BOMB means


Cult Of Personality
Apr 3, 2003
FUCK YOU in polish


i just had to post this, i found it quite funny - i got it off the movie the last boys scout....

great movie...

dont hate me for this people lol
KindaKinky said:
and their clits aren't 6+ inches long either.

I'm quoting something from your sigline that I wanted to mention (and I have no idea what the original subject of this thread is).

A woman's clitoris actually is approximately 6 inches long, but most of it is inside thier body. Although, I would agree that they do not have testicles.
That's a quote from Bob_Bytchin, courtesy of You think you're a thread killa?

But how do you know it's mostly inside their bodies? I've never heard that mentioned in High school sex ed. :confused:
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I saw it on Oprah...well, I didn't SEE it per se, but you know what I mean.

Keeping in the tone of the thread:

BOUM means party in French. But so does FETE.