Belle and Azul Present Hug-A-Holic's Anonymous


I'm really bad about remembering to come in here and post. Heck, I'm bad about remembering to post ANYWHERE, however I wanted to come back and give y'all an update.

I was in last summer asking for hugs for the wee boy of a friend and for another friend, both who were going through cancer treatments. Well, I'm ecstatic to report that the wee boy is such a trooper! He's finished with his treatments and is doing GREAT! His poor momma was having a really hard time of it because her job kept her traveling, so she had to work through the worst of it. His big sister, who really isn't that old, was also having a tough time understanding why baby brother was getting all the attention and why Momma was such a basket case.

Fortunately, Momma was surrounded by friends (including my sister who kept me updated) and family who more than pitched in to make sure that husband and daughter were well loved. Still, it is an incredible relief to know that wee boy is up and around and acting a complete terror once again.

My other friend has come through his chemo and radiation after experiencing some incredible lows. It's strange, but he had ended up with a type of cancer that, as a life-long non-smoker/non-drinker, he NEVER should have had, but he did, and now he's through it. Thank goodness. Of course, now he's getting funny results in other cancer-related tests, but I know his doctors will find that they're over-reacting and he'll be back on the job in another month.

I can't thank this group enough for all the hugs and prayers they offered up. I do believe that it helped.

Despite my complete lack of posting, you have all been in my thoughts and I know good things will happen for you.
Anna's post was an excellent way to come back from my vacation. *hugs Anna*

*hugs Spicy*
*hugs Babyslave*
*hugs GGGB*

*Hugs everyone else who needs them this first day of August*
I'm really bad about remembering to come in here and post. Heck, I'm bad about remembering to post ANYWHERE, however I wanted to come back and give y'all an update.

I was in last summer asking for hugs for the wee boy of a friend and for another friend, both who were going through cancer treatments. Well, I'm ecstatic to report that the wee boy is such a trooper! He's finished with his treatments and is doing GREAT! His poor momma was having a really hard time of it because her job kept her traveling, so she had to work through the worst of it. His big sister, who really isn't that old, was also having a tough time understanding why baby brother was getting all the attention and why Momma was such a basket case.

Fortunately, Momma was surrounded by friends (including my sister who kept me updated) and family who more than pitched in to make sure that husband and daughter were well loved. Still, it is an incredible relief to know that wee boy is up and around and acting a complete terror once again.

My other friend has come through his chemo and radiation after experiencing some incredible lows. It's strange, but he had ended up with a type of cancer that, as a life-long non-smoker/non-drinker, he NEVER should have had, but he did, and now he's through it. Thank goodness. Of course, now he's getting funny results in other cancer-related tests, but I know his doctors will find that they're over-reacting and he'll be back on the job in another month.

I can't thank this group enough for all the hugs and prayers they offered up. I do believe that it helped.

Despite my complete lack of posting, you have all been in my thoughts and I know good things will happen for you.

I'm so glad you updated for us. *HUGS*

Anna's post was an excellent way to come back from my vacation. *hugs Anna*

*hugs Spicy*
*hugs Babyslave*
*hugs GGGB*

*Hugs everyone else who needs them this first day of August*

YAY You're back!!!! *HUGS*
Anna's post was an excellent way to come back from my vacation. *hugs Anna*

*hugs Azul* Thanks, and I hope your vacation was marvelous.

*hugs Spicy* And thank you. I'm glad I came back to let y'all know what was going on and how much the hugs and prayers from everyone here meant.

Anybody else thinking we should come together and form an Olympic Hug Team? We'd be there to offer consoling and healing hugs to the runners-up.
I'm really bad about remembering to come in here and post. Heck, I'm bad about remembering to post ANYWHERE, however I wanted to come back and give y'all an update.

I was in last summer asking for hugs for the wee boy of a friend and for another friend, both who were going through cancer treatments. Well, I'm ecstatic to report that the wee boy is such a trooper! He's finished with his treatments and is doing GREAT! His poor momma was having a really hard time of it because her job kept her traveling, so she had to work through the worst of it. His big sister, who really isn't that old, was also having a tough time understanding why baby brother was getting all the attention and why Momma was such a basket case.

