Biden's dog has bit again


Literotica Guru
Oct 13, 2007
Over 10 biting attacks. One placed an officer in the hospital. Sorry Joe...the mother fucker should be put down or else you should be sued. This is no different than allowing a drunk driver to drive. Step up an do the right thing. He won't...but i am calling out this bullshit as unacceptable
My first time venturing into these waters in my short time here but this is just wrong. I am a huge dog lover but if this was any other dog there wouldn’t be a choice after the second attack. Much less 3,4,5…
I think Marjorie Taylor Greene was showing off the bite pictures in Congress today.

But, if you think the biting is bad, you should see what they found on his hard drive...
Animal control, or the police, should have and would have been involved long before this with any other dog. Being the President does not give you free rein to have a vicious dog.
I love dogs, but one that bites is too big of a risk. Give it away to someone who has the good sense to muzzle it or train it.
This is the second dog...his first, Major, is no longer allowed at the White House because of biting. This just a continuation of the same problem ...only with a new dog. Commander has now attacked a minimum of 10 times according to Secret Service Emails calling out the safety of their employees. Fucking 100% bullshit Joe.

There’s a very good chance that the dogs instinctually know who is an evil person and who is a threat to the President.

Hence the targeted biting.

Is it any wonder the dogs have bit secret service agents 10 times???

Some secret service agents were likely complicit in the rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor’s attempt to seize power.

See: The secret service deleting their communications from the time around January 6th, 2021.

See also: The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor elevating a secret service member to deputy chief of staff for operations.

There are certainly Dolt 45 loyalist still active in the secret service.

Good boy Major!!!

Good boy Commander!!!



There’s a very good chance that the dogs instinctually know who is an evil person and who is a threat to the President.

Hence the targeted biting.

Is it any wonder the dogs have bit secret service agents 10 times???

Some secret service agents were likely complicit in the rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor’s attempt to seize power.

See: The secret service deleting their communications from the time around January 6th, 2021.

See also: The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor elevating a secret service member to deputy chief of staff for operations.

There are certainly Dolt 45 loyalist still active in the secret service.

Good boy Major!!!

Good boy Commander!!!


This is bullshit. Google is your friend. The attacks have not all been directed towards Secret Service. The dog is aggressive. I...unlike out my Leader when he is wrong

There’s a very good chance that the dogs instinctually know who is an evil person and who is a threat to the President.

Hence the targeted biting.

Is it any wonder the dogs have bit secret service agents 10 times???

Some secret service agents were likely complicit in the rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor’s attempt to seize power.

See: The secret service deleting their communications from the time around January 6th, 2021.

See also: The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor elevating a secret service member to deputy chief of staff for operations.

There are certainly Dolt 45 loyalist still active in the secret service.

Good boy Major!!!

Good boy Commander!!!


And if it was Trump's dog you would be calling for its public execution on the White House lawn.

If an owner has that little control over their dog they shouldn't have one. That's it plain and simple. Your idiotic reasoning for this dog attacking people sinks below your normal stupidity.
This is bullshit. Google is your friend. The attacks have not all been directed towards Secret Service. The dog is aggressive. I...unlike out my Leader when he is wrong
I never thought I would say this to you but here goes.

Great post. It has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with an out of control dog. An aggressive dog does not belong unleashed in an area where people are allowed to be.
This is bullshit. Google is your friend. The attacks have not all been directed towards Secret Service. The dog is aggressive. I...unlike out my Leader when he is wrong

The attacks have PRIMARILY been against secret service members.

Now I’m sure there are a few other evil people roaming around the White House that probably deserve a good bite as well, but the fact remains that the attacks were PRIMARILY against secret service agents.

Also: (And this is my own anecdotal account):

I had a dog that was friendly as hell to NEARLY everyone - except people who were eventually revealed to be evil.

That dog had the unfailing ability to recognize people with ill intent in their hearts and minds.

After a few demonstrations of its ability to identify people that weren’t trustworthy, I adjusted who I associated with based on that dog’s judgement,

Best, Dog. Ever.


The attacks have PRIMARILY been against secret service members.

Now I’m sure there are a few other evil people roaming around the White House that probably deserve a good bite as well, but the fact remains that the attacks were PRIMARILY against secret service agents.

