Bored, bored, bored, bored, BORED!!!

Mr. Dork

Literotica Guru
Aug 14, 2002
I'm so FREAKING bored.....can't write, can't watch TV, can't do much.....only literotica seems interesting today!

Someone give me a suggestion....I wanna post pics, but have ZERO ideas!

some one gimme SOMETHING.....

(am i the only one who reads these forums naked?)
Just keep clickin...

Mr. Dork said:

I know what ya mean, dork... when I first started snappin pics, I just clicked the button a whole lot... whatever struck my fancy... then, I weed out the "boring" ones, and keep/post the ones that I like... hopefully others will like them as well... and if they don't... oh well... I still like them...

I hope that is helpful...

Of course, you can probably guess what it is that I would love to see you posting... eh??? I'll give ya a hint... look at my av and the pic on the link here on this post... hmmmmmmmm...

Here's one I created with my cam and software...

keep on movin and clickin...

:D :eek: