Bill Cosby speaks the truth yet again.


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
Discrimination against black people is rampant, and far more real than "misogyny". Women don't get targeted, stopped and frisked like black men do. Women don't see the long prison sentences that black men get for the exact same crimes. Women don't get shot for pulling out a fucking wallet. Whole cities of women don't get bombed like Tulsa Oklahoma or burnt to the ground like Rosewood. There is no men's group out hunting white (or black) women and burning crosses on their yards or lynching women. There are such groups that harass men and women for being black, though. There's no male supremacy group calling for the extermination of women. Plenty of neo Nazi groups out there would like to see blacks wiped out.

But even with all that, black people can be their own worst enemy. Such as with black men not tending to their fucking BUSINESS - their kids. The absence of black fathers is one of the most destructive problems facing black America today. We aren't going to beat racist white America if black fathers don't step up and be fathers to their kids. It just ain't gonna happen. Fatherless kids suffer way too many misfortunes.

Wanting African-Americans to take responsibility for their lives, their kids and their education, Bill Cosby has offered some strong words to a group of people he has dubbed "no-groes."

In an interview with CNN's Don Lemon Saturday, the comedian was asked to reflect on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and to comment on the future of black leadership in the United States.

“I think it has to come from the universities,” Cosby said, stressing that education is the key to a community's success. And it's not just prestigious universities, either.

"Okay, you backed up and didn’t do well. You quit school but now you find you need that high school credential. Go to the community college,” he advised.

The veteran actor went on to say that while women appear to be the leaders in the majority of households, he hopes to see more men step up to the plate.

"What we need is for people to realize -- 'I want to raise my kid. I want to go back and get my three kids. I want to take on that responsibility. I want to love my children,'" he said, adding that he would love to see more black men taking a more visible role in parenting.
The only thing I "disagree" with is I've seen the stats on why so many black fathers magically disappeared in the 70's and 80's and I can easily see if I couldn't hold down a job that I wouldn't stick around so when doing so meant depriving my children of food stamps. I'm not saying it's right because it's not but I understand how people could come to that conclusion. I can see how a bunch of kids who didn't have a bright future got mixed up in drugs and gangs. I'm not saying I condone it but it's easy to see how the logic worked.
Discrimination against black people is rampant, and far more real than "misogyny". Women don't get targeted, stopped and frisked like black men do. Women don't see the long prison sentences that black men get for the exact same crimes. Women don't get shot for pulling out a fucking wallet. Whole cities of women don't get bombed like Tulsa Oklahoma or burnt to the ground like Rosewood. There is no men's group out hunting white (or black) women and burning crosses on their yards or lynching women. There are such groups that harass men and women for being black, though. There's no male supremacy group calling for the extermination of women. Plenty of neo Nazi groups out there would like to see blacks wiped out.

But even with all that, black people can be their own worst enemy. Such as with black men not tending to their fucking BUSINESS - their kids. The absence of black fathers is one of the most destructive problems facing black America today. We aren't going to beat racist white America if black fathers don't step up and be fathers to their kids. It just ain't gonna happen. Fatherless kids suffer way too many misfortunes.

Wanting African-Americans to take responsibility for their lives, their kids and their education, Bill Cosby has offered some strong words to a group of people he has dubbed "no-groes."

In an interview with CNN's Don Lemon Saturday, the comedian was asked to reflect on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and to comment on the future of black leadership in the United States.

“I think it has to come from the universities,” Cosby said, stressing that education is the key to a community's success. And it's not just prestigious universities, either.

"Okay, you backed up and didn’t do well. You quit school but now you find you need that high school credential. Go to the community college,” he advised.

The veteran actor went on to say that while women appear to be the leaders in the majority of households, he hopes to see more men step up to the plate.

"What we need is for people to realize -- 'I want to raise my kid. I want to go back and get my three kids. I want to take on that responsibility. I want to love my children,'" he said, adding that he would love to see more black men taking a more visible role in parenting.

As a fellow Temple Owl and Philadelphian, I love the Coz! He is always trying to be an authehtic and positive role model for the black community but in effect the community as a whole. This issue of men taking responsibility is huge in Philly. I can only talk about Philly because that's where I'm from and where I worked. There's two sides to the story. I worked with mothers with children from multiple fathers on their housing issues.

Here's what I want to know. Why can't black women close their legs? Why don't they get birth control if black men have such an issue with condoms? (There are a million ways to get birth control with no or low income in Philly) Why do black men continue to make babies with multiple women and not care for them? I know white women do this too. But I had 40 clients. Two were white.
As a fellow Temple Owl and Philadelphian, I love the Coz! He is always trying to be an authehtic and positive role model for the black community but in effect the community as a whole. This issue of men taking responsibility is huge in Philly. I can only talk about Philly because that's where I'm from and where I worked. There's two sides to the story. I worked with mothers with children from multiple fathers on their housing issues.

Here's what I want to know. Why can't black women close their legs? Why don't they get birth control if black men have such an issue with condoms? (There are a million ways to get birth control with no or low income in Philly) Why do black men continue to make babies with multiple women and not care for them? I know white women do this too. But I had 40 clients. Two were white.
It's called thug and playa love. Black women are neck deep in it. It's the men they choose to sleep with that's the problem - the men are the problem and these women's choices are the problem.

But even if the sistas won't change, black men can do their part to fix that, and they need to do their part.