Cloning, yes or no?

Hate to be not on the point, but you used to have that kickass av.. what happened to it?

That one is pretty damn impressive too.

I dont think there is anything necessarily wrong with cloning except the loss of real individuality... when clone absolutely evrything else, and now.. ourselves.
I believe that it is the next logical progression in medicine. It will be necessary to have cloning in some part or way in order to grow cures for diseases that we suffer from now. I am not saying cloning a whole human, but just parts alone. I think I heard where they thought that they would be able to grow individual parts (arms, legs, hearts etc.) without having to grow a whole human. If they ban will that affect stem cell and other cellular research?
I think one reason cloning freaks people out is because the technique could conceivably lead to women reproducing without men. Scary stuff, eh?
superlittlegirl said:
I think one reason cloning freaks people out is because the technique could conceivably lead to women reproducing without men. Scary stuff, eh?

Or...heh reproducing without women.;)
I think cloneing would be great IF for example ...

IF they can take DNA from me and my husband and build a child with both of our genes then Yes that would make alot of couples happy if they couldn't have children,

But then No because I really don't want to see someone with my face either .
That one is really fucking good, but I meant the redhead chick from that 70's show.
Morwen said:
Oh, that girl Prepon. She was never my av, you're thinking of Alicia Witt. She was my av for a while. Raelians reached out and destroyed my hard drive, that's why I had to get another computer and a new av and take a while to get back on line.

Ok so I'm kidding it wasn't Raelians.

It was the Rand Corporation.

No, it was PBS.

Or clones.

Damn...I soooo wanted it to be the masons and the Rockefellers.

I think parts only then when a person needs a new liver they can clone it from him and he or she will more likely not reject it.
My understanding is that if they ban cloning, that means the research will have to go, and with it the parts making process too. That is where the problem lies.

I support the cloning of organs, tissues, etc for medical purposes (to save a life), but I cannot support the outright cloning of entire humans. The thing these wacko Raeliens are forgetting is that either way, they are bringing a baby into this world, not an experimental creature:(
Personally I'm against the idea at present.

I'm not against the research but a full clone seems a bit premature. In fact the whole genetic gambit of sciences scares the crap out of me. I just keep thinking DDT and Agent Orange but multiplied by 10 million.

Not a happy thought.
Blindinthedark said:
Personally I'm against the idea at present.

I'm not against the research but a full clone seems a bit premature. In fact the whole genetic gambit of sciences scares the crap out of me. I just keep thinking DDT and Agent Orange but multiplied by 10 million.

Not a happy thought.

smart smart smart.
I don't like it because it takes some of the spontanaeity out of the miracle that is the creation of human life.

Sure, I'd like to be 6'9", have an 8-inch penis, be genetically predisposed against obesity and high blood pressure, but at the same time, I wouldn't be me if I was.

I can understand other acts thought by people to be "playing God," like test-tube births and in vitro fertilization, because at base, they weren't messing around with that central mystique. Genetic choosing of embryos kind of rubs me wrong, but I understand that some people would like it to make sure their children aren't born with a hereditary disease, like spina bifida or something.

I see some of those benign traits in the cloning issue, too, like infertile couples who want a child with their genetic blueprint. But to me, there's a fine line that I think is being crossed with outright cloning of human beings. Just because we could doesn't mean we should.

Approved and Seconded.

To wander ever so slightly off topic here, and to be a n00b, when do I stop being a virgin:confused: