Blurt Thread III - Emporium of Unexpected Exclamations & Revelations

I still wouldn't inflict needles or sharps of any kind on anyone else, but I've since been cured of my personal fear of needles. Been stabbed and poisoned so many times in the last 18 months that if I'd held onto the fear I'd be in a looney bin by now.

:eek: whyyy? :(:confused:
I like pain. A fair bit. I don't "like" needles but I don't mind them. I have to inject myself daily so it's kind of a non-event.

i'm glad for you, and that comment comes to you totally snark-free. :):rose:

i used to pass out every.damn.time. i got a shot or had my blood taken, for years and years. until they came up with those vacuum needles, and i've been fine ever since.

i passed out the first time i got out of bed with both of my first two babies, too. the first time, i fell and hit my head on the hospital bed, the second time there were nurses present and they 'caught' me in a chair with casters lol.

I did a six-month course of chemo last year. My owie is all better now, and I no longer have to lie down to have my fingers pricked. It's not a needle-fear therapy that I would endorse for anyone else, but losing that fear is one of the positive outcomes of having very regular medical attention.
I did a six-month course of chemo last year. My owie is all better now, and I no longer have to lie down to have my fingers pricked. It's not a needle-fear therapy that I would endorse for anyone else, but losing that fear is one of the positive outcomes of having very regular medical attention.

OH! good news! about your owie and your fingers.

very glad you decided to stick around. :)
It's supposed to be perfect weather for wearing dresses to work this week. This makes me happy.
I heard there was a smörgåsbord of MILF pics on Facebook today.

You know, if that's your thing.

Fuck Monday.

Fuck Traffic.

Most of all... Fuck meetings.

Fuck smart arses.

In addition, fuck stockings that ladder.

*claps* Well said lovely, well said.

I took off and avoided Monday this week. I wll probably feel the urge to leap from the balcony tomorrow, when I have to deal with all the residual assery from Monday, on Tuesday.

I skip stockings all together. They are uncomfortable, and I don't care if my legs are so pale they glow in the dark. I just blame the Three Mile Island nuclear accident. I grew up within the 5 mile radius so a bit of residual glowing is to be expected.
yank, how are you feeling these days?


I'm feeling great, ed. Thanks.

I skip stockings all together. They are uncomfortable, and I don't care if my legs are so pale they glow in the dark. I just blame the Three Mile Island nuclear accident. I grew up within the 5 mile radius so a bit of residual glowing is to be expected.

This explains SO much. ;)