Also: (And this is my own anecdotal account):

I had a dog that was friendly as hell to NEARLY everyone - except people who were eventually revealed to be evil.

That dog had the unfailing ability to recognize people with ill intent in their hearts and minds.

After a few demonstrations of its ability to identify people that weren’t trustworthy, I adjusted who I associated with based on that dog’s judgement,

Best, Dog. Ever.

The difference being you are a private citizen, not the President. If your dog attacked and bit someone unprovoked your dog would be taken and most likely euthanized after the first attack. The President is not allowed special privileges to have a dog that randomly attacks people, no matter who they are. Honestly, if as you say most of the victims are Secret Service Agents I'm surprised a grievance hasn't been filed and the dog removed. I would refuse to work there if this dog was allowed to randomly attack people. AND YES, no matter who is President I would say the same thing.
The White House is NOT a private residence. If Biden wants an aggressive dog that they can't control...have him at his personal residence. It does NOT belong in the White House. You are jaded...just like our deplorables.
I never thought you'd say it either.

Great post. I wonder if it bit anyone on the cock and what it tasted like?
Golly another Gay post from philly. He's a Gay stalker following me around to every topic posting Gay sex things to me. He's a Gay stalker simply because I told him I am not interested in him.

I can't help but wonder how long the rest of you will allow him to destroy your posts with his inflammatory Gay sex posts.
The White House is NOT a private residence. If Biden wants an aggressive dog that they can't control...have him at his personal residence. It does NOT belong in the White House. You are jaded...just like our deplorables.

I was pretty specific about why I trust the dog over the secret service. (and a few members of the White House staff).

There are likely secret service traitors STILL operating in the White House.

President Biden needs protection from THEM.

The fact that you seem unaware of the inappropriate behavior and political bias involving the rapey, racist, corrupt orange traiotor’s secret service tells me all I need to know.

If I were President Biden, and my dog didn’t like someone on the secret service, that person would be replaced.

Full stop.



There’s a very good chance that the dogs instinctually know who is an evil person and who is a threat to the President.

Hence the targeted biting.

Is it any wonder the dogs have bit secret service agents 10 times???

Some secret service agents were likely complicit in the rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor’s attempt to seize power.

See: The secret service deleting their communications from the time around January 6th, 2021.

See also: The rapey, racist, corrupt orange traitor elevating a secret service member to deputy chief of staff for operations.

There are certainly Dolt 45 loyalist still active in the secret service.

Good boy Major!!!

Good boy Commander!!!


It’s the Secret Service’s fault. You’re so predictable.
How will they stop me, colonel cockmunch?
Oh look broken record, mentally ill, Gay sex obsessed with me, Gay philly is back and mentioning cock yet again. philly are you masturbating thinking about me? As much as you mention Gay sex I'll bet you are. It's the only sex you'll ever have with me so enjoy it. Make sure to lick your fingers clean.
i'm not seeing a link to this and can't be arsed to go look

but if it's legit, i'd be having it tested for consumption of cocaine/other illicit ingestible substances... not because i think it's a junkie or smuggling in its own baggies BUT i would not put it past certain people keen to see President Biden discredited but who still move in the same circles feeding it to the dog then standing back to watch what happens.

any dog biting (and with evidence, not just someone saying it in bad faith) needs examining and training/removing from a situation not conducive to its happiness and the safety of humans/other animals interacting with it.
Oh look broken record, mentally ill, Gay sex obsessed with me, Gay philly is back and mentioning cock yet again. philly are you masturbating thinking about me? As much as you mention Gay sex I'll bet you are. It's the only sex you'll ever have with me so enjoy it. Make sure to lick your fingers clean.
You're one of the strangest little cock lovers I've ever met. Phil is married, Phil never posted about wanting a cock in him, Phil is just trying to encourage you to chase your dream cock!
You're one of the strangest little cock lovers I've ever met. Phil is married, Phil never posted about wanting a cock in him, Phil is just trying to encourage you to chase your dream cock!
Oh look Gay philly is now back pedaling on how much he talks about cock and butt sex.

Have you met a lot of cock lovers philly? It seems you have met some anyways. Did they leave you satisfied or just feeling gaped and empty. Aw philly is it hard to admit your Gayness? You shouldn't have outed yourself.

By the way, you mentioned cock 3 times in this post. You are the cock obsessed one.

No, I am still not interested in you.