Bush Speech Generator in Flash

I must have been here too long. I had the completely wrong idea about what a <woody> would sound like.
site forbidden!?

I'll just console myself with words Bush uses (or will in the near future)
  • Stateshipdom
  • Oppressioned
  • Iraqy Maneuvering
  • Untrustly
  • Defenseful

Ah.. I feel better.

I was Forbidden from accessing the file.:(

grrr... and I don't have the energy to go look at my securtiy levels to figure out why.
I like:

"I have opinions. I have a lot of opinions. I don't always agree with them but I do have them."


"I think we're all agreed that history is in the past."

and how can we for get 'Bombification'

Did you hear about the new reality game show? American Leader

The contestents are running for President, the catch is that it's the second place finisher who actually gets to live in the White House for the next 4 years! :)