Body type question

Re: Re: Body types

Three Libras said:

Reading through this thread you wouldn't believe how many insecurities were put to ease. As a girl with a little buddha-belly, big spanish ass (on a pretty pale girl.. hmm..) and rather large breasts.

I just have to say that I have always been extremely shy about the size of my nipples, and thought they were too big. But seeing now that it can be actually a turn on I think relieves me a bit.

I think true beauty is all in the way that one carries themselves. Its a bit strage, but I like girls who you can tell is shy by their body movement, and seem so reserved until they're behind closed doors. Also the shape of a womans eyebrows. I think the arch in the eyebrow is what makes the eyes so intruiging.

What turns me on about men is the shape of their backs. Like each and every contour to a mans back and how the muscles flow whiles they're moving about. Watching that alone could have me fall into orgasmic shudders.

Yeh, so I have strange turn ons?
You sound like a hottie...and I think I like your taste in music...:p
Please remember women, your body can do no wrong.

With the great emphasis on how a woman should look (Thank-you Americian marketing) there seems to be a REAL complex built in in far too many girls about they way they look.

Trust me, girls. When you are with a (stright/bi) guy, your body will always turn him on until the day he dies. Even if he can't do anything about it any more, just seeing you will get the circutry going and make him wish he could.

Seriously. Men are programmed so strong to pick up on some part of a woman's body that showing it will always stroke a chord. Something will get to him unless you've got his balls in a vise and are cranking down the jaws.

I don't want to take away from all the other attribute of beauty, personality, etc.

But PLEASE don't worry about your body unless you are a beauty pagent contestant! ;)
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Weigraf said:
Not many people seem to agree with me, but For me I like women with small breasts. For some reason I can't understand why anyone would get an enlargement when they're so much cuter in a small size =^.^=

Jaded1 said:
. Personal preference are small breast and meduim nipples. Most small breasted gals I meet seem to want large breasts.
Probably the same holds true with guys and pensis size.

I resembled both comments when I first got to Lit. I have to say my attitude about myself has changed radically since I started posting. I was amazed to find out just how many people (mostly men, but also some women) like smaller breasts. I can't even tell you how big of a difference this makes to me. You two are in very good company. You should definately take a visit to the amateur pic forum.

After hanging out over there for *gasp* 18 months, I wouldn't dream of breast enhancement surgery. And I notice the reserved appreciation of the people around me in RL, now that I know I don't have to be ashamed. See, I have nipples that NEVER go down. I used to wear baggy clothing because bras didn't do anything for smoothing me out. And I'd get stared at by people and I figured it was snarky comments. Now I know that what I lack in size, I make up for in perkiness. So, I gave up bras about 3 years ago, but I do use band-aids in professional situations.

As for what I find attractive, I love facial hair, intelligence, broad shoulders, wit, kindness.
I get kind of creeped out by women whos inner thighs don't touch when they are standing with their feet together.

It just doesn't seem right. Kind of like guys with no chest hair.
y=mx+b said:
I get kind of creeped out by women whos inner thighs don't touch when they are standing with their feet together.

It just doesn't seem right. Kind of like guys with no chest hair.

That does seem strange to me too, but I like guys with no chest hair fine.
y=mx+b said:

It just doesn't seem right. Kind of like guys with no chest hair.

<Looks down at his nearly hairless chest> I was born like this, honest! For some, the hairy gene is heavily enforced. My brother borders on hirsute. I, on the other hand, ended up with the less than hairy gene, probably from my mothers side. :)
Size and shape have little importance in my book. Its the attitude that is important. Sure I prefer women with meat on their bones over those that look like posterchildren for anorexia. But its the attitude that is more important.

I've known some beautiful women in my day that I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole because of their personality, and others that many guys would reject on first site, that were wonderfully open and giving individuals.
y=mx+b said:
I get kind of creeped out by women whos inner thighs don't touch when they are standing with their feet together.

It just doesn't seem right. Kind of like guys with no chest hair.

