Boner Gets Tough Before Turning Flaccid and Caving...

I think that's a reciprical kind of behavior for our legislators, telling each other to f off...
I suspect Boner made a deal with Obama to get enough Democrat votes to keep the Speaker job. We'll see what happens tomorrow when they vote.

By now Obama knows he playing against the Washington Generals.
I suspect Boner made a deal with Obama to get enough Democrat votes to keep the Speaker job. We'll see what happens tomorrow when they vote.

By now Obama knows he playing against the Washington Generals.

and white guys can't jump.
Are you ready for a little shared sacrifice?

Taxes are good.

Spending is stimulative.

Inflation is acceptable and even desired...
John Boehner is Sen. Boneless Chicken.

Republicans chose to ignore Boehner's plan witbh $1.2 trillion in cuts. And so they ended up having to eat a plan with no cuts. How is that Boehner's fault? The Republican House caucus should be blaming itself, not their leader who brought them a far better plan.
Republicans chose to ignore Boehner's plan witbh $1.2 trillion in cuts. And so they ended up having to eat a plan with no cuts. How is that Boehner's fault? The Republican House caucus should be blaming itself, not their leader who brought them a far better plan.

I have always observed Republicans eat their young when under stress. Apparently now they eat their old, as well.
Back during the war protests of the late sixties, my dad was watching the news one night. He looked at my mother and said, "Someday, THOSE are the people who will be running our country, heaven help us."

I couldn't have been more than 8 or so, but that remark is imprinted in my brain. At that age, it should have flown right over my head and been promptly forgotten, I have no idea why it didn't.

Dad is/was a prophet, who knew?
I think Reid could take Boehner. Reid's clean living and background in boxing and law enforcement making up for the 10 year difference in age.
Boehner would cry hampering his vision giving Reid an opportunity to drop him like a bag of dirt following a flurry of punches to the head and a left hook to the body.

Funny how NO ONE bothered to mention that they just got raises.
I think Reid could take Boehner. Reid's clean living and background in boxing and law enforcement making up for the 10 year difference in age.

Don't forget Cantor. He'd be in Boehner's corner, filling his water bottle with vodka and waiting for him to pass out.
It's unfortunate that Republicans continue to show themselves as petulant 5 year olds who are selfish and cry when they don't get the biggest piece of the pie. I used to be a Republican for almost 45 years till last couple of years when they showed that the party in general refuses to separate themselves from the Tea Pary wing nuts who are against every American except fat white old bald men.......kind of like Rush Limbaugh. I changed and re-registered as Independent so I could pick sensible political candidates who might actually care for the majority. If/when the Republican party returns to a more sensible moderate position based on fiscal sensibility coupled with realistic social responsibility, I'll continue reject their ways. We speak against the Taliban who want to hold their people back in the middle ages with anti-woman, anti-education, and pro-war attitudes, but our own American Tea Party (T for Taliban) is just the same with their antiquated attitude about women, the elderly, minorities and anybody else that doesn't fit the rich, white, Bible thumping but phony Christian right-wing predudiced view point. Their true colors show when they have to share and compromise. Time to get some common sense people in Washington who know how to tax fairly and spend wisely to take this country forward with better roads, better infrastructure, better education, safe-efficient use of energy, and stop trying to promote war as a good thing. George Bush was right to try to go after Osama Bin Laden after 9/11 but he was oh so wrong to lock this country into a senseless war in Iraq to benefit his rich oil buddies and to allow the greedy Wall Street trolls to drive the housing and investment markets into the toilet in the name of "zero regulation". How many hard working middle class Americans did they drive into bankrupcy and foreclosure in order to get bigger salaries and bonuses for themselves? Yep. Time for some common sense in DC but that's as likely as peace in the Middle East which hasn't happened for thousands of years and maybe never will.

End of soapbox.
Isn't it just great that Congress never lets a situation fester and grow worse?

“Boehner is the one,” the New York Republican explained. “He walked off the floor. He refused to tell us why. He refused to give us any indication or warning whatsoever… I’m just saying, these people have no problem finding New York — these Republicans — when they’re trying to raise money. They raise millions of dollars in New York City and New Jersey, they sent Gov. [Chris] Christie around the country raising millions of dollars for them. I’m saying, anyone from New York and New Jersey who contributes one penny to the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee should have their head examined. I would not give one penny to these people based on what they did to us last night.”

*shakes head*
Yeah the GOP decided not to have Sandy relief, leaving it for the next congress. Sad.