Beyond Delicious: Same Title Challenge (sort of)

wildsweetone said:
If any of my children ask, I'm going to suggest a new pencil would be nice.


mmm I think one of my favorite end of the year gifts were pretzel rods dipped in chocolate. But pencils are nice too :)

are you gonna write one?
WickedEve said:
Just looked at the list and for me this so poetic: Tydeman's Late Orange
I'm off to google so I can research this apple. And I do hope I'm not the only who researches everything to death for almost every freakin' poem I write.

ah I hope that the great google whirlpool doesn't suck you in too deep....I have been known to get lost for days....

you are right, that is a great title-- kind of odd for an apple to be named orange.


looking forward to your poem! :heart:
annaswirls said:
mmm I think one of my favorite end of the year gifts were pretzel rods dipped in chocolate. But pencils are nice too :)

are you gonna write one?

"mmmmmm, pencils dipped in chocolate..."" ---Homer Simpson

The Mystery Valiant said:
I'm going to try as well. I can't guarantee high marks, probably will get a lot of deleterious remarks as it seems I haven't the degree's or lit training. But I have an Idea, and I'm going to do my best to make it the best new thing on this world. Yeah, my ego ain't that much..., But living is butchery when the wolves want to feed. And I'll sign the Dragon on the wall for title impressions.


okay, you were being silly. sorry i offended you.

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DArnit!! you said July 5th?

anna, im off to work in a power plant Saturday for 10 days, I will miss the deadline... I would ask my daughter to submit it for me, but she's always so busy...<pout>

do you think I could submit with a note not to post until the fifth?

ps, glad you liked the poem, its from my paranoid phase... :rolleyes:
annaswirls said:
ah I hope that the great google whirlpool doesn't suck you in too deep....I have been known to get lost for days....

you are right, that is a great title-- kind of odd for an apple to be named orange.


looking forward to your poem! :heart:
It's done. I managed to mention the apple name and work in rainman and his wheelbarrow from a discussion on another thread. :D
Maria2394 said:
DArnit!! you said July 5th?

anna, im off to work in a power plant Saturday for 10 days, I will miss the deadline... I would ask my daughter to submit it for me, but she's always so busy...<pout>

do you think I could submit with a note not to post until the fifth?

ps, glad you liked the poem, its from my paranoid phase... :rolleyes:

I can make a new screen name, um like Maria8434 (my first phone number) and submit it for you if you want :)

I cannot wait to read your power plant poetry. damn, machinery is so sexy
WickedEve said:
It's done. I managed to mention the apple name and work in rainman and his wheelbarrow from a discussion on another thread. :D

ah way to go! I think that gets you bonus points!!
the usual suspects

The Mystery Valiant
Bedtime Storyteller
Champagne 1982
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Well, since it's already written, I'm going to post it here, and thank anna for the inspiration. I'm afraid I'm out of poet juice lately, so I think this poem probably won't make it beyond this thread. ;)

Feathers sicken her naked soles—
shoes are precious,
reserved for winter and ice.

"We tread on wings,
a field of crows beneath our feet."
Words drop from Em's mouth
and stun their popping wide eyes.

Cannot always see birds
in wild, summer grass, but they wait,
so patient and black,

like an uneven trail
to shake the pale dread,
that inevitable white,
lying in the bottom of the wheelbarrow.

"This deed soon be done, Em."

Our voices carry "Rainman, Rainman"
over some forgotten hill
and chant it at his door.

Persuasion is not in a sack.
Sacks are for roots or hens.
His seduction is heaped in the wheelbarrow

that rattled to this spot.
We know the significance of crows
and the sin of digging up bones.

By nightfall,
Em has her jar of powered dread,
a remedy bound for home.
She abandons the cart and me.


Leaves fall in shades of a tydeman's late orange,
as I am rocked on homeward path,
staring up with my eyes,
daring to wonder if other eyes have gone into the earth.

