Being a woman in geek culture

Someone like Primadonna coming in here doesn't bother me because he's a fucking tool, and I don't give a damn because once he tried to ruin my marriage years ago

Uhm, what?

Ever tried to get professional help for your loss of reality?
Look Bunny, you're my friend. My real friend. I actually do care about you as a person. But sometimes you can be super insensitive.

Please just listen to what you're saying, girl. I love you but damn you can be fucking cold sometimes.

I care about social issues PASSIONATELY. With all my heart. And I'm feeling like you're telling me that one of my most cared about life goals is "useless". C'mon, can't you understand how that'd make me feel? Obviously you can do whatever you want, say whatever you want and go wherever you want, but can you please consider your words and actions before you do/say them when it comes to people that actually care about you, please?

Someone like Primadonna coming in here doesn't bother me because he's a fucking tool, and I don't give a damn because once he tried to ruin my marriage years ago, he became socially irrelevant. Some rando jagoff that doesn't understand the FIRST thing about geek culture, women's issues or Feminism comes in here and acts a fool, whatever. They're strangers.

But you're my actual friend, and when my friends hurt me, that hurts for real.

ANY argument of any kind is pretty much a pointless argument, and that's coming from someone who values argument a lot. You sure are invested a lot in making "pointless" as literal as possible to maximize your outrage, and it looks like nothing whatsoever about spoons and context hit your brain, yet she's the one being insensitive?
ANY argument of any kind is pretty much a pointless argument, and that's coming from someone who values argument a lot. You sure are invested a lot in making "pointless" as literal as possible to maximize your outrage, and it looks like nothing whatsoever about spoons and context hit your brain, yet she's the one being insensitive?

Yeah, she is. And it's easy to look out from an outside perspective and strongly imply that people are overreacting when you're lucky enough to not be involved with the situation, so you can just move the hell on with that shit. :)
Yeah, she is. And it's easy to look out from an outside perspective and strongly imply that people are overreacting when you're lucky enough to not be involved with the situation, so you can just move the hell on with that shit. :)

So, when black guys rape white women to fight discrimination, they are not overreacting, everyone else is just looking from an outside perspective. Got it. :)

"My name is Brianna Wu. I develop video games for your phone. I lead one of the largest professional game-development teams of women in the field. Sometimes I speak out on women in tech issues. I’m doing everything I can to save my life except be silent.

The week before last, I went to court to file a restraining order against a man who calls himself “The Commander.” He made a video holding up a knife, explaining how he’ll murder me “Assassin’s Creed Style.” He wrecked his car en route to my house to “deliver justice.” In logs that leaked, he claimed to have weapons and a compatriot to do a drive-by.

After the crash, he sent me a deranged video that Jezebel called “bizarre” and “terrifying.” Sam Biddle of Gawker said that if this happened to him, he’d be “locked in a closet rocking back and forth.” For me, it’s just another Tuesday. My capacity to feel fear has worn out, as if it’s a muscle that can do no more."


What if male superhero costumes were designed like female superhero costumes?
I come here because I am fascinated by the very idea of geeks. I have traveled

a bit, met many people of all so called categories. I have had friends ask me why I was talking to that person. I usually replied with, they wanted to talk. The friend would say well they are geeks, nerds, ugly, mean, stupid, not in the in crowd, hoods, religious fanatics, and many that can not be repeated in our PC world. I would reply, well they were nice to me and drop the subject but not the new friend or old friend.

The point is these are only labels. What some one chooses to label another is their own opinion. Every one has something about them that is worth knowing them for. Well most everyone, actually everyone but the trolls , of which I am one, so I can say that.

Any way, in my muddled way I am trying to say I like your comment. If you don't like it just walk away. No need to grab a horse biscuit and fling it. All you are doing is throwing grass and grain and what is the point.
Thought some of you might enjoy this: Sad Puppies Review Books.

Background on the Sad Puppies thing here, but these parody reviews remind me very much of certain Literotica commenters.

The Little Prince:

The one good moment in the story is when the Prince realizes that a self-entitled bitch of a rose is taking advantage of him and decides to go his own way. If more men went their own way then we would break the stranglehold that Feminazis have on the sex supply and you can bet there would be more equality around here...

Listen, I’m not sure if the Prince wanting to fuck a rose is supposed to be bestiality or symbolism. I don’t approve of either one of those things, but either way it’s just plain illogical. If roses do it for him, why would he be upset to find out that he can have all the roses he wants? This is some namby-pamby SJW bullshit. He had the power. He had all of the power! The book acts like he didn’t because that’s the lesson it wants to teach young men: that they never have the power. They want men to believe that even with dozens of girls around them they aren’t entitled to sex...

This is why I don’t trust metaphors. A massive glistening rocket ship with thousands of tons of thrust behind it is just one thing. If you start saying that things can be other things, there’s no limit on how many other things they can be. When anything means everything, then everything means nothing.

The Monster At The End Of This Book:

The cover of this book promises a monster, which implies there’s going to be a battle. But there’s no battle. There is barely even a monster! Just some blue gamma male wimp who begs and pleads with you to stop reading the book on every page.

Looking at the obviously inflated Amazon reviews I can only conclude that a number of weak-willed liberal readers gave in to this blue cuck’s loathsome SJW bullying tactics and stopped reading before the disappointing reveal.