Blocking Individuals

May 21, 2024
Hi all, I hope this is the right place to post this.

Why is there no feature to block disgusting individuals on this website? It seems relatively easy to implement and is widely used in social media and other websites, yet Literotica seems terribly behind.

You only have to read through the comments section of stories to see the type of hate-infused, insulting comments left on authors' hard work to understand the problem. I was shocked when publishing my stories by some of the disgusting responses, despite each comment apparently being screened by literotica staff.

I know that there is the option to turn off anonymous commenting, or comments altogether, which is extremely beneficial. BUT, if the authors had the option to block individual trolls/hateful users as well, it would give the authors the opportunity to protect themselves completely.

Am I wrong in thinking this? Why is the website not doing more to protect users from online hate/abuse?

Kind Regards,

Hi all, I hope this is the right place to post this.

Why is there no feature to block disgusting individuals on this website? It seems relatively easy to implement and is widely used in social media and other websites, yet Literotica seems terribly behind.

You only have to read through the comments section of stories to see the type of hate-infused, insulting comments left on authors' hard work to understand the problem. I was shocked when publishing my stories by some of the disgusting responses, despite each comment apparently being screened by literotica staff.

I know that there is the option to turn off anonymous commenting, or comments altogether, which is extremely beneficial. BUT, if the authors had the option to block individual trolls/hateful users as well, it would give the authors the opportunity to protect themselves completely.

Am I wrong in thinking this? Why is the website not doing more to protect users from online hate/abuse?

Kind Regards,

Wow, I just skimmed your list of stories, and don't think I've ever seen higher average scores for another author on Lit. Read through the comments on your latest story, and all were mostly complimentary with one comment not liking one of characters. You certainly elicit reactions to your stories, which is great. I'd just go with deleting the hateful comments. It seems that the most talented people(writers, athletes, actors, etc.) seem to draw the strongest comments, good, bad, & ugly. I'm familiar with one of Lit's most prolific writers in the incest category, and he finally gave his reasons for turning off all comments. He's also a high-rated author, but not in your stratosphere. Keep up the great work. RT
RoperTrace, thank you for such a kind response!

I've been deleting the hateful comments and I can understand your friend's reasoning for turning them off altogether. I do still wonder why literotica hasn't put in place a way to give its writers an extra way of eliminating online abuse via the ability to block specific profiles. You only have to read through any LW story to see the usual culprits and vitriol.

Maybe it's a way the platform could improve in the future?

Thank you again for your kind words and support! JJJ
RoperTrace, thank you for such a kind response!

I've been deleting the hateful comments and I can understand your friend's reasoning for turning them off altogether. I do still wonder why literotica hasn't put in place a way to give its writers an extra way of eliminating online abuse via the ability to block specific profiles. You only have to read through any LW story to see the usual culprits and vitriol.

Maybe it's a way the platform could improve in the future?

Thank you again for your kind words and support! JJJ
Haha, so you've stumbled onto, or maybe I should say stepped into the category that gets the most comments here on the forum. Judging from the ones I've seen, it's mostly men making those hateful comments. I did turn off voting on my last couple stories, but may turn them back on soon. Haven't really decided as of yet. If my recent bout of ADHD doesn't get resolved, it may be a while before I finish another one.
Hi all, I hope this is the right place to post this.

Why is there no feature to block disgusting individuals on this website? It seems relatively easy to implement and is widely used in social media and other websites, yet Literotica seems terribly behind.

You only have to read through the comments section of stories to see the type of hate-infused, insulting comments left on authors' hard work to understand the problem. I was shocked when publishing my stories by some of the disgusting responses, despite each comment apparently being screened by literotica staff.

I know that there is the option to turn off anonymous commenting, or comments altogether, which is extremely beneficial. BUT, if the authors had the option to block individual trolls/hateful users as well, it would give the authors the opportunity to protect themselves completely.

Am I wrong in thinking this? Why is the website not doing more to protect users from online hate/abuse?

Kind Regards,

Speaking of blocking, most profiles on the forum side of Literotica have an ‘ignore’ button, but some don’t. When you want to ignore a person that doesn’t have an ignore button on their profile, you are unable to do so. If some profiles have an ignore button then all profiles should.
Speaking of blocking, most profiles on the forum side of Literotica have an ‘ignore’ button, but some don’t. When you want to ignore a person that doesn’t have an ignore button on their profile, you are unable to do so. If some profiles have an ignore button then all profiles should.
It should only be moderators or the site owners/admin who cannot be ignored.
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RoperTrace, thank you for such a kind response!

I've been deleting the hateful comments and I can understand your friend's reasoning for turning them off altogether. I do still wonder why literotica hasn't put in place a way to give its writers an extra way of eliminating online abuse via the ability to block specific profiles. You only have to read through any LW story to see the usual culprits and vitriol.

Maybe it's a way the platform could improve in the future?

Thank you again for your kind words and support! JJJ
I'm thinking its because blocked profiles can so easily just create new ones. It's a tough battle. Best of luck going ahead.
I know, lol. I think I’m the only one. @barefootgirl69 pointed it out to me once. 🤷‍♀️ (It was awful. I had just snarked at someone “Go ahead and try to ignore me” and then learned it was super easy to ignore me 😂😂😂).
I have no intention of ignoring you ToPleaseHim. You’re A-OK. You like to help people. You make Literotica a better place. Thank you for your considerable efforts.