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I always used to wonder why thighs are supposed to be like that or why women are supposed to strive to have thighs as big as their calves [ditto with forearms and upper arms].
Great Thread

I dont like anything fake on a woman. I have been with big and small, fat and thin, the best are the plump well rounded ladies. I love wide hips round asses and you must have a belly. Most of all you must find yourself attractive. I think most people want to be thinner but we are who we are. Ladies love yourselves the way you are. Breasts large and round are great but size does not really matter. Dark eyes and long hair. Woo Woo
being a short fan young guy i cant be choosy when it comes to looks but then i dont want to the only thing that makes a girl attractive to me is her personality. when i look at porn and such i seem to perfer bbws but when it comes down to having a relationship it dosent matter at all to me right now the girl i am dating would be considered "hot" by mainstream society but i care for her because she is ten times more beuatiful to me on the inside then on the out side
I think I prefer women with a natural look: no dyed hair, minimum to no make-up, no fake fingernails, etc. Brains and heart also very important (natural behaviour). And I like women who look after their bodies, six-pack for instance would be very welcome. Tomboy sort of women, that is. Protruding nipples are great too!
six-pack for instance would be very welcome.

Motu, get real. Even a woman who looks after her body is not likely to have a six-pack unless she's a competitive bodybuilder and spends most of her life pumping iron, and most of them are on steroids for the duration. Females just aren't naturally built that way. If you really prefer guys, be good enough to say so. We're all supposed to be liberals here; it's Ok with us.

I have viewed with bemusement the growing popularity of pictures of male models who have quite obviously been depilated. That's the sort of thing that must be meant by "not right, like a man with no chest hair." Sometimes it's just not in a man's genes. My man, for instance, has little hair on his chest. He blames the Native American strain in his family.
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I like guys with nice teeth. They can look like the ideal male.. but if they smile and they have ugly teeth.. I'm not interested.
Oh yeah.. and I'd like a guy who'll kill ants for me. Not that that has anything to do with looks.
asenath said:
*wiggles eyebrows*


Uh goes along with my serious devotion to exercise tapes, which have caused me to drop 20% of my weight in the last 3 months...self-improvement is fun!
Johnny Mayberry said:
Of course I do!! Although, I could afford to call an exterminator, now that I have learned to budget my money better.

Well.. you're mister self improvement. :)

Do you give lessons?
SlickTony said:
Motu, get real. Even a woman who look after her body is not likely to have a six-pack unless she's a competitive bodybuilder and spends most of her life pumping iron, and most of them are on steroids for the duration. Females just aren't naturally built that way. If you really prefer guys, be good enough to say so. We're all supposed to be liberals here; it's Ok with us.

I have viewed with bemusement the growing popularity of pictures of male models who have quite obviously been depilated. That's the sort of thing that must be meant by "not right, like a man with no chest hair." Sometimes it's just not in a man's genes. My man, for instance, has little hair on his chest. He blames the Native American strain in his family.

Bingo! It is one thing to not to be giving chest hair by nature, and another thing to be so pompus as to get rid of it by choice.

On the same note, trimming is okay.

I know its hypocritical to say but there is a line between being hairy and ape hairy... imho.
I like big (both in height and size) hairy men. My ex-hubby was 6'5 and 350.
In women....I love a big, curvy woman. Large breasts, thighs and ass.

In both sexes, eyes are the very first thing I notice. I love dark eyes with thick lashes. Smiles are next. Once a conversation gets going....I stick with an intelligent person. If I can't talk to them, if they can't keep my attention...I'm outta there!
SlickTony said:
Motu, get real. Even a woman who looks after her body is not likely to have a six-pack unless she's a competitive bodybuilder and spends most of her life pumping iron, and most of them are on steroids for the duration. Females just aren't naturally built that way. If you really prefer guys, be good enough to say so. We're all supposed to be liberals here; it's Ok with us.

I am real - and I prefer women, so you can stop your stupid patronizing right now. What I meant by six-pack was of course not a steroid induced one, but there are women, one in my martial arts course for instance, whose stomach muscles are most definitely showing (maybe you´ve never seen one of these, so time to open your eyes)