

Really Experienced
Jan 10, 2013
How I became a bimbo: my true story

I am noticeably above average in the IQ dept, although not Einstein. When I was younger, it was very frustrating because yes, men really were intimidated by it. I should say young men were. In teens and twenties, people (both genders) are really silly in their expectations. Women want bad boys and brooders, while men want bimbos and damsels in distress. In your 30's, you are living with your prize, only to discover the truth of the saying "be careful what you wish for."

Women discover the bad boy can't hold a job because he keeps getting into trouble, and the mysterious brooder is just damn depressing and sucks the life out of you.

Men discover damsels are generally helpless so they have to do everything. (A couple of weeks ago I showed a 40 year old woman with 3 kids how to jump her car. She had no idea how to do it; her solution to any given problem is call her husband. I made her and the oldest daughter attach the cables, walking them through step by step. She seemed reluctant to actually handle a problem by herself.) The damsels in distress also always have drama and problems, and a cursory glance shows they bring it on themselves with their decisions. As far as bimbos, they get boring real quick. These are the women who will gripe about myth busters (which is awesome), but watch soap operas and talk about shoes all the time.

The good news: 40 does come, and by then, many now have realistic desires.

But back to me. So there I am, young, lonely for a guy, a little shy, and really clueless. I was having a hard time of it, because guys were chasing bimbos instead of me, even though I had a lot of male friends. Yes, that's right, some women do find themselves in the dreaded friend zone. So eventually frustration and loneliness got to me, so I started dumbing down. Here's the list for all you geek girls looking to get laid:

Wear tight and low cut, lean and bend a lot. For make-up, slightly garish, about a step past natural look. Blond highlights.

Don't read books, look at magazines. If he ( the cute dumb guy you want, probably a bad boy or brooder) mentions a book, ask if it has pictures.

Don't talk about history, art, science, politics, anything technical. Do talk about celebrities, fashion, astrology, and gossip.

Ask how to spell words. Misuse big words. Use words and phrases from pop culture.

Pull out a calculator for simple math.

Giggle at lame jokes.

Ask for help with simple tasks. Don't ever carry heavy stuff.

By now you get the idea. Then of course there comes the angry stage, all that "objectification of women" stuff. Again 40 is a great place to be. You've finally figured out, men do see women as sex objects, but that's not an inheritantly bad thing. As opposite genders, sexuality is always in the room, and it's what makes us so interesting to each other. If a man wants to be sweet and open a door for me, I smile and say thank you as I catch him eyeballing my boobs and butt. I say enjoy the view, and if your interested, ask me out to get coffee at a bookstore.
But back to me. So there I am, young, lonely for a guy, a little shy, and really clueless. I was having a hard time of it, because guys were chasing bimbos instead of me, even though I had a lot of male friends. Yes, that's right, some women do find themselves in the dreaded friend zone. So eventually frustration and loneliness got to me, so I started dumbing down. Here's the list for all you geek girls looking to get laid:

Wear tight and low cut, lean and bend a lot. For make-up, slightly garish, about a step past natural look. Blond highlights.

Don't read books, look at magazines. If he ( the cute dumb guy you want, probably a bad boy or brooder) mentions a book, ask if it has pictures.

Don't talk about history, art, science, politics, anything technical. Do talk about celebrities, fashion, astrology, and gossip.

Ask how to spell words. Misuse big words. Use words and phrases from pop culture.

Pull out a calculator for simple math.

Giggle at lame jokes.

Ask for help with simple tasks. Don't ever carry heavy stuff.

I would never be interested in a woman like this. Who are you, Kant?
I would never be interested in a woman like this. Who are you, Kant?
Well, to be fair...

She didn't mention getting a tit job, dying her hair blond, and chewing bubble gum...

Lol why is this thread so hilarious?
Well, to be fair...

She didn't mention getting a tit job, dying her hair blond, and chewing bubble gum...

Lol why is this thread so hilarious?

She did mention blonde highlights, though. That's gotta count for something...
She did mention blonde highlights, though. That's gotta count for something...

Reminds me of that woman who made herself into a real life Barbie Doll.

But regarding Stages of Bimboification, which we may cut to simply SOB, I think objective testing would be required at each stage to see if the woman passed. And we're not talking written multiple choice here.

Oh no.