Some things should never come back.
Rainman leaves me in the wheelbarrow,
my raw skin dangerous with powder.
I just took another look at that list of apples. Lane's Prince Albert sounds like something Lois' father had done to his penis :eek:. I'm off to write a poem about apple tree monsters ... :kiss:
Granny Smith's Secret

bound in the valley
we heard Granny moan
bed springs now ragged
she sleeps alone

Grandpa went missing
'bout ten years ago,
they went apple pickin'
she sleeps alone

It's fall and the trees
are laden with fruit
limbs scratching soil
bed springs are mute

bound in the valley
her basket in hand
she's off to pick apples
and visit her man


I have no idea why, but Eve's poem inspired this one ;)
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red, delicious

the lush round form / firm-fleshed the skin
I kiss, I bite this fruit, your lips
and drink your youth, your essence in
Newton Wonder

The apple and the moon
fall at the same speed, if
there is a place to fall, if
there is no friction, if
he was right at all.

He was, terrestrial. Ballistics.
But for spaceflight, not. Downfall.
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Rome Beauty

It's how her street corner smile
is Design, Italian Style.

Like the way she flicks her hands,
her hips, and picks my wallet.

My love she owns. My cash, her tips.
annaswirls said:
mmm I think one of my favorite end of the year gifts were pretzel rods dipped in chocolate. But pencils are nice too :)

are you gonna write one?

aren't pretzels salty tasting? can't imagine the pretzels i'm thinking of being dipped in chocolate. very odd!

and yes, i'll try (but i've just seen you nabbed me anyways lol)

not even real???

Maria2394 said:
Dear Valiant--PLease PLEASE dont infer that you cannot write good poetry because you dont have a degree..MANY of us here do not have one, I sure dont and not All my poetry sucks... we had a thread about that before. Poetry comes from a place that isnt taught in a school... sure, technique is taught all over the place, here even, but poetry comes from inside and your insides are just as poetic as anyone elses, you just have to train yourself how to get it out so its understood the way you want it to be...:)

OK, a little joke taken badly. :rolleyes: I was trying to be a tad blanched here, Maria. And now you went and spoiled the whole giggle fest by getting all boo-hoo serious on me. :( Damn, it's hard to get a good dry joke off on the web. Now are you happy spoil-sport! :heart: :nana: :nana: :nana:

And here is my entry, stamped and delivered to "The Poets" and given as per the deadline.


At 4 and sometimes 3 in the morning,
the chatter and din of the early prayers.
Chiding the bright, centric child to rise.
To come and give courage and favors.
Encore of the days before, with lithe soaring.
Announce the breath of bright, windy sighs.
Sleep was lost and dreams of thought, wavers.
All the way through to creations tides.

And man, no borders to change that racket,
there are those hearts,
unbound and uncoiled to match it.
Once it was no contest.
Now the world, sprout sentient.
Instinct wild much test it!

The Mystery Valiant

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"The Poets" Rejected me

annaswirls, I sent my poem in and asked them to do as you asked. They told me that I should submit it myself on the fourth and "hopefully" it will be posted by then. So, I have to wait 'til midnight and then post it. To give it a greater chance to appear on the 5Th. Sorry about the complication.

annaswirls said:
3. Submit them to literotica in the usual way, on July 5, so hopefully they all show up on the same day's New Poems list. *[/SIZE]
M.V., I'm not sure what you want the poets to do--and anna never contacted us. We can't submit your poetry to lit for you. :)
Hello Mr. Valiant,

I think there is some misunderstanding. Here are the guidelines from the first post:


1. Scan the list of apple names
2. Write a poem with the name as a title.
3. Submit them to literotica in the usual way, on July 5, so hopefully they all show up on the same day's New Poems list. *

So just submit your poem to literotica like you do all poems, no moderators necessary :) Just do your thang on July 5....which is on Wed....holy shit, I have to go write a poem.

The guidelines are still at the first post. I will re-post the whole shebang because heaven knows we are all busy little beavers this time of year and things get confusing. :heart:

The Mystery Valiant said:
annaswirls, I sent my poem in and asked them to do as you asked. They told me that I should submit it myself on the fourth and "hopefully" it will be posted by then. So, I have to wait 'til midnight and then post it. To give it a greater chance to appear on the 5Th. Sorry about the complication.

