Byron in Exile Memorial Listening Thread


skates like Eck
Dec 24, 2007
I am listening to the raindrops that are hitting the roof.

Into the Fire
- Thirteen Senses
The Strawbs / "The Winter Long"

One of the last songs he played for me, it was still on his screen.
It was kind of "a reassuring noise" song for us.
Going to see if I can get through it without crying.

Still waters flow
Sea breezes blow
Wild flowers grow
Abundant at your feet.

Soft falling snow
Warm candle glow
Flushed faces show
The pleasures when we meet.

Hold on to me, I'll hold on to you
The winter long I will always be with you
Hold on to me, I'll hold on to you
The winter long I will always be with you.

Hold on to me, I'll hold on to you
I will be the one who will always see you through
Hold on to me, I'll hold on to you
I will be the one who will always see you through.

We are getting snow on Monday...
October 2014 release
-The Strawbs

(Who knew?)

There are so many cool things that are going on and have happened since his death that he would have loved esp. in prog rock and space. Plus, I am getting better or at least doing better at not letting this condition I am blessed with not overwhelm my body and life. I don't really believe the dead can see or feel anything but it would be so nice if he could.
Painful, but sweet treasures.
Your loss is still new.

*listens to acoustic versions by the Strawbs*
There is a luxury of listings on youtube.

Today, a confirmation of an inkling-

1995 version of Richard III film has been
continually been running on a TV channel.
My attention was gripped, by the lines that Richard III shouts, when he gets very irritable.
A sudden recognition, on my part-
Byron had posted these words, as a half joke.
"You trouble me!"

Byron has presences, in many things and places.
Painful, but sweet treasures.
Your loss is still new.

*listens to acoustic versions by the Strawbs*
There is a luxury of listings on youtube.

Today, a confirmation of an inkling-

1995 version of Richard III film has been
continually been running on a TV channel.
My attention was gripped, by the lines that Richard III shouts, when he gets very irritable.
A sudden recognition, on my part-
Byron had posted these words, as a half joke.
"You trouble me!"

Byron has presences, in many things and places.

Some days it's a bit easier and in the past, others it feels fresh.
Yes, he seems to be everywhere and yet nowhere.
Sometimes I catch myself thinking when someone is talking rot "no one marks you"
heh I have, (before Byron) kept words and expressions from Shakespeare, and words from olde songs, and such, as keepsakes, to keep myself amused.

No one uses them in modern day life, so they have not become stale, dry, and worn out.

I adore their novelty, as in everything old, is new again.

Along comes Byron, to draw our attention back to worthwhile sights and sounds. (Goodness knows, there are so many things in the information (and entertainment) stream that are not worthy of our attention. )
heh I have, (before Byron) kept words and expressions from Shakespeare, and words from olde songs, and such, as keepsakes, to keep myself amused.

No one uses them in modern day life, so they have not become stale, dry, and worn out.

I adore their novelty, as in everything old, is new again.

Along comes Byron, to draw our attention back to worthwhile sights and sounds. (Goodness knows, there are so many things in the information (and entertainment) stream that are not worthy of our attention. )

True as have I. However, I actually hear his voice say them in my mind, LOL!
I also hear "and how would that be?" when I am feeling mischievous ;)

The worst of it all is instead of saying "oh rats" or "no way" like I used to, I picked up "oh fuck!,""BullSHIT" and other lovely swear words from him.
Byron swore a lot, not at anyone just as expressions. At least I have refrained from "OMG Awesome" and referring to highways as "the 94"
I am listening to the first song played on a Stradivarius, after it was recovered.

I am imagining what Hanibal Lector would say about the theft of the 5 million dollar violin. I am almost certain, that Hannibal would use these words-

Reminded me to revisit this lovely, puller of heart strings-
Trio in E Flat
- Franz Schubert
i adore this thread :heart:

bowie's starman makes me think of byron,

and when i see a field of stars, those fiery, scattered constellations, it reminds me of the poetry in him and how his brain could sparkle, lighting up the night.
I am listening to the commuter planes buzzing, and jets from Logan booming, overhead. The military jets, have a sound that is distinct.

The poor things were struggling not to hit their sonic boom.

- City of the Fallen

from Divinus
- see Trailer Music
Listening to the synth based music, used for a tribute to Glen A. Larson. He was the television writer- producer who created Battlestar Galactica.

On youtube-

'Battlestar Galactica' Creator Glen A. Larson Dead at 77
I am listening to a young woman sing with deep heart and sincerity.
The throatsinging portion of the song is amazing.

- Celina Kalluk

Special thanks to ADN news
In my imagination, I am hearing Byron saying this phrase-

"How good would that be?"

(I am reading recipes from Denmark, and someone made a similar comment. )
The younglings swing their hearts on a guitar string-

Sleeping Operator
- The Barr Brothers

gsgs comment- What about the young women, you cads!

Thank you, David Letterman
Gordon Lightfoot
Song for a Winter's Night

The lamp is burning low upon my table top
The snow is softly falling
The air is still in the silence of my room
I hear your voice softly calling

If I could only have you near
To breathe a sigh or two
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
On this winter night with you

The smoke is rising in the shadows overhead
My glass is almost empty
I read again between the lines upon each page
The words of love you sent me

If I could know within my heart, that you were lonely too
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
On this winter night with you

The fire is dying now, my lamp is growing dim
The shades of night are lifting
The morning light steals across my windowpane
Where webs of snow are drifting

If I could only have you near, to breathe a sigh or two
I would be happy just to hold the hands I love
And to be once again with you
On this winter night with you