Can you remember the first time you ever had a gay fantasy?


Jun 15, 2006
Is so, what was it about and how did you feel after you realised you were turned on by big yummy hard cocks?
I don't remember having my first gay fantasy but I do remember watching porn wondering what it felt like to have a big cock inside me and that must of been when I was around 14

Yeah, I remember being in my late teens watching porn and wondering what it was like the other way around.
In high school I saw my first porn. The scene that really got me thinking was a MFF where the girls were so into each other and the guy was merely a little helper that did a great job of staying out of the way. The way the girls moved with each other and their constant kissing drove me wild! There was a great FF lesbian scene to end the movie. I masturbated off an on all night thinking about those girls and being with one.
In high school I saw my first porn. The scene that really got me thinking was a MFF where the girls were so into each other and the guy was merely a little helper that did a great job of staying out of the way. The way the girls moved with each other and their constant kissing drove me wild! There was a great FF lesbian scene to end the movie. I masturbated off an on all night thinking about those girls and being with one.

my first lesbian fantasy was in high school, while taking a shower after a track first experience didnt happen until my sophomore year of college........if only i could wind back the clock....
my first lesbian fantasy was in high school, while taking a shower after a track first experience didnt happen until my sophomore year of college........if only i could wind back the clock....

I did not act on my urges and now as I approach middle age, it is definitely something I want. If I would have been a little braver and ignored social expectations, i would have had a lot of girl/girl sex!
Sorta, kinda?!

Not really sure it was a fantasy or just a sexual awakening.
Have no idea how old I was, but a couple friends and I found a skin mag in the woods. We had a fort there and hid it there. I recall them getting all excited about the girls and their exposed parts...they didn't do anything for me, but I put on a good show of it anyway. I recall getting excited about the male in one of the pics and his round ass and hairy, veiny, glistening cock. He was so big and masculine and powerful looking, and he was obviously going to penetrate the girl in the pic. I remember how that made me feel. I was confused and excited.
I went back later to our fort and "stole" the magazine. My friends never knew.
It sounds funny, but at times I just wanted to be the girl in the picture, and let him teach me how to please him, so I could be with him and close to him. I don't even think I knew what gay or being gay was yet at that time.
being bi my first cock hurt a lot I was 20, but I enjoy woman and man, I just like sex..
Mine was when I was about 30, but didnt suck my first cock until about a year ago.
I'm pretty sure I was 12, there was this other boy in my class, and I wondered what he looked like bare-chested, and then I started wondering what his cock looked like, and then I pictured myself sucking him.

Edit: I found it pretty disturbing to have these thoughts, and was also dismissive of them.
This was not long after the first couple of times I felt attracted to boys - I didn't have any specific fantasies then, but on one occasion I was def. staring at a male friend's legs and on another I was enjoying looking at some bare-chested boys.
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Strangely enough I don't think it was until I was 20 and on my way to Washington , D.C., to interview for the early stages of getting a top-secret clearance. I was groped by a guy at the urinals of the Woodbridge reststop on I-95 coming into Washington from the south. My interview was the next day. That night I dreamt of completing a hookup with the guy in the reststop even though I had pulled away from him immediately and left--having to get off onto Route 1 and stop at a McDonalds down the road to complete why I'd stopped at the reststop. Luckily the interview the next day didn't incude a polygraph on lifestyle issues. I'd already taken that and passed and never was asked that question on a polygraph in the next thirty years of reclearancing--even though I did more than fantasize about gay sex within a couple of years after that.
I'm pretty sure I was 12, there was this other boy in my class, and I wondered what he looked like bare-chested, and then I started wondering what his cock looked like, and then I pictured myself sucking him.

I had my first boy-crush on a classmate at 13, but it was more romantic than sexual. However I got to explore that side as well with a cousin and neighbor for several years after that. Only if we could go back and do it again!!
When I was young I went to a big city to see a concert with some friends. We shared beds in a hotel room and the friend I was sharing a bed with dove under the sheets to suck my cock. Having never had a guy do that to me before I pushed him away. But immediately I regretted that, because I really not only wanted him to do that, but I realized I wanted to do that to him. Unfortunately, we never did. But I kne from then on that I wanted to.
I had my first boy-crush on a classmate at 13, but it was more romantic than sexual. However I got to explore that side as well with a cousin and neighbor for several years after that. Only if we could go back and do it again!!

