breast reduction

La Huesera

see how high she flies
Aug 24, 2001
I have an appointment with a surgeon next Tuesday to get things going for next June to have my breast reduced.(have to start early with a Hmo plan.) Has anyone had one? Was the end result worth the pain? What questions did you as before hand? Any info you might have I would be glad to get. Thanks
Massage well with sea salt. Tenderise them with hammer if you must. Then cut the meat, take off the skin, marinate in honey and soy saurce. Straight onto the grill. See, it's easy.
La Huesera said:
I have an appointment with a surgeon next Tuesday to get things going for next June to have my breast reduced.(have to start early with a Hmo plan.) Has anyone had one? Was the end result worth the pain? What questions did you as before hand? Any info you might have I would be glad to get. Thanks

My aunt did. And she was happy with the results. She said her pain wasn't nearly as bad as she thought it would be.
well you will have a mild to moderate degree of pain following surgery...most likly you will end up spending the night at the hospital, for pain management. after the surgery you will need to wear a surgical bra for a week or two and may have a drain placed for a day or so to remove any blood....the drain is to prevent any undo swelling. the surgery itself will last about 2 hours or so depending how much tissue must be removed!

any questions let me know!
How did you like the results? Was the neck/back pain gone soon after the surgery? How long is it before you can resume normal activity?
This is a good thread. I've been wondering about this for a while now. I have constant back problems and was thinking of having mine reduced.
Ive been thinking of it

Ive watched a lot of shows on it so I feel informed. I find you can get better into from your doctor if you go in knowing something. They dont volunteer such a large amount of info because of obvious time constraints. All I know is Im a 34F now. And since im only 20 and when I lose weight my breasts always get bigger not smaller. Plus I want it after I have children so I can get them lifted and all that fabulous stuff when I get it done lol. Please do share any new info you get as you go to the doctor and get closer to the surgery. We all tend to focus on how wonderful big breasts are(and small and tiny and huge and any other kinds shape or size lol) around here that we forget what a bother they can be. They are always in the way. Its hard to shop. They cause back and neck problems as well as headaches. I mean I cant even play mini golf! lol. Now that is some kind of horror isnt it? Hehehe ok ya im done. Best of luck with yours and I hope you love the results!
A 34F?? Girl, I feel your pain, and mine are not that big. I wear a 38E and that is bad enough...I only stand 5'1. Headaches are the worst.. and the back pain after standing in front of an enlarger for 6hrs is enough to bring me to my knees. I have been looking around the net.. and found a few good places for info. is one of the best. She has a great list of questions to ask the doc. I am going to take that list with me when I go Tuesday.
I would love to do this as well

This is a great thread. I am glad I found it. I am 4'11" with 38 DD
I have the headaches but no back pain yet. My hubby is very much against me having this done. I am affraid if I get this done that he would find me less attractive. Any suggestions? But I will tell you the more I read this thread the more I want it done :)

Thanks for posting this thread.

Re: I would love to do this as well

sassy35 said:
This is a great thread. I am glad I found it. I am 4'11" with 38 DD
I have the headaches but no back pain yet. My hubby is very much against me having this done. I am affraid if I get this done that he would find me less attractive. Any suggestions? But I will tell you the more I read this thread the more I want it done :)

Thanks for posting this thread.


Sassy35.. If you are getting headaches it is starting to effect your health. Your husband should consider this before he decides that you should not get it done. If you improving your health causes him to find you less attractive.. you might be with the wrong person. What if you breast cancer and had to have one removed?? You need to set him down and give him details on how your life/health would benefit.. and how much happer you would be if you did not have the headaches. Even if he does not see the upside, I would still get it done. I am lucky.. my husband is behind me all the way. He knows the pain I deal with just from normal activity.
My sisters best friend and college roomate had it done about...i wanna say maybe 5 years ago? I've always had a monster crush on her, and when my sister told me, my cousin, who had been matched up with her at my sisters wedding was around, and we both went why?! She's still a very beautiful woman, i think she's 30 now, and she's very happy with it...honestly, if there is back problems, then by all means, go for it. That was the case with my sisters friend, and she still looks gorgeous. :D