Bring on the fiscal cliff.


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2005
Washington can't get things done anyway.

cuts to freebie give aways and higher taxes to all sounds like a way to pay off a debt. of negative numbers or we could just say screw it and default like Iceland did.
You can do nothing because you don't want to do a thing.

The best way to pay off your debt is: more guns.
It's a speed bump...not a cliff. We were doing fine thanks before the tax cuts and spending increases of the early 2000s. We will survive.
I expect we'll get more spending plus higher taxes for all, and cant imagine career pols reducing debt. Less spending and less debt aint how the game is played.

Call em what you want, bribes-payoffs-book deals, pols gotta spend your money to get a fee from their real patrons. And they need the inflation their spending/debt creates to wipe-out the equity youve accrued in your property and investments.
I was thinking a civil war in these great States might work the second time around.

The Chinese and Arabs are slowly buying up America while our general population embraces an African style mongrelized wage-slave class. In ten years most Americans will loiter on the street corner waiting for the old school bus to transport them to the Chinese owned rice paddies. Them african genes are gonna be the monkey on the white mans back.
The Chinese and Arabs are slowly buying up America while our general population embraces an African style mongrelized wage-slave class. In ten years most Americans will loiter on the street corner waiting for the old school bus to transport them to the Chinese owned rice paddies. Them african genes are gonna be the monkey on the white mans back.

Will the "White House" be renamed the "Black House"?