California, Here I come


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
California, Here I Come
Right back where I started from
where bowers of flowers
bloom in the spring
each morning at dawning
birdies sing at everything
a sunkisted miss said don't be late
that's why I can hardly wait
open up that golden gate
California, Here I Come

Well I didn't actually start in California, but here I come anyway. Anyone want to open up their Golden Gates for me to come in?
Psssst....can I hitch a ride...i will stay in the trunk, promise....
Ah - how I wish for such luggage!

OK - I have a plane to catch - next stop, California... later peeps.
Dillinger said:
Well I didn't actually start in California, but here I come anyway. Anyone want to open up their Golden Gates for me to come in?

*thanks God shes in Florida*

Happy trails Dilly!
Like it's not crowded enough over here as it is. ;) Have a safe flight.
OK - I'm here in Calif for the next 4 weeks - who wants to entertain me?
Dillinger said:
OK - I'm here in Calif for the next 4 weeks - who wants to entertain me?

Come to L.A. and share a cup of tea

Entertainment optional
just pet said:
Come to L.A. and share a cup of tea

Entertainment optional

Why the fuck to all these So Cali's come out of the woodwork after I go North?