Breastmilk for Hubby?


Really Experienced
Jan 6, 2003
Ladies and gents, how do you feel about husbands drinking the breastmilk from their nursing wives? Please base your answers on your personal experieces (my wife has never become pregant, so I don't know how she/I will feel about this). And, you ever talk about such things with your friends?
While on the topic of breastmilk, for those that have tasted it, what does it taste like?
desturmur said:
While on the topic of breastmilk, for those that have tasted it, what does it taste like?

I have often wondered myself (not having that good a memory from infancy).

Judging by the lack of responses, this must be a REALLY taboo topic. Or really boring.
When I was breast feeding my daughter my Husband bugged me endlessly to let him try my breast milk. I finally gave in one time when he was bent over in front of me begging. I lifted my tit and squirted him all over his face and mouth. He just smiled and said "Woah! That was the coolest thing I've ever experienced!" lol. My husband has always been a bit of a freak. :D

Oh, and he says it was really "sweet" tasting. ;)
Thanks for responding, Mystic! Sounds like you made hubby happy that day. It's hard to believe that your experience was isolated, would be nice to hear from others who have been there & done that. did you feel about it.
Any of you who encouraged bf/husband to try it?
desturmur said:
While on the topic of breastmilk, for those that have tasted it, what does it taste like?

My breastmilk is pretty foul to tell you the truth. But I go ahead and drink it if it's not curdled.
desturmur said:
While on the topic of breastmilk, for those that have tasted it, what does it taste like?

It tastes like cow's milk, but sweeter.
rounder03 said:
Ladies and gents, how do you feel about husbands drinking the breastmilk from their nursing wives? Please base your answers on your personal experieces (my wife has never become pregant, so I don't know how she/I will feel about this). And, you ever talk about such things with your friends?

My hubby didn't want to even go near me when I was nursing the baby. "Stuff like that is not supposed to come out of you" I believe were his exact words.

I didn't even bother to comment on how it is, indeed, supposed to come out of us.

So to sum up, not a big turn on here.
After nursing 3 boys you can't help but get a mouth full from time to time. I just asked the hubby and he agrees that it's extremely sweet.
i dn't get it.

do husbands suddenlystop sucking their wives tits whn they get pregnant
We have had 2 kids and have never had any desire to drink her breast milk. But I have talked to guys that would want to or have.

I was listening to a radio show one time and this was the topic and a guy called in and said they used it to make macaroni and cheese because they were out of milk. He said it wasn't bad, but I will pass.
rounder03 said:
Ladies and gents, how do you feel about husbands drinking the breastmilk from their nursing wives? Please base your answers on your personal experieces (my wife has never become pregant, so I don't know how she/I will feel about this). And, you ever talk about such things with your friends?

it is a very erotic experience.

discussion on this topic over lunch or at the watercooler, just never quite happened... couldn't make the transition in conversation from 'the cute new guy over in accounting' to ... 'hey... i had some kinky breastfeeding with some mind-blowing sex over the weekend'

oh and rounder, it's doesnt take pregnancy to induce a lactating state... try searching over in the how-to forum... it's chock full of info
My husband was totally grossed out at the idea of tasting my breast milk, so I really don't know how it tastes (and I don't drink milk at all). I have heard that the flavor is generally sweet but can change based on whatever mom is eating.

And Honeylick is correct when she says that you don't have to get pregnant to lactate. Adoptive mothers can "induce" lactation. I even heard a wild tale the other day about a tribe where the men nurse the children (not sure I believe that one).

Thank you for your honest responses...especially the ladies who have shared your personal experiences. Sounds like most of you were better with the idea than some of your husbands, which I find fascinating. Your responses sound very real...I'm sure that if my wife and I got pregnant, I would want to give it a try. One thing's for sure...a breastfeeding mom is an incredibly erotic sight to some of us.

Now for the off-the-wall, kinky, depraved hypothetical question for the advanced sexually adventurous:

**Deep breath**

If you were nursing, would you share your breastmilk with someone other than your husband (sorry, child doesn't count)?
Before you go "EEEEWWWWW!", I'm mainly asking those women who might have considered threesomes or lesbian experimentation during their nursing time.

Before you sling bricks and run me off the board, remember that 60 Minutes did a story not so long ago about mothers who were still breastfeeding their children at ages 6, 7, 8, etc. Interviews were very interesting.
rounder03 said:
Ladies and gents, how do you feel about husbands drinking the breastmilk from their nursing wives? Please base your answers on your personal experieces (my wife has never become pregant, so I don't know how she/I will feel about this). And, you ever talk about such things with your friends?

As long as the needed nursing gets done (for childs sake), who cares?

Not just for breakfast, anymore!

TxBelle said:
After nursing 3 boys you can't help but get a mouth full from time to time. I just asked the hubby and he agrees that it's extremely sweet.

Lactose--another of God's sugars. It's not just for breakfast anymore!