Just a friendly reminder

An apple a day...

annaswirls said:
Okay it might be a little early for apple season, but take a look at the list of apple names below!!! There is absolutely one for you on the list....from Red Mutant sci fi to Pink Lady romance, there is a flavor for all tastes.


1. Scan the list of apple names
2. Write a poem with the name as a title.
3. Submit them to literotica in the usual way, on July 5, so hopefully they all show up on the same day's New Poems list. *

Fine Print:

*If you will not have access to the computer on July 5th, you can submit it early along with a note to Laurel explaining that you would like the poem to be posted with the others in the challenge.

* The poem does NOT HAVE TO BE about apples at all. Just use the name to inspire you to write write write and have fun fun fun.

* When you submit, include the word CHALLENGE in the title so that we can easily identify and participants can try to leave comments on their fellow challenge member's poetry. You can also comment on your favorites right here on this thread. All participants wishing to get constructive crit. on their poems should try to post their poems here early, and save general comments for the public comments section-- this is not a contest, it is a party. The time to tell someone their zipper is down is before you get there...lets make this a fun challenge-- all styles and tastes and levels of experience welcomed and encouraged.

*If you are interested in joining in the produce partee, sign in on this thread... if you have questions or want to share drafts and ideas, post them here, if you want to hijack, please feel free, you do not even need to take off your shoes on the way in. Discussion welcome, bickering and whining not and name callers will be shunned and made to smell the shoes of those who decide to take their off on the way in.

*Any type of poem is acceptable and welcome. Illustrated might be fun. Crunching audio might be cool too, reciting the poem with a mouthful of fruit flesh...

*If you have an apple name that is not on the list, please feel free to use it as a title! No one is going to check.

Take a gander at these choices!

Annie Elizabeth
Belle de Boskoop
Belle de Boskoop Red Mutant
Ben Davis
Berlesch Pippin
Blenheim Orange
Bramley's Seedling
Calville Blanc
Cox's (see Cox's Orange Pippin)
Cox's Orange Pippin
Egremont Russet
Ellison's Orange
Esopus Spitzenburg
Golden Delicious
Granny Smith
Grimes Golden
Ingrid Marie
King Davis
King Edward VII
King Pippin
Lady Williams
Lane's Prince Albert
Laxton's Superb
Lord Derby
Mutsu (see Crispin)
Newton Wonder
Northern Spy
Pink Lady
Red Delicious
Reine des Reinettes
Rhode Island Greening
Rome Beauty
Royal Gala
Stirling Castle
Tompkins King
Tydeman's Late Orange
Worcester Pearmain
Yellow Newton
York Imperial
I think this,

annswirls said:
*If you will not have access to the computer on July 5th, you can submit it early along with a note to Laurel explaining that you would like the poem to be posted with the others in the challenge.

I believe this is where it got off to abstract. I have to go to work on Wednesday and I'm not sure if I might be able to submit then. But also, I thought the deadline was the fifth? And since "The Poets" are the mods of the forum...., as well as Laurel is listed amongst them? OH yeah! And I'm noob!

The date to submit is the 5th. When they will show up in the new poems is a guess on anyone's part.

If you submit on the 4th (in the regular way) put a note with the poem (there is a box for notes to the editor) that you would like the poem to come out with the other poems in the challenge that will be submitted on July 5.

Really, please do not worry too much about it-- there is no guarentee that people who do submit on the 5th will all show up in the new poems on the same day.

The Poets are moderators of this particular forum. They do not have anything to do with the New Poems that are submitted to Literotica. They cannot access your account, or do anything like that.

Laurel is the main editor here-- Laurel and Manu. She is not a moderator or a poet :) When you submit a poem and write a note in the box, you are writing a note to Laurel, who reads the poems and puts them on the "New Poems" list.

Good luck, and don't worry :)


The Mystery Valiant said:
I believe this is where it got off to abstract. I have to go to work on Wednesday and I'm not sure if I might be able to submit then. But also, I thought the deadline was the fifth? And since "The Poets" are the mods of the forum...., as well as Laurel is listed amongst them? OH yeah! And I'm noob!