We're talking about oral, and practical, hands on tests.
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How I became a bimbo: my true story

I am noticeably above average in the IQ dept, although not Einstein. When I was younger, it was very frustrating because yes, men really were intimidated by it. I should say young men were. In teens and twenties, people (both genders) are really silly in their expectations. Women want bad boys and brooders, while men want bimbos and damsels in distress. In your 30's, you are living with your prize, only to discover the truth of the saying "be careful what you wish for."

Women discover the bad boy can't hold a job because he keeps getting into trouble, and the mysterious brooder is just damn depressing and sucks the life out of you.

Men discover damsels are generally helpless so they have to do everything. (A couple of weeks ago I showed a 40 year old woman with 3 kids how to jump her car. She had no idea how to do it; her solution to any given problem is call her husband. I made her and the oldest daughter attach the cables, walking them through step by step. She seemed reluctant to actually handle a problem by herself.) The damsels in distress also always have drama and problems, and a cursory glance shows they bring it on themselves with their decisions. As far as bimbos, they get boring real quick. These are the women who will gripe about myth busters (which is awesome), but watch soap operas and talk about shoes all the time.

The good news: 40 does come, and by then, many now have realistic desires.

But back to me. So there I am, young, lonely for a guy, a little shy, and really clueless. I was having a hard time of it, because guys were chasing bimbos instead of me, even though I had a lot of male friends. Yes, that's right, some women do find themselves in the dreaded friend zone. So eventually frustration and loneliness got to me, so I started dumbing down. Here's the list for all you geek girls looking to get laid:

Wear tight and low cut, lean and bend a lot. For make-up, slightly garish, about a step past natural look. Blond highlights.

Don't read books, look at magazines. If he ( the cute dumb guy you want, probably a bad boy or brooder) mentions a book, ask if it has pictures.

Don't talk about history, art, science, politics, anything technical. Do talk about celebrities, fashion, astrology, and gossip.

Ask how to spell words. Misuse big words. Use words and phrases from pop culture.

Pull out a calculator for simple math.

Giggle at lame jokes.

Ask for help with simple tasks. Don't ever carry heavy stuff.

By now you get the idea. Then of course there comes the angry stage, all that "objectification of women" stuff. Again 40 is a great place to be. You've finally figured out, men do see women as sex objects, but that's not an inheritantly bad thing. As opposite genders, sexuality is always in the room, and it's what makes us so interesting to each other. If a man wants to be sweet and open a door for me, I smile and say thank you as I catch him eyeballing my boobs and butt. I say enjoy the view, and if your interested, ask me out to get coffee at a bookstore.

Smart gals are my sickness but every one of them I've swooned for has taken up with a beta male who needs an emergency self esteem transplant. One I was seriously twitter-pated for had the nerve to call me a year later after her beta man cut off his pee pee and told her he wanted to be her best girlfriend.

Be who you are and youll attract a man who loves who you are.
Subvert this Trope

I am not overly aroused by the archetypal “dumb blonde” or “Bimbo.” It is fun enough as a playful trope, but actual dumbness is too real for my fantasy. I see stupidity all around me and in literal droves. Thus I would like to see this trope subverted. The rather dumb girl raised in her intelligence, taken from reading People to National Geographic, taken from cheap tramp to elegant vamp. I would read that.
I am not overly aroused by the archetypal “dumb blonde” or “Bimbo.” It is fun enough as a playful trope, but actual dumbness is too real for my fantasy. I see stupidity all around me and in literal droves. Thus I would like to see this trope subverted. The rather dumb girl raised in her intelligence, taken from reading People to National Geographic, taken from cheap tramp to elegant vamp. I would read that.

The DeBimbo Program.

Enroll now if you are a woman who would like to succeed in life.

Stop being a Stupid Bimbo. We promise to increase your IQ while only modestly reducing your bust size. We promise you'll get more and better Sex after you are fully DeBimboed and receive your certificate. Only thirteen short weeks. You'll be trained in -


Just look at our testimonials.