I've never really had romantic feelings for a man, the closest was cuddling after sex with one of my partners. Prior to that time I fantasized with sucking a classmate, there were I think two times I fancied a boy:

-Possibly the first time in my life it happened, I was playing soccer with some boys, and as we didn't have uniforms, the other team went barechested. It was nice to look at the boys on the other team, but I remember one in particular, who I was on good terms with but not close friends, slender, dark-skinned, I certainly noticed him, even if I didn't realize what was happening. I'm guessing I was about 11.
-The other time, I was with some friends, we were having gym class that day, one of them was wearing white shorts, showing his already hairy legs. I looked down for some reason, and found myself staring at his legs. They all noticed, laughed and forgot about it.

Funny, that boy I had my first gay fantasy with offered to sell me pics of naked women, and when I declined immediately offered me pics of naked men, which I also declined.
probably a porno mag shoot, i was fascinated by the fat cockhead as well as the woman it was servicing.
can't say I had a gay first real sexual experimenting was with a male neighbor....we kind of played the girl roll...
I think the first time I just acted spontaneously, probably about eleven or twelve years old. Lined up in gym, the shorts on the boy in front of me had ridden up showing half of his ass cheek and it looked so round and firm and nice I just reached out and stroked it. He turned around and shouted at the boy next to me, but later in the change room he must have figured it out because he came over took hold of my gym shorts at the bottom and tugged them to the floor. Everyone laughed, but in bed that night I was very aroused and masturbated thinking both of the feel of his skin and also about being exposed.
I think the first time I just acted spontaneously, probably about eleven or twelve years old. Lined up in gym, the shorts on the boy in front of me had ridden up showing half of his ass cheek and it looked so round and firm and nice I just reached out and stroked it. He turned around and shouted at the boy next to me, but later in the change room he must have figured it out because he came over took hold of my gym shorts at the bottom and tugged them to the floor. Everyone laughed, but in bed that night I was very aroused and masturbated thinking both of the feel of his skin and also about being exposed.

oh my...
Not sure if it's my first fantasy, since I definitely felt different all along, but...

When I was maybe 14, I found a Penthouse magazine. In the "Forum" section, there was a story about a guy who gets invited into a couple's bed and wound up sucking the guy. Oh. My. God. I found out why I was "different" all along! I was so turned on I read that part of the story over and over and over.

I think I could still recite it 30 years later - but I can't remember a thing about the naked pictures of women in that issue!! :D
being bi I just remember while watching porn as a teen getting just as excited watching the cocks as I did watching the pussies and wondering what it would be like to have my mouth filled with a nice big hard cock

it wasn't fantasy.
I lived in a small town and was molested by an older kid
Everyone found out and it was covered up but my life was shit there until I left
I never returned although my only family still lives there
just me...

it wasn't fantasy.
I lived in a small town and was molested by an older kid
Everyone found out and it was covered up but my life was shit there until I left
I never returned although my only family still lives there

different small town, same story...
Knew I was Bi

As early as I can remember, I am not sure how old, but very young......The first prick I saw, I wanted to hold and suck....I knew at that time although I did not know the term, I was bi........I loved the sight of was on a guy about 40 and it was hanging limp over his balls, and uncut........
I wanted to use it.......but knew better...............I was raised anti gay........but I knew what turned me on.........
The first chance I got, I found a neighborhood buddy who was a curious as I was and first suck, I knew I liked it.........
I guess you have to have it in you to like it.........but, I do love being bi.........
I had to deal with all the feelings, but finally accepted my bi desires and pursued them, and at age 61, I still enjoy being bi, and constantly on the look
All smile and enjoy. I do
I think my first gay fantasy was when I was about 15. I'd seen guys in the changing rooms at swimming baths and looked at their cocks but when I saw two guys kissing for the first time it sparked my imagination. It was another three years, numerous wanks and dildo rides until my first actual gay encounter.
I was a vampire obsessed goth for a while. I wanted to sprout fangs and bite a girl from my class in a sexy kind of way. Never did, though. Ah well.