CASTING CALL: shipwrecked on anal goddess island


Dec 28, 2002
Have you ever fantisized that you washed up on the shore of an uncharted island, only to find a race of beautiful, scantily clad girls who like it in the butt?

Well, now is your chance to play a role in that fantisy. So far, we have two sailors and a girl. We'd like some more girls to join, and a few more sailors.

Wntctrlmyslf, get back here and keep posting, you started it.

Heres what we got so far:
what if i just visit for a bit but post lustily?

here for a bit, would enjoy vigerous storytelling for a bit...
Village Elder

Will develop the character and post if it's ok with everyone. This looks like fun - in more ways than one.
I've been absent far too long but I'm back now.

Would lurve to join the men of the island and will post shortly, hope we get a few more anal goddesses soon though otherwise I might have to drown myself.
I'll bump.

I intend to be an anthropologist on Anal Goddess Island, Getting a little behind in my research <gag>


Goddess ... backdoor... behind... this sounds like a good ole Brit panto ....

I've been watching and reading, but am still tempted...

How desperate are u for another godess ?

Not sure I can stop giggling to write straight!

DM x
Willing and able.

Isolated Islands are always fun. Please pm if you wish me to join at a certain point. Thanks.
well I fancy being an exotic amazon with a butt! I'll join in as and when things get going!

Hiya Islanders and shipwreck survivors!

I didn't know what you wanted.
Let me know if my posting is OK.
I ditched the panto line for now!

Will continue or ditch or edit depending whether you like or not.


DM x