Bill Cosby

In the court of my personal opinion he is innocent until proven guilty which might be difficult 30 years later.
I guess I should watch some of his comedy videos. I'll try to keep an open mind. I'm a liberal like that. :cool:

It was so long ago, and he was so young...

The punch line was, "What the hell am I doing in Chicago?"

[after a long discussion with the great spirit about how his skin, hair and other features adapted him to life in the jungle - I guess it's a jungle of another sort]
AJ the Rapist Apologist.

Tell us again how women get raped as a result of poor parenting.

Tell us again how prefacing any random statement with "tell us again" is likely increase the perception of your narrative's verity, given your propensity for fabrication?
My parents think he's funny. They're weird like that though.

If he is innocent, all of this totally sucks for him. My bet is on him being the perve he's being made out as. The women making the claims don't seem to have a reason to make it up. The sad thing for all is that nothing will be proven. This will haunt all of them forever.

It would suck if it wasn't true and his reputation was being dragged through the mud for nothing. I tend to agree with you, though. The claims seem credible. I can't say I trust someone who pays ppl off for silence, which he did and has not admitted to.

It all seems fishy to me.
Since the dawn of man women have traded sexual favor for the chance at social/financial (fortune and fame) advancement. And since the dawn of man men in a position to bestow those boons have taken advantage of the women that want to advance socially/financially.

Life hasn't seemed to work out very well for Cosby's accusers and a great deal of time has gone by. So the question is, "Are these women coming forth making one last try for some sort of gain because the quo quid pro didn't work out for them? Or are they truly victims of forcible rape?"

I doubt that the truth of the matter will ever be known at this late a date.

Since the dawn of man women have traded sexual favor for the chance at social/financial (fortune and fame) advancement. And since the dawn of man men in a position to bestow those boons have taken advantage of the women that want to advance socially/financially.

Life hasn't seemed to work out very well for Cosby's accusers and a great deal of time has gone by. So the question is, "Are these women coming forth making one last try for some sort of gain because the quo quid pro didn't work out for them? Or are they truly victims of forcible rape?"

I doubt that the truth of the matter will ever be known at this late a date.


It doesn't really matter now. His reputation is already smeared. He is financially feeling the effects whether or not the claims are true. NBC has cut ties with him. His reruns have been pulled. Two new shows of his that were in the works have stopped production and have been cancelled as well.

The damage is done.
I wonder how many women Bill Cosby has raped. it does not pay to be drunk and horny.

I hope he gets his ass beat every single day in prison. Beat or plugged.. either one.
He's been tried and found guilty by Twitter and Facebook, so whatever a court may decide, his reputation is trashed forever. If he was found innocent it wouldn't do him the slightest good.
My parents think he's funny. They're weird like that though.

If he is innocent, all of this totally sucks for him. My bet is on him being the perve he's being made out as. The women making the claims don't seem to have a reason to make it up. The sad thing for all is that nothing will be proven. This will haunt all of them forever.

Well of course he is a perve, most successful Hollywood types are perves. The casting couch has gone on since the beginning of people's thirst for fame. (For instance the recent celeb photo leak seemed to mostly be made up of casting couch pics.) The question is, is he a rapist. Did he actually rape those aspiring actresses? We have had no proof other than what they have to say; none filed criminal charges (nor did the state on their behalf) and the original one sued him civilly when he stopped paying her rent. The answer is, we don't know. And of course the women involved have a reason to make it up. They are all failed actresses who would jump at the chance to be in front of the camera.
It doesn't really matter now. His reputation is already smeared. He is financially feeling the effects whether or not the claims are true. NBC has cut ties with him. His reruns have been pulled. Two new shows of his that were in the works have stopped production and have been cancelled as well.

The damage is done.

True enough. Regardless of the truth Cosby has suffered a modern day lynching of a black man accused of rape that would do a 1930's southern sheriff justice.

I understand your pathetic need to curry favor with AJ.

Here is what the Chief opined.

AJ sez a rape victim and her parents share blame with the rapist for bein' raped.

Spin that.

I did not ask about your allegation. I asked why prefacing it with "tell us again" gives it verity. Why do you use that device?

When you're done with that tell us again why it is that we should be slightest bit interested in what somebody said and some carefully archived corner of your little world when we could just ask them right now?

And then, tell us again who is this us of which you speak?
I did not ask about your allegation. I asked why prefacing it with "tell us again" gives it verity. Why do you use that device?

When you're done with that tell us again why it is that we should be slightest bit interested in what somebody said and some carefully archived corner of your little world when we could just ask them right now?

And then, tell us again who is this us of which you speak?

Besides who really cares what a pedophile wants to quote out of context?

Well of course he is a perve, most successful Hollywood types are perves. The casting couch has gone on since the beginning of people's thirst for fame. (For instance the recent celeb photo leak seemed to mostly be made up of casting couch pics.) The question is, is he a rapist. Did he actually rape those aspiring actresses? We have had no proof other than what they have to say; none filed criminal charges (nor did the state on their behalf) and the original one sued him civilly when he stopped paying her rent. The answer is, we don't know. And of course the women involved have a reason to make it up. They are all failed actresses who would jump at the chance to be in front of the camera.

I was sure he was a perve, but as he is being made out as (meaning rapist)?

There's good reason to doubt the women, but there is an awful lot of smoke here for there not to be some kind of fire. Like I said though, nothing will likely be proven. Cosby certainly can't prove a negative. His reputation is ruined whether deserved or not.
I was sure he was a perve, but as he is being made out as (meaning rapist)?

There's good reason to doubt the women, but there is an awful lot of smoke here for there not to be some kind of fire. Like I said though, nothing will likely be proven. Cosby certainly can't prove a negative. His reputation is ruined whether deserved or not.

He shouldn't have to prove a negative. That people think he should is just another example of how we are being primed to give up our due process of law.

There has been a long, slow movement to shift the burden of proof to the accused when it comes to rape cases. That is what is happening in universities around the country.

Fortunately we haven't all gone crazy yet, here is some recent judicial pushback.
I understand your pathetic need to curry favor with AJ.

Here is what the Chief opined.

AJ sez a rape victim and her parents share blame with the rapist for bein' raped.

Spin that.



Sgt Spidey Mode said:
He didn't say that.

Why is it that all your little historical digs are YOUR words characterizing what someone else said when you obviously have the full text of their remarks at the ready?

If it is important enough to throw at random into a thread and you have the post number on a yellow post-it on the wall of your basement lair, go ahead and link it in your oh-so-important post.
so in the other thread (the REAL one)

I asked two simple questions

1-Why is it all coming out now? Spare me the comedian told jokes...

2-Why is B Clinton to this day HAILED as an ICON of so many
Help me out!

If Cosby hits on a starlit he's bad. If Bill rapes women its cool?