"I was a worthless Bimbo who men only thought of for sexual gratification. My knees had callouses from all the oral workouts I was getting. Now I've got a top job as a nuclear physicist and have men servicing me..."
I am not overly aroused by the archetypal “dumb blonde” or “Bimbo.” It is fun enough as a playful trope, but actual dumbness is too real for my fantasy. I see stupidity all around me and in literal droves. Thus I would like to see this trope subverted. The rather dumb girl raised in her intelligence, taken from reading People to National Geographic, taken from cheap tramp to elegant vamp. I would read that.
There was a movie made about this a while back: My Fair Lady
Yeah I definitely think smart/geeky girls are much more attractive than dumb girls. They tend to be more challenging to get into bed, way more interesting to talk to, and they can actually hold a conversation. I'm very much into nerdy girls with a wild side. ;)
Another vote for intelligent girls being far more appealing here.

I had a slightly deceptive encounter related to this last weekend.

A female friend had brought along another I had never met before. She was very well spoken and I assumed that indicated intelligence. A few hours of conversation revealed my mistake. If she said 'I was like', and 'so it was like' less than twice a minute it was an achievement. Try to talk about music and nothing but X factor type pop trash was within comprehension. Try to talk about writing... again a lack of comprehension.

Meanwhile the other girl who has been a friend for some time, sitting there with a few tattoos and in alternative clothes (also well spoken, but not so overtly) is incredibly intelligent and embarking on a promising international teaching career.

Not a very interesting story I know, but illustration for me that most of the stereotypes in the opening post don't hold true beyond TV land.

All that said, it might be hypocritical that I absolutely embrace the bimbo stereotype when it comes to my sissy self. I LOVE being called a 'dumb bitch' perhaps more than anything, and love to defer to a dominant partner in anything that requires making a decision or thinking. ;)

I actually thought that might be what the thread title was referring to. :)
You know, I'm average looking, pretty fucking smart, and pretty fucking competent and I've never had any problem pulling, even going back to the years of shallow youth.

My problem was never the men, not most of them. It was the women. Being a young, intelligent, self-confident, self-aware woman makes it really hard to form strong friendships with other (het) women in your teens & twenties. I used to think it was sexual jealousy, that they thought I was a threat to their relationships, that I was attractive to their boyfriends or husbands. Now, I don't think so. I think it was envy that I didn't (don't) have to dumb myself down or tart myself up. It's horrible to watch another woman be herself when you can't, I guess.

But why would I want to fuck someone that doesn't think I'm exciting and pretty damn awesome exactly as I am? And for the life of me, I can't figure out why I'd want a relationship where I'm expected to be a helpless bimbo. I mean, I've had relationships where it turned out that the unspoken expectation was that, upon commencement of said relationship, my smart, funny awesomeness would evaporate and I would become a helpless bimbo that needed a big strong manly man to think and lift heavy things for me. Frustrating for everyone involved.

I've also known a number of beautiful, intelligent women that drop about 30 IQ points in the presence of men. It's sad that they've bought so deeply into this bullshit that they feel they can't be themselves and still be attractive, still be loved.

I suspect, much like with men, it comes down to confidence. If putting on a bimbo suit makes someone feel confident, she'll be more attractive to others. Me, I don't have what it takes to strap myself into an intellectual binder so I can conform to some stupid gender stereotype. Your mileage may vary.
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To be fair, this is a sex forum of a literary website.... We're not all so easily compartmentalised. I wouldn't be with a woman who doesn't read books or love talking about science. I think it has to do with feeling like you need to fulfill so many things at once in your 20s and 30s. And I may be speaking without hindsight of some of that, but it seems like you pull back after feeling invincible in your teens... Have to start getting serious about life and maybe you make some rash decisions, but it's your first time with having to really direct your own life. That can be tricky.

I do get to witness what you're talking about first hand often at my job, however. I just wanted to speak for the other. Interesting post, things I didn't know. Thanks!
I am a successful married advertising exec with an MBA

But I love being objectified every once in a while. So I always dress the part
Smart gals are my sickness but every one of them I've swooned for has taken up with a beta male who needs an emergency self esteem transplant. One I was seriously twitter-pated for had the nerve to call me a year later after her beta man cut off his pee pee and told her he wanted to be her best girlfriend.

Be who you are and youll attract a man who loves who you are.

Are "beta" men the ones that don't spend their time attaching labels to other people based on pseudo sociology popularized by ebook gurus who've made a career out of selling five hundred dollar seminars to secret assholes that are pissed off that women will sleep with overt assholes, but not them?