If I were to have done a threesome the other two people involved had better have a liking for whatever my breasts had to offer. The 'let down" reflex is strong and waits for no one. If your breasts are full at the time you have sex (and really they don't have to be full when you start...but can fill in seconds at any time during...) and the let down reflex kicks in everyone is in trouble! Even if the reflex doesn't come into play a woman can still make a mess. I remember reaching for the sugar and the pressure of just moving my arm shot milk across the table. We aren't just talking a foot or two. We are talking across the table and onto a window three foot a way in a strong steady straight stream. Thats when you know you need to forget the morning cup of coffee and just got wake the baby up! :D
Also if you lay on your side at night and wake up you often have to peel your breast from the sheets because you leaked and it dried (lots of sheet washing and a matress pad is a very good idea).

Just another weird side note of first baby was a premie and I'd had a c-section so I didn't nurse successfully but tried so hard and wanted to so bad bexcause I knew it was best for him. When my second son came along he had to stay in the hospital as well and when my milk hadn't come in good by the fourth morning I just sat on the bed and cried. My husband took me to the hospital and on the way we heard a copmmercial on the radio. I don't remember what it was but there was a door bell sound.....well my milk let down right there in the car. I was sooooo happy sitting there with loads of milk dropping onto my lap & telling my husband to hurry as he laughed at me. When we got to the hospital I walked up to the nursery and reached out to ring the doorbell for the nurses and a second wave hit me. That's when I realized my let down reflex was occuring when I heard a door bell because I'd been conditioned to know I was going to nurse my baby on my 10 or so trips to the hospital to see him over the past few days! Ain't our bodies amazing?

So I guess what it all boils down to is that you should respect your woman's views in this area. They are her breasts and it's her amazing body. If she wants to share fine. If not then that's fine too. Only she knows what turns her on and off. Her feelings may change from day to day about the issue as well. But someone else mentioned that they couldn't believe a man would stop playing with a woman's breasts after pregnancy (while nursing) and neither can I. Just seems rather selfish to me.
We were broke as shit when she had the first one, and well, I needed milk for my fruit loops and coffee.

Damn she ate a lot of grass....
I had a relationship with a single nursing mother back in college. The missionary position always left us very damp..and it wasn't just from sweat! :)

The taste of the milk is, as others have said, very sweet and warm.

One time the baby was crying and I picked her up. My girlfriend was out running errands. As it was a hot day, I was shirtless. The baby latched onto my nipple and went to town. For my part, I froze in horror for a second. The baby looked SO confused..and pissed off that she wasn't getting her milk! I detached myself, warmed a bottle from the fridge and fed her.

Now THAT was weird.
TxBelle said:
Also if you lay on your side at night and wake up you often have to peel your breast from the sheets because you leaked and it dried (lots of sheet washing and a matress pad is a very good idea).

Amen, sister.
rounder03 said:
Ladies and gents, how do you feel about husbands drinking the breastmilk from their nursing wives? Please base your answers on your personal experieces (my wife has never become pregant, so I don't know how she/I will feel about this). And, you ever talk about such things with your friends?

My ex once suckled one night after clubbing... we were in the heat of passion and I was getting pretty engorged. Because of the amount I had to drink, it was a few hours till I could safely nurse the baby or express and save it for later. It was an very erotic experience. He really enjoyed it. It was a nice lovemaking treat for him while I was still breastfeeding.

desturmur said:
While on the topic of breastmilk, for those that have tasted it, what does it taste like?

He told me it was very sweet. I've tasted it too, in smaller quantities, it was kind of watery to me... I think it was the pre-milk that I was tasting.
Nigel said:
I had a relationship with a single nursing mother back in college. The missionary position always left us very damp..and it wasn't just from sweat! :)

The taste of the milk is, as others have said, very sweet and warm.

One time the baby was crying and I picked her up. My girlfriend was out running errands. As it was a hot day, I was shirtless. The baby latched onto my nipple and went to town. For my part, I froze in horror for a second. The baby looked SO confused..and pissed off that she wasn't getting her milk! I detached myself, warmed a bottle from the fridge and fed her.

Now THAT was weird.

LMAO! My hubby did that on purpose one time. I was taking a bath and the little guy started screaming. I thought "Oh shit here I go nursing in the tub again, oh well. He needs a bath anyway." Then I here him stop fusing and here him loudly start going um num num num. And then waaaaaaaaaaaaa! He'd latched onto Dad and then realized nothing was coming out! he he. Oh well Daddy tried.
TxBelle said:
LMAO! My hubby did that on purpose one time. I was taking a bath and the little guy started screaming. I thought "Oh shit here I go nursing in the tub again, oh well. He needs a bath anyway." Then I here him stop fusing and here him loudly start going um num num num. And then waaaaaaaaaaaaa! He'd latched onto Dad and then realized nothing was coming out! he he. Oh well Daddy tried.


I wouldn't have tried that on purpose...that little kid could REALLY bear hurt like a mad