Being a Braves fan must suck


Literotica Guru
Jan 11, 2009
Well, another regular season success that finds an ugly end in postseason. I can't imagine supporting this team. The Falcons suck now too! :D
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It must be worse being ChinaBandit with the traffic your threads draw...

You're the Jacksonville of Lit.

It must be worse being ChinaBandit with the traffic your threads draw...

You're the Jacksonville of Lit.


Unlike some, I don't care who reads my threads or not.

It's not important. Similar to a home school student's application to an Ivy League college.:D
I did try to watch last nights game but in the 8th inning decided ~ sleep was more worth my time - lol - so pulled up the blanket~ turned off the TV and went on to sleep and watched the news this am to see who came out on top.