Calling out the boys!!


Apr 15, 2013
What do men fantasize about?

I am looking for some particularly naughty very very secret fantasies. The kind of shit you don't tell anyone even your lover.
What makes you think the men tell the boys their secret fantasies?

You're just gross.
What do men fantasize about?

I am looking for some particularly naughty very very secret fantasies. The kind of shit you don't tell anyone even your lover.
Old Michael went past the pet shop, which was never open, into the park, which was never closed, and the park was full of a very smooth, clean, green grass. So he took off all his clothes and began rubbing his flesh into the wet, clean, green grass. Beneath the ground, dirty brown writhing things called "worms" interpreted the pitter-patter from above as rainfall. Rainfall in worm-world means two things: mating and bath time. Both of these experiences were thoroughly enjoyable to the worm colony. Within seconds, the entire surface of the park was a mass of dirty, brown, soggy, writhing forms. He was still pleased, old Michael, and he began whistling a tune this time to accompany himself. "Jerusalem Boogie" to us, perhaps. But to the birds it meant that supper was ready.
What makes you think the men tell the boys their secret fantasies?

You're just gross.

What the fuck are you talking about buddy?? I am a girl asking to hear your secret fantasies, I titled the post "Calling out the boys" to be slightly cute....really don't know what just happened.
What the fuck are you talking about buddy?? I am a girl asking to hear your secret fantasies, I titled the post "Calling out the boys" to be slightly cute....really don't know what just happened.

That pretty much tells everyone that you're anything but a girl.
well this isn't really a "sick" fantasy but I have always wanted to be in complete control of a women. Like a bitchy boss that I can blackmail or someone who owes me something so for just 1 night anything I say goes.
I'll respond to this when I have more time, but I don't have any fantasies I wouldn't tell a lover.
I fantasize that Modest Mouse never became the shitty band they are now, and that Jonny Mars didn't make a fool of himself playing with them.

I fantasize about how great Jane's Addiction could have been had Perry Farrell didn't come off as some douchebag from outer space, and how Dave Navarro is simply just an annoying ass fuck.

I fantasize about how Mcluskys newest material would have sounded had they not broken up.

I fantasize about Matt Sweeney getting his head out of his ass. Why did he have to play in Zwan, and why can't he just get back to being the leader of Chavez and releasing awesome kick ass rock records?

I fantasize about Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, and them going back to what made their first record a fun listen.

I fantasize about Captain Beefheart being required listening in every public school in the nation.

I fantasize that I could make an album like Doug Scharin's band HiM. Or that I could play any instrument.

Oh, and I fantasize about being given a good blowjob right now while I yammer on about music.
What the fuck are you talking about buddy?? I am a girl asking to hear your secret fantasies, I titled the post "Calling out the boys" to be slightly cute....really don't know what just happened.


Don't post anything like this in this forum.

This is where all the really intelligent discussions go on, about current events and racism and politics. (also name calling, alting, cyber bullying and all other behavior associated with the "cool kids" from high school)

The fact that they are on a porn site seems to go over their heads as it diminishes people like Squibbs self importance.

If you want actual answers post this in the personals or the playground forums.
I fantasize about douche bags like Lovecraft not having such shitty tattoos and posting idiotic political remarks.

Don't post anything like this in this forum.

This is where all the really intelligent discussions go on, about current events and racism and politics. (also name calling, alting, cyber bullying and all other behavior associated with the "cool kids" from high school)

The fact that they are on a porn site seems to go over their heads as it diminishes people like Squibbs self importance.

If you want actual answers post this in the personals or the playground forums.

Well said.

Don't post anything like this in this forum.

This is where all the really intelligent discussions go on, about current events and racism and politics. (also name calling, alting, cyber bullying and all other behavior associated with the "cool kids" from high school)

The fact that they are on a porn site seems to go over their heads as it diminishes people like Squibbs self importance.

If you want actual answers post this in the personals or the playground forums.

Thanks love...i seem to be sayi g all the wrong things. I really do appreciate your advice.