Cause those are the guys I like too!
You forgot the catagory of fake no it all women. I find those women to be the least interesting, vapid, and have the most walls up. Ladies, be yourself.
By now you get the idea. Then of course there comes the angry stage, all that "objectification of women" stuff. Again 40 is a great place to be. You've finally figured out, men do see women as sex objects, but that's not an inheritantly bad thing. As opposite genders, sexuality is always in the room, and it's what makes us so interesting to each other. If a man wants to be sweet and open a door for me, I smile and say thank you as I catch him eyeballing my boobs and butt. I say enjoy the view, and if your interested, ask me out to get coffee at a bookstore.

You know, I'm average looking, pretty fucking smart, and pretty fucking competent and I've never had any problem pulling, even going back to the years of shallow youth.

My problem was never the men, not most of them. It was the women. Being a young, intelligent, self-confident, self-aware woman makes it really hard to form strong friendships with other (het) women in your teens & twenties. I used to think it was sexual jealousy, that they thought I was a threat to their relationships, that I was attractive to their boyfriends or husbands. Now, I don't think so. I think it was envy that I didn't (don't) have to dumb myself down or tart myself up. It's horrible to watch another woman be herself when you can't, I guess.

But why would I want to fuck someone that doesn't think I'm exciting and pretty damn awesome exactly as I am? And for the life of me, I can't figure out why I'd want a relationship where I'm expected to be a helpless bimbo. I mean, I've had relationships where it turned out that the unspoken expectation was that, upon commencement of said relationship, my smart, funny awesomeness would evaporate and I would become a helpless bimbo that needed a big strong manly man to think and lift heavy things for me. Frustrating for everyone involved.

I've also known a number of beautiful, intelligent women that drop about 30 IQ points in the presence of men. It's sad that they've bought so deeply into this bullshit that they feel they can't be themselves and still be attractive, still be loved.

I suspect, much like with men, it comes down to confidence. If putting on a bimbo suit makes someone feel confident, she'll be more attractive to others. Me, I don't have what it takes to strap myself into an intellectual binder so I can conform to some stupid gender stereotype. Your mileage may vary.

This subject interests me. I've had similar experiences with women all my life. They seem intimidated by me so I always have to work hard to find common ground. I find them more judgemental than men but I do try and make friendships, much more now than when I was younger. Maybe because it feels true that many women don't hit their potential until their 40s for some reason, but I love seeing that happen.

I agree that you should just be yourself and you will attract the type of person suited to you at that point in your life. I don't see a conflict between being a person who loves science and education etc and also accepting my inner slut. I think that it's very important to be aware of your needs and embrace them. I have never had a problem attracting men and I remember how competitive I was, always wanting to beat my guy friends at math in high school. It was fun and nobody minded lol. That has carried on into university as a mature student.

I agree with the posters in this thread. Men are not intimidated by a smart woman; in my experience they prefer it and are attracted to it. If I may generalize for a moment, that goes for all types of men from jocks to scientists..

Lastly, I must say that we really seem to have an extraordinary type of man on the Lit forums that I have been very impressed with. They seem to be so confident, intelligent, exceptionally witty and dirty-minded, a brilliant bunch indeed.
I wouldn't think a "bimbo" would make a good dom. And no, most men aren't intimidated by intelligence. I will say though that some smart women that aren't confident try to overcompensate by being overly argumentative and competitive and that would put anybody off, male or female.
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An interesting thread indeed. I attended an elite east coast school famed for its engineering programs. Everybody was very intelligent, men and women. I detected little intimidation between the sexes due to intelligence, but an awful lot of competion to out "do" each other (I think this was mentioned earlier). Many of these intelligent women were socially awkward. Many of these intelligent men were socially awkward, too. Given everybody's age, and the close environment, many kids, male and female, made attempts to become somebody "different" in order to be, in their minds, more appealing to somebody they fancied. What causes that other than some lack of confidence or some level of low self-esteem? (rhetorical; I certainly don't know what causes that). But it's done probably at every corner of society. Dumbing down, playing up, feigning interest in things you don't give a hoot about. In my past, I'm sure I pretended to be interested in some inane thing just to spend time with someone I was attracted to. Many people do, until you just get too tired of it and come to the conclusion it's just not worth it. "Be yourself". Simple words that are sometimes very hard to perform especially when you are young and seemingly desperate. And as mentioned above, with age comes the wisdom and inner strength (if you have not suffered life too horribly) to be true to thyself.