

Rarrr No caffeine
Oct 25, 2002
Well I didn't see this one already done... though it may have been and I missed it. But here goes, My Master wants me to beg better while we are engaged in a scene. So here is a place to lay your best begs... I can write them just freeze up when it comes to saying... something I need to get over but have fun with it
This is generally in a sexual scene where I have to beg to be allowed to climax
Please, mighty Sir, O One Exalted above all others in the universe, out of Your infinite compassion, permit Your unworthy
servant her miserable satisfaction.

I'm begging You from knees humbly bent, willing to endure all for a smile of approval from your kind face, please, please allow it.

I can't bear it, O my god, I just can't, please please worthy Sir.

God this is too much, I just can't take any more, sorry my Lord if I seem to press you, O God, O God, it's awful. I'd do it for you, forever, of course, I'd wait a thousand years for your favor, but it's so hard, so damned hard, please, O please have mercy, I'm begging you.
pL ees ae

If it's in person or on the phone, begging can become that kind of a stream of consciousness sort of thing... who knows what comes out my mouth - it's pretty intimate and perhaps even slightly embarrassing to put on a public board... it's puncuated by by how it is said, and lots and lots of moans, whimpers, panting, gasps, etc.

If it's online, my begging usually becomes overtly filled with typos, pauses and short, choppy, hacked pleas. I would need my wits about me to write anything that was involved or compelling for the reader.

Sometimes She wants certain things said, and if they are involved or complicated at all, it's very challenging for me. Suppose that's part of the fun for Her, watching the control slip away - then I am truly begging.

Oh please Master more, more, oh my god plllllllllllllllllllllease let me cum oh god Master (body shaking) breathing very heavily oh my god Master Lord of all you survey please may i cum?

This is JMO, so take it as such...but all of that sounds just damn corny to me.

No offense meant to anyone that likes this kind of play, but there's no way I personally could say ANY of that without busting out laughing or dressing up in Shakespearean atire beforehand. :)
When My boy begs, it is more about the panting, moaning, how he trembles at my touch. He is hoarse with desire and need. A pleading look, a small whimper, body lanuage.

The only real idea that I can offer is this:
You are submitting to His Will. You are helpless to Him. You can beg for His Gift of Domination. Consider begging to be allowed to prove your submission to Him.

Good luck.

Helena :rose:
Goddess Helena said:
When My boy begs, it is more about the panting, moaning, how he trembles at my touch. He is hoarse with desire and need. A pleading look, a small whimper, body lanuage.

The only real idea that I can offer is this:
You are submitting to His Will. You are helpless to Him. You can beg for His Gift of Domination. Consider begging to be allowed to prove your submission to Him.

Good luck.

Helena :rose:

Nicely put, Helena!

By the time I'm begging for it I am normally willing to say anything He asks

"Say your a penguin"

I'M A PENGUIN!@#$ lol, i'm not proud of that, but its the gods only truth.

To stem some of the embarrassment I usually lapse into French. No, my Dom doesn't speak french...thats the point. He takes it as a good sign because it means whatever I'm muttering is a little...okay alot...embarrassing to me. If he's feeling particularly sneaky he makes me repeat whatever it is in english before he'll give me his permission. Or worse...wait till i've come down from the high, after the snuggles and THEN want to know...

I'm not sure i've ever been as embarrassed as the first time I had to translate "I want to melt into your body and breath a little death" after the glow had worn off *blushes*

Maybe you could try something like that...although I don't know how your dom would take it

Magic words

Please is powerful. Thank you is sublime.Please Thank you

But then, I'm something of a minimalist. It's in your tone. The look in your eye. The way you hold your head. It's a totality, not a gesture.
Re: Magic words

Peter2002 said:
Please is powerful. Thank you is sublime.Please Thank you

But then, I'm something of a minimalist. It's in your tone. The look in your eye. The way you hold your head. It's a totality, not a gesture.

Amen to the above
Another thing you might want to consider is looking into a mirror and practicing your begging. While a lot of people may not believe it, you can improve your speaking skills by practicing your speech in a mirror. The same principle applies to begging.

When you watch yourself in the mirror, observe your facial features: the way your eyebrows move, the way your eyes shift, the way your lips part, the way your tongue darts about. Try this and see if you can't find an expression that reflects the absolute desperation and need that you feel when you beg. Words are one thing, but body language is extremely important as well.