Casual Sex For Normal People!


Sep 30, 2012
Even every day normal people get the urge to have casual sex at some point.
This is the place where every day normal people can come to find each other for casual sex 24/7. w w w . d o m e p l z (dot com) . You will be shocked by how many people from your town are already on there! Soooo.... Come on over!
ohhh bobcat your something else. i havve used this site after my divorce and couldnt be happier that i did. may be its spam but it worked for me. ov course i have seen you flaggin all sorts of ads, too chicken to check it out?
Spam, spam and double spam

ohhh bobcat your something else. i havve used this site after my divorce and couldnt be happier that i did. may be its spam but it worked for me. ov course i have seen you flaggin all sorts of ads, too chicken to check it out?

Oh look! Another spammer trying to re-spam the original spam. You get bonus points for that.

Only joking - you can fuck off too.
Oh look! Another spammer trying to re-spam the original spam. You get bonus points for that.

Only joking - you can fuck off too.

When we report them fast enough, maybe tell just finally decide to go somewhere else.

It's easier for us to click the 'report spam' icon and report that then the spammers to have to go to the trouble of setting up another bogus each time after they get bounced.
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Don't worry. A PM has been sent to the owner of this site so she can ban the ISP.