure strangers will offer you money
The Koch brothers are spending about 40 million dollars to convince you to pay the fine and turn down affordable health care. They're buying the beer and setting up tailgate parties at football games. So, drink their free beer and don't fall for their bullshit.

Really? You can't drive a care without CAR INSURANCE.

If you want a mortgage you need home and mortgage and in some places flood insurance or you don't get your house.

Social security comes out of your paycheck.

you aren't very bright

you are NOT FORCED to BUY a car nor buy INSURANCE


same with a mtg....you can always RENT

and peeps who DONT want to work, DONT PAY TAX....ITS VOLUNTARY

NObamaCare isn't


To get a car and insurance to buy a house and get a mtg to work and ay taxes, YOU NEED ID

Large graphics on their posts are necessary

for the TEATARDS on here because the get headaches when they have to use words to put forth their arguments, and the words don't work.
The Koch brothers are spending about 40 million dollars to convince you to pay the fine and turn down affordable health care. They're buying the beer and setting up tailgate parties at football games. So, drink their free beer and don't fall for their bullshit.

With that 40 million, they could have insured so many of their geriatric teabagger friends. Instead, those teabaggers will now be a burden on us when they rely on the government for their healthcare in their mentally and physically deteriorated state.
Interesting factoid:

Yesterday, literally thousands of twitter users complained about the ACA using the hashtag #obamacare.

Here's what's interesting: the average age of an account criticizing Obamacare was one day old (i.e. they'd been created within the past 24 hours).

This reminds me, has anyone seen Cade recently?
With that 40 million, they could have insured so many of their geriatric teabagger friends. Instead, those teabaggers will now be a burden on us when they rely on the government for their healthcare in their mentally and physically deteriorated state.

I think the Koch brothers are worth something surreal like 50 billion. They just bought another company for 1.8 billion a few weeks ago. I'll get back to you with the name.

They're the money behind Dick Army's TEATARD bus/protests/demonstrations operation.

But, drink the beer.
Interesting factoid:

Yesterday, literally thousands of twitter users complained about the ACA using the hashtag #obamacare.

Here's what's interesting: the average age of an account criticizing Obamacare was one day old (i.e. they'd been created within the past 24 hours).

This reminds me, has anyone seen Cade recently?

The Koch brothers are spending about 40 million dollars to convince you to pay the fine and turn down affordable health care. They're buying the beer and setting up tailgate parties at football games. So, drink their free beer and don't fall for their bullshit.

so I see you resort to name calling and ignore legit points

if it continues

With that 40 million, they could have insured so many of their geriatric teabagger friends. Instead, those teabaggers will now be a burden on us when they rely on the government for their healthcare in their mentally and physically deteriorated state.

Not close to geriatric yet, but I think it will be fun, for a change, to not be the one paying for everyone else.....if we choose not to get insurance and pay the fine. I am really starting to love the idea of just popping into the ER when we don't feel good.

What a relief from the burden of having to pay those premiums each month, having to pay the co-pays when we go to the doctor and then having to reach the deductible before insurance will even pay.

Ahhh.....freedom!!! Becoming part of that 47% is going to be awesome!!!:)
Not close to geriatric yet, but I think it will be fun, for a change, to not be the one paying for everyone else.....if we choose not to get insurance and pay the fine. I am really starting to love the idea of just popping into the ER when we don't feel good.

What a relief from the burden of having to pay those premiums each month, having to pay the co-pays when we go to the doctor and then having to reach the deductible before insurance will even pay.

Ahhh.....freedom!!! Becoming part of that 47% is going to be awesome!!!:)

So you're saying that you currently don't have freedom? I thought in that other thread you were crying about how you were losing your freedom.

Clearly, you don't actually care about freedom, it's just a buzzword for you.
The way I see it, the only people against obamacare are the greedy ones that have not a care in the world about anybody but themselves.

Everybody complaining that the government is forcing them to buy health insurance, already buy it...so wtf is it to you