This is a thread for my tales from the swamps and jungles of Vietnam!
The dinks did this to me in 'Nam. Fuckers pulled out the nails from my right middle and index fingers. They also stuck bamboo under every one of my fingernails. There was one guy–we called him "the Snake"–was the interrogator that went after me the most. One day, one of the VC forgot to put the lock on my bamboo jail cell. I waited until the dinks got nice and drunk on their rice wine, opened the door, and stabbed one of the fuckers with a piece of bamboo that I had sharpened. I took his pistol, and shot three more. After the immediate area was clear, I let out my buddies, and we took all the rifles and ammo we could find, and we took the camp out from under their fucking noses. I went into the Snake's tent, and he was reaching for his Luger. I got the drop on him, and shot the bastard between the eyes. I painted the whole fucking place pink with VC brains that night, and fuck me if it didn't feel great after the shit those fuckers put me through. My fingernails grew back, but it took about three years. I went back to visit Charlie in '85, and I found the place where I shot the Snake. There was a school there by then. I walked in, gave the kids some change from my pocket, and I set a pair of fingernail clippers on the windowsill.
"Your shirt is ugly."
"The year was 1968. Jimbo, Teddy, Joe, Andrew and I were delivering some supplies to SitCom in Saigon. Just some everyday office stuff. We rounded a dirt road, and out of nowhere came a dink grenade. Landed right on the fucking seat of our deuce and a half. Teddy picked it up, ready to throw it out of the truck, and the fucking thing blew up in his hand. I was in the back, with the office chairs. Jimbo was sitting next to me. Fucking VCs blew his arm off. He was lucky. We were the only survivors. I walked into SitCom, Teddy's brains in my hair. Part of me died that day. I think I know a thing or two about ugly shirts."