Calling All Black Authors!


Be Brave
Dec 18, 2020
I'm starting this thread so that black authors can find and read other black authors. I haven't found a ton of black authors on here and obviously its hard to find interestingly written black characters in these stories. I hope this thread helps and serves its intended purpose and doesn't turn into something ugly lol.
I'm black and have a Fetlife and Reddit under the same name to prove it and I agree with @Dr_Strabismus: this is a white neighborhood. A lot of my stories deal with race and even religion due to how I grew up(how a lot of black people and other people of color grow up) and I am still upset this site has a no religion rule. How the hell do they expect this site to be diverse if we can't even write about or experiences within our stories?

One of my stories with a Jewish lead was banned because of the rule, and I recently submitted a story just now that I wouldn't be surprised it gets banned because the main lead is Catholic and Hispanic. Most Hispanics in North America have a Catholic up bringing; it's a stupid ass rule and unless they open their minds, this site is always going to be white country.
Had no idea there was a no religion rule!:confused: That seems... antiquated... to say the least, and to exclude a lot of how modern folk experience sex. Not just POC, either.

I write mostly Afro-fantasy here. Which is to say, I write the kind of epic fantasy stories I'd like to read, with loads of sex included. Some of my non-erotic writing is more historical fantasy. I've written one set in antebellum Texas and am currently working on a WWI/Harlem Renaissance-based story. Perhaps sometime I'll try injecting erotica into historical fantasy, but atm my historical stuff is more scary than sexy.

My stories
Had no idea there was a no religion rule!:confused: That seems... antiquated... to say the least, and to exclude a lot of how modern folk experience sex. Not just POC, either.

I write mostly Afro-fantasy here. Which is to say, I write the kind of epic fantasy stories I'd like to read, with loads of sex included. Some of my non-erotic writing is more historical fantasy. I've written one set in antebellum Texas and am currently working on a WWI/Harlem Renaissance-based story. Perhaps sometime I'll try injecting erotica into historical fantasy, but atm my historical stuff is more scary than sexy.

My stories
OOOooh I dont know if Ive ever read an Afro-fantasy. I'll check out your stuff. I'm writing a lot of stories and will eventually publish like a whole Universe full of people. But I love my characters because some are black and act like real black people. Also I love my Narrators voice. One Time I said "Byron dapped up Darin" and my beta reader didn't know what that meant. It made me happy for some reason.
Slight problem, she must swap bodies and lives with a special forces woman from 1944, liaise with the human iceberg that is Alan Turing, and assassinate the real Adolf Hitler, months before he develops atomic weapons, so no pressure on Harriet. If the true history of WW2 were told, it's that (fittingly) a black woman took out the Third Reich.
You had me at "liaise!"
I only know of one black female writer on this site. That's Millie Dynamite. I know she's writer, because I read her stories. I know she's female, we have met face to face, and it is how I know she is black as well. Though in some light she's more high-yellow. :) She's an OKC lady who visits her sister here, (her white sister). Complicated matter. But like I said, we've met, several times actually.
I only know this because I lived in the US. Not used by black people here in the UK. Was your beta reader British?
I imagine and its funny how culture can add to a story. I have my charaters go to a stepshow, listen to actual rap songs. I love one story in my favorites but the black guys in that story are constantly talking about black men are better and they listen to like "lil Crank" which isn't (wasnt at the time) a real rapper. Its like I get what you're doing but you could use a real rapper with real songs so it doesnt sound like you as the narratore are simply poking fun at black people.

Black people portrayed as people but not a kink is hot!
We have an Amber alert from last night, but it was from Cado County. I've been buried in writing, and maybe I have missed something that's happened here. Unless he means because I'm in OKC, maybe.
I'm starting this thread so that black authors can find and read other black authors. I haven't found a ton of black authors on here and obviously its hard to find interestingly written black characters in these stories.
I only have a few stories on here these days, but you might find them of interest.
I see we have a mutual admiration day going ;) I'll need to check the stories of you guys.
I see we have a mutual admiration day going ;) I'll need to check the stories of you guys.
Not mutual, I don't have any stories here. If I do, I'm gonna get the bastard who stole them and posted them here, and make him suffer, by forcing him to read all my other stories.
Actually, I haveta admit being plagiarized sounds like something I might be into. Does it hurt?
Judging by my scores, no one would plagiarize me. I write interracial cuckoldry in 'voyeur and exhibition' or is it 'exhibition and voyeur?' But the readers don't seem to appreciate the IR or cuckoldry, not sure which. I have a solid 3.something score always. That's like peaking just above average in a real word analysis. But it might be worse here. Though a few are down in the 2ish range.
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