Fortunately, Momma was surrounded by friends (including my sister who kept me updated) and family who more than pitched in to make sure that husband and daughter were well loved. Still, it is an incredible relief to know that wee boy is up and around and acting a complete terror once again.

My other friend has come through his chemo and radiation after experiencing some incredible lows. It's strange, but he had ended up with a type of cancer that, as a life-long non-smoker/non-drinker, he NEVER should have had, but he did, and now he's through it. Thank goodness. Of course, now he's getting funny results in other cancer-related tests, but I know his doctors will find that they're over-reacting and he'll be back on the job in another month.

I can't thank this group enough for all the hugs and prayers they offered up. I do believe that it helped.

Despite my complete lack of posting, you have all been in my thoughts and I know good things will happen for you.

What wonderful news, Anna!!! :nana: My prayers are that they both continue to thrive and experience the love and support that helped them through. :rose:

*HUGS* to everyone. :kiss:

Hope you had a wonderful holiday, Azul. :)
A shy hello

I wanted to stop in to say hi. Leave some hugs and maybe take some with me. Life has been....busy. I think about you often, all of you and hope all is okay. I'm sorry I can't stay longer. Love you!

I wanted to stop in to say hi. Leave some hugs and maybe take some with me. Life has been....busy. I think about you often, all of you and hope all is okay. I'm sorry I can't stay longer. Love you!


Miss You Hugs Babyslave :rose:
Sneaking in....with a selfish request. Birthday hugs.... please? (and thank you!)

Miss y'all. Hope you're well. Take care and HUGE hugs for everyone. :rose:
Leaving hugs, kisses and cuddles for everyone. And prayers that the Frankenstorm won't cause too much damage, no harm to anyone here, or anyone of yours. Bundle up, be prepared. I'm off to do some shopping. Need to ready the flashlights and purchase some staples. Thinking pb & j will do for a couple days. I expect that if the high winds here are as bad as they expect, I'll be without power by this time tomorrow. Flannel sheets on the bed, everything charged, cell phone, mp3 player, camera, laptop. Ready as I can be, I guess.

Take care all. (((((HUGS))))
Leaving hugs, kisses and cuddles for everyone. And prayers that the Frankenstorm won't cause too much damage, no harm to anyone here, or anyone of yours. Bundle up, be prepared. I'm off to do some shopping. Need to ready the flashlights and purchase some staples. Thinking pb & j will do for a couple days. I expect that if the high winds here are as bad as they expect, I'll be without power by this time tomorrow. Flannel sheets on the bed, everything charged, cell phone, mp3 player, camera, laptop. Ready as I can be, I guess.

Take care all. (((((HUGS))))

Stay Safe ((Hugs))
Leaving hugs, kisses and cuddles for everyone. And prayers that the Frankenstorm won't cause too much damage, no harm to anyone here, or anyone of yours. Bundle up, be prepared. I'm off to do some shopping. Need to ready the flashlights and purchase some staples. Thinking pb & j will do for a couple days. I expect that if the high winds here are as bad as they expect, I'll be without power by this time tomorrow. Flannel sheets on the bed, everything charged, cell phone, mp3 player, camera, laptop. Ready as I can be, I guess.

Take care all. (((((HUGS))))

It's heading this way too. You'd think I'd be more prepared, but the mister tends to scoff at weather forecasts AND he's heading out of town tonight. Loser.

Hugs for those of us in the path, directly or indirectly.

GREAT news from home. The friend with the wee boy who was fighting cancer last year has moved within a five-minute walk from my sister's house. He's getting started in school and has become a holy terror in the way that only five-year old boys can be. It's wonderful to know that he's bounced back so well. So again, thank all of you for the hugs and prayers on his and his family's behalf.
Is this thread completely dead, or can I still ask for hugs?

Cause I could use some hugs. :(