Climate continues to change.

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There should be a shitpot of news about a bunch of first year ice being smashed up in the arctic ocean in the next couple days. There's a huge low predicted in the eastern Beaufort Sea. Some folks think the winds will cause some action.
Actually, I said "thermal inertia".

Which is the correct term. Momentum being impetus and kinetic energy being a moving object.

Although, is heat an object? I mean "thermal energy" cannot exist without mass?

Something has to be there to conduct or otherwise store the energy.
There should be a shitpot of news about a bunch of first year ice being smashed up in the arctic ocean in the next couple days. There's a huge low predicted in the eastern Beaufort Sea. Some folks think the winds will cause some action.

Maybe soon we can find that NW Passage.

Which is the correct term. Momentum being impetus and kinetic energy being a moving object.

Although, is heat an object? I mean "thermal energy" cannot exist without mass?

Something has to be there to conduct or otherwise store the energy.

I like MY term and dislike YOUR term, so mine is correct.

That is the GB way!
Humanity has no effect on the Earth. (look away)

Climate change is purely natural. (Other)

Pollution is natural. (Humans should go away)

Who cares anyway? (Fuck it)


So Frodo's answer to "climate denialists" is to deny any evidence they present for their case.

And Hal here has mastered the strawman fallacy.

No one is saying humanity is having no effect on the environment, quite the opposite. No is saying climate change is entirely natural, quite the opposite. No one is for pollution or apathy.

What we are saying is that we don't know enough about what is going on with the climate to pass laws which are designed to control the climate, especially since those laws will have a large impact on our socio-technological evolution which is already well on its way to evolving past our current state of technology.

Hal is probably too young to remember but once way back in history in 2000 everyone was fucking screaming: Peak Oil we are all gonna die! Go a bit further back it was The Population Bomb. That was supposed to extinct us by 1995.

We are still here. Why? Because our technology evolved to productivity levels the stupid among us could not imagine a few years early.

If our current energy industries are the problem we should be wanting to speed up technological evolution to move along to new technologies.

Yet, all the climate change solutions thus proposed will reduce the speed of technological progress by reducing the incentives for people to innovate. Fools talk about the insanity of economic growth, as if they were born yesterday and do not know our history.

One example is subsidies to wind/solar power. When you give current technologies subsidies to make money at their current level of techno-evolution then they don't have the incentive to innovate driven by free market competition with current fossil fuel technologies. Wind power and Solar development is being slowed down by subsidies - not helped - and the consumer foots the bill.

Thus far the most creative climate change mitigation schemes are just big cons designed to game the system into channeling billions into someone's purse. Think the carbon tax schemes in the EU which are rife with corruption, or the whole UN climate justice thing where clever less-developed nations seek to leverage the post-Christian sense of climate guilt in the West to channel "climate aid" to help with nonexistent "climate suffering." Naturally, all the money ends up in third world elites' Swiss Bank accounts which Goldman Sachs then helps to reinvest in our equity markets, a win/win for the top 1% everywhere...

Or how about that latest climate New Deal? AOC's chief o' staff admitted it was about Socialism, fuck the climate.

The truth is after all the wailing and screaming about climate change not a single idea is on the table anywhere that can change the course of the future climate whatsoever. It's all either useless virtue signalling that has no chance an effecting the climate or financial scams.

No one really believes in catastrophic climate change who is in the know. The rest of you cucks are what they used to call in the old cold war days, "useful idiots."

Look it up:
Actually Thor talked about heat "momentum". And I mentioned that one volcanic eruption can cause cooling very quickly despite the rising temps "kinetic" energy.

And still, because of people like you, what choice does anyone have? You say even a gradual shift to alternatives would kill everything. Defeatism and fatalism at it's height. And false.

As for you've pivoted to "it won't work anyway", from "it might have unintended catastrophic consequences!"

Make up yer mind, already.

Because of people like me? The guy that supports moving from fossil fuels to nuclear for our base power generation? Rather than destroy the Earth through strip mining for solar panel raw materials?

You just don't get it...

My position on sequestration is: you don't know what the fuck you're doing so stop fucking with tech that could potentially destroy us.

As Thor pointed out you won't read a link anyway, so go Google up some info on what happened (that is "happened", not "could happen"), when naturally sequestered carbon is released. It didn't raise the Earth's temp a degree or two. It literally ended an ice age. The co2 level was at a point where humans would not survive.
Nice bedtime fairy tale.

I can make one up, too!!

"Once upon a time, asswholes quit being greedy pricks, and thought about other people more than themselves".

We all know it's fantasy.

Nice bedtime fairy tale.

I can make one up, too!!

"Once upon a time, asswholes quit being greedy pricks, and thought about other people more than themselves".

We all know it's fantasy.


Look, I don't view ACC supporters as "asswholes". At worst, useful idiots. They used to be called "pawns". I do see the LEADERS of the ACC cause as vile, despicable people (and yes, greedy "asswholes") because they are knowingly defrauding "everyone".

If you choose to believe, that's fine. I just think you should walk the talk.

It's a little harder in my case. I don't want to build my own reactor and wind up like the radioactive boy scout.



The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time

by Tony Heller

"...NOAA’s US temperature record shows that US was warmest in the 1930’s and has generally cooled as CO2 has increased. This wrecks greenhouse gas theory, so they “adjust” the data to make it look like the US is warming.

The NOAA data tampering produces a spectacular hockey stick of scientific fraud, which becomes the basis of vast amounts of downstream junk climate science. Pre-2000 temperatures are progressively cooled, and post-2000 temperatures are warmed. This year has been a particularly spectacular episode of data tampering by NOAA, as they introduce nearly 2.5 degrees of fake warming since 1895..."



The Greatest Scientific Fraud Of All Time

by Tony Heller

"...NOAA’s US temperature record shows that US was warmest in the 1930’s and has generally cooled as CO2 has increased. This wrecks greenhouse gas theory, so they “adjust” the data to make it look like the US is warming.

The NOAA data tampering produces a spectacular hockey stick of scientific fraud, which becomes the basis of vast amounts of downstream junk climate science. Pre-2000 temperatures are progressively cooled, and post-2000 temperatures are warmed. This year has been a particularly spectacular episode of data tampering by NOAA, as they introduce nearly 2.5 degrees of fake warming since 1895..."


How many websites do you repost this trash to? Are you paid different rates depending on the audience? :confused:
Meanwhile, we're in our 16th consecutive month of 'above normal' precipitation.
"Ship designer: “I think we should make sure that the Titanic is designed with safeguards against possible future climate changes.”

Ship owners: “That would cost way too much money and is unnecessary.”

Navigator: “Captain, there is a possibility there are climate changes ahead on our current course.”

Captain: “Don’t worry, there are no climate changes ahead. Full speed ahead.”

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