Bush Caves In to Russian and French Veto Threats


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
March 10, 2003
(2003-03-10) -- Stymied by French and Russian opposition, U.S. President George Bush gave the order today to withdraw all U.S. troops from the Persian Gulf region.

The executive order marks the end of U.S. efforts to enforce United Nations resolutions demanding that Iraq get rid of weapons of terror.

"We've done all that we can," said a dejected-looking Mr. Bush. "I guess we were just wrong. I have to agree with the verdict of the Security Council, after all the United Nations is boss."

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein applauded the U.S. move, calling it a "victory for justice and multi-national unity."

U.N. delegates from France and Russia called on President Bush to come to the United Nations and formally apologize for distracting the Security Council from its important work of passing resolutions condemning Israel.
busybody said:
March 10, 2003
(2003-03-10) -- Stymied by French and Russian opposition, U.S. President George Bush gave the order today to withdraw all U.S. troops from the Persian Gulf region.

The executive order marks the end of U.S. efforts to enforce United Nations resolutions demanding that Iraq get rid of weapons of terror.

"We've done all that we can," said a dejected-looking Mr. Bush. "I guess we were just wrong. I have to agree with the verdict of the Security Council, after all the United Nations is boss."

Iraqi President Saddam Hussein applauded the U.S. move, calling it a "victory for justice and multi-national unity."

U.N. delegates from France and Russia called on President Bush to come to the United Nations and formally apologize for distracting the Security Council from its important work of passing resolutions condemning Israel.

..and the band played believe